EnviroSite up close
Take a closer look that the information provided by the EnviroSite report. The information provided will vary depending on the details of the site and what information is known by The City of Calgary. In some cases, your search may reveal that there is no information for that property on file with The City of Calgary. Knowing that there is no information for the property is valuable, and is not a result of an error while searching within the CITYonline system.
The following are brief descriptions of the fields in the report. Click on 'view a sample' to see samples of an actual EnviroSite report.
Query information
The first section of the EnviroSite report provides information about your search, including who completed the search, folio, the date it was performed, the request number, and the address used to make the query. View a sample now.
Environmental reports
EnviroSite provides the titles, authors, clients, and publication dates for environmental site assessment reports know by and submitted to The City of Calgary. View a sample now.
Petroleum Storage Tanks
The City of Calgary purchased historical underground petroleum tank data from the Petroleum Tank Management Association of Alberta. As already mentioned this data is historical and only provides the number of known tanks on or before 1996. View a sample now.
EnviroSite map
EnviroSite (both the basic and premium) include a map drawing of the searched site. This map is similar to CITYonline's MapView with the addition of landfill information for the searched property plus the adjacent properties which are within 100 metres of the search address boundaries. Visit the EnviroSite glossary for definitions of the terms used in the map. View a sample now.