Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

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11 Street S.W. Community Mobility Improvements Project

Project update - September 2023

Construction for the 11 Street S.W. Community Mobility Improvements project was completed in late 2021.

Workers will be returning on-site starting September 11th to complete minor sidewalk, pathway, and roadway repairs between 12 Avenue and 17 Avenue S.W.

This work is anticipated to be completed by the end of fall 2023. Business access will be maintained at all times.

Project overview

The City of Calgary planned to improve access and connectivity for people who walk, wheel and drive along 11 Street S.W.

In 2021, we made improvements to 11 Street S.W., from 12 Avenue to 17 Avenue S.W., by implementing changes such as traffic calming to reduce vehicle speeds, improving accessibility and completing missing links for shared wheeling (cycling and scooting) lanes.

Approved design

Click to enlarge image

paving surface overlay was planned for 11 Street S.W. in 2021, so it was an opportunity to make these planned improvements in 2021 as well. Improvements to the street include separated lanes for people cycling and scooting, curb extensions, upgraded sidewalk ramps and improved pedestrian crossings.

Project goals:

  • Implement corridor improvements such as speed reduction, traffic calming and wayfinding.
  • Improve accessibility, network connections and provide more options for different modes of travel to the many businesses and parks along 11 Street S.W.
  • Identify opportunities to enhance existing facilities and improve connections for people who walk or wheel.

Study area map

Click to enlarge

Frequently Asked Questions


What improvements were constructed?

Improvements we constructed on 11 Street S.W. include new separated wheeling lanes, traffic calming curb extensions, upgraded sidewalk ramps and improved pedestrian crossings.

When did construction occur?

Pre-construction utilities work, including the relocation of street lights, was completed in July 2021. Road construction occurred between August and December 2021. We will be back in 2022 when weather permits to finish final landscaping and permanent road painting.


How has parking and delivery/loading changed on the corridor?

To improve accessibility and network connections and also provide more options for different modes of travel to the many businesses and parks along 11 Street S.W., all parking along 11 Street S.W. from 12 Avenue to 16 Avenue S.W. is now consolidated to the west side of the corridor.

Wheeling facility

Why were wheeling lanes added to 11 Street S.W.?

11 Street S.W. is a key corridor in the downtown network. The new wheeling lanes extends the existing facility that previously ended at 12 Avenue, south to 17 Avenue S.W. The new facility not only connects to the cycle track network on 12 Avenue, it also provides Calgarians with new ways to travel between Thomson Family Park, Connaught Park and Connaught School, and to businesses along 11 Street S.W.

What is a wheeling facility?

A wheeling facility (also called a cycle track, cycle path or cycle lane) is a lane separated from other modes of traffic. Providing separate facilities for those who wheel, walk or drive and makes sharing the road a more safe and predictable experience for everyone.

You can learn more about the types of cycle tracks and wheeling lanes and tips for cycling in Calgary here.

What do I need to know about clearing snow from a sidewalk beside a cycle track?

We have tips on snow-clearing a sidewalk beside a cycle track. Please review this information and share with contractors.

Curb extensions

What do curb extensions do?

A curb extension reduces crossing distance for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections. It allows pedestrians and drivers to see each other when parked cars would otherwise block visibility. Curb extensions increase the likelihood that drivers will stop for someone waiting to walk across the road. Curb extensions also alert drivers to changing road conditions and encourage lower speeds when travelling through an intersection or turning right by narrowing the road.


What engagement was done for 11 Street S.W. Community Mobility Improvements?

Public engagement for 11 Street S.W. Community Mobility Improvements was conducted in August 2020. Read the What We Heard report to learn more.

How did The City use engagement feedback?

When we design improvements for corridors such as 11 Street S.W., we value all input. We incorporated the feedback received, along with technical recommendations, to develop the design for 11 Street S.W. View the detailed design here.

Project timeline

  • Spring 2020 – preliminary design work
  • Summer 2020 – public engagement
  • Fall 2020 – design work to incorporate what we heard during public engagement
  • Winter 2021 – final designs shared with the community
  • Summer - fall 2021 – construction
  • End of 2021 – construction complete


Engagement for the project is complete. Thank you to everyone who provided input. The What We Heard report is available.

We incorporated the feedback received, along with technical recommendations, to develop the design for 11 Street S.W. The design was endorsed by Ward 8 Councillor Woolley and the Beltline Neighbourhood Association (BNA).

Related information

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
