Multi-purpose Vehicles
As is the case with most municipalities, a number of specialized vehicles or units are required to complete seasonal road maintenance. The majority of these units are single-purpose and are parked during their 'off-season'.
In response to a 2016 corporate-wide ask to look for capital and operational cost efficiencies while maintaining service, Fleet Services looked for opportunities to increase utilization and/or standardization within The City’s fleet. They were successful in doing so by introducing multi-purpose functionality to Roads maintenance units.
Fleet’s engineering team redesigned a standard truck chassis and the design and modifications were implemented by Fleet Services’ in-house fabrication team. The result? One dump truck chassis can now support year-round operations.
This innovative ‘plug and play’ solution allows for several applications:
- Haul truck
- Stainless steel sander spreader (snow and ice control; lane cladding application)
- Drip tank (winter anti-icer and/or spring clean-up)
- Asphalt carrier and recycler (used asphalt is ready for morning application)
This turnkey solution allows operators to switch applications in as quickly as 20 minutes. Other tangible benefits include: decreased unit count, parts inventory and operator training efficiencies, as well as, improved vehicle up-time – all of which contribute to the bottom line for organizations.
For more information on the multipurpose vehicles, including customer testimonials, or to learn more about the licensing opportunity for the patented asphalt carrier, please contact us.
Slip-in Asphalt carrier and recycler

Once the specifications for the truck chassis, hydraulic system, control system and dump box were determined, Fleet developed a slip-in asphalt carrier/recycler, with improved safety and energy efficiency. With 12 units on the road since 2016, and orders from other municipalities, this technology has demonstrated market potential.
The portable asphalt heater can be quickly mounted onto and off of the back of a multi-purpose dump truck. The modular nature enables increased utilization of fleet vehicles as the asphalt carrier/recycler can be loaded during the summer months and removed and replaced by other units at throughout the year.
It also facilitates repairs and replacement off of the truck and in the shop, allowing the vehicle to stay on the road for other applications, thereby maximizing unit up-time. In addition, the simplified gravity-fed hopper has no moving parts, allowing for longer maintenance cycles and maximizing volume for carrying loads.
The novel inverted "V"-shaped hopper lowers the centre of gravity, leading to improved safety on roads and highways. This geometry also brings the heat source closer to the centre of the mass, which along with the integration of advanced insulation and unique heating manifold on the floors and side walls, efficiently heats the material, resulting in fuel/GHG savings. The asphalt carrier also includes a 100L attached onboard tar tank with a separate temperature control. Heat generated from the flue gas from within the tar tank is used to assist with heating the asphalt, creating additional thermal efficiency.

For more information on the slip-in asphalt carrier and recycler or to learn more about the licensing opportunity for the patented asphalt carrier, please call 311.