Alert | State of Local Emergency in Effect

Effective July 2, indoor water-saving measures have eased. Outdoor Water Restrictions and fire ban remain in place. The city remains in a State of Local Emergency.

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Waste & Recycling plan and budget


Waste & Recycling service is focused on enabling Calgarians to reduce and manage their waste responsibly, now and into the future. The service delivers residential Black Cart, Blue Cart, Green Cart programs, container collection, as well as several community-based waste reduction and diversion programs.

The service also manages operations and environmental performance at The City’s three active and five closed landfill sites. Waste & Recycling is responsible for planning, delivering and maintaining its assets to meet current and future service needs.

Our customers

  • Calgary's residents
  • businesses and organizations. 
  • Other waste generators and haulers in the Calgary region

Our partners

  • Other City services & contractors
  • Waste Organizations (Alberta Recycling Management Authority, Recycling Council of Alberta, Green Calgary, Compost Council of Canada, National Zero Waste Council)
  • Education and community organizations (universities, school boards, community associations)
  • Governments (federal, provincial, municipal)

Value to Calgarians

  • protects health and the environment by safely removing waste from homes, businesses and communities, competently and reliably
  • provides services and information on how to reduce waste and properly dispose of garbage, recyclables, food and yard waste and household hazardous waste.
  • manages waste in compliance with regulatory requirements to protect the environment
  • continually improves and modernizes services to manage costs for customers

What we deliver

  • Programs, education, information and bylaws that enable customers to waste less and conserve more
  • Collection and processing services that support Calgarians to manage waste responsibly. 
  • Access to waste management facilities and manage processes, infrastructure and technologies that protect Calgary's environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Budget breakdown

service plan budget


Operating ($millions)
Capital ($millions)
View budget in the year of
service plan budget
Service line Breakdown
Waste & Recycling

Get a complete breakdown of how your property tax dollars are used.

Service performance

Expected 2026 performance.

Residential Waste Diverted from Landfill through Blue and Green Cart Programs

2022 was 47%

2023 mid-year was 42%

Residential Waste Generated through Black, Blue and Green Cart Programs (per household)

2022 was 827kg

2023 mid-year was 424kg

Calgarians satisfied with the job The City is doing providing Waste and Recycling services

2022 was 85%

2023 mid-year was 86%

Waste collection interruptions per 10,000 scheduled stops

2022 was 4.6

2023 mid-year was 4.8

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reduction from Landfill Gas Management (tonnes CO2e, thousands)

2022 was 58CO2e

What we've heard

The 2022 Spring Pulse survey ranked Waste & Recycling as a primary strength for The City of Calgary based on high satisfaction (85%) and importance (98%) results. Engagement with customers indicated a desire to reduce waste and minimize negative impacts on the environment, aligning with our mission statement "To enable Calgarians to reduce and manage their waste responsibly, now and into the future."

Through One Calgary engagement, Calgarians identified affordable, transparent, and fair rates and environmental protection as the top two value characteristics for our service, followed by service reliability, accessibility and safety.


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What we're watching

  • The primary trends and risks affecting Waste & Recycling relate to financial sustainability and customer relationships. 
  • Global changes to recycling markets, evolving regulations and service changes in response to customer needs and expectations affect the cost of service we deliver. 
  • Efforts to finance our future and improve financial sustainability by moving toward a cost of service model also impacts our rates and customer relationships. 
  • The City is working toward extended producer responsibility and enabling waste reduction, reuse and a more circular economy. 
  • Continued engagement of customers to strengthen the relationship with Calgarians enable better customer service and increased participation in programs. 
  • These efforts support our shared responsibility to reduce and manage waste responsibly, now and into the future to protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Our initiatives

What we plan to do

We will enable Calgarians to reduce and manage their waste responsibly now and into the future.

How we're going to get there

  • Deliver safe and efficient waste processing and disposal services at The City’s waste management facilities by complying with regulatory requirements and continually improving assets and operations in response to service demand.
  • Provide safe and reliable collection services for residential black, blue and green cart programs by adjusting to demand, continually improving service performance and investing in technology and responding to growth.
  • Continue supporting Calgarians and the community to reduce and manage their waste responsibly by providing community-wide waste management programs.
  • Provide safe and reliable container collection services to multi-residential developments, businesses and organizations through investments in technology and responding to customer needs.
  • Enable Calgarians to move towards zero waste and a more circular economy by improving access to and participation in waste reduction and diversion through communications, education, enforcement and engagement with customers.

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