Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Designated cannabis consumption areas for festivals and events

Event organizers in Calgary can set up outdoor cannabis consumption areas linked to approved events. However, they need approval from the City of Calgary Interdepartmental Event Team for these open-air spaces. Event Opportunity forms must be submitted 60 days prior to the event.


Designated cannabis consumption area regulations

Organizers planning to host a cannabis consumption area must meet these guidelines:

  1. Responsible consumption: Ensure trained staff supervise and manage the cannabis consumption area responsibly.
  2. Legislative compliance: Follow all federal, provincial, and municipal regulations regarding cannabis consumption at festivals and events.
  3. Youth impact minimization: Take measures to minimize the impact on youth when organizing cannabis consumption areas.
  4. Second-hand smoke reduction: Prevent festival and event attendees from being exposed to second-hand smoke in the cannabis consumption areas.​

Approval for a cannabis consumption area entails the following conditions:

  • Integration with larger events: Cannabis consumption areas must be part of a larger festival or event.
  • Distance restrictions: These areas must stay at least 100 meters from specific locations like sports fields, playgrounds, and schools.
  • Prohibited locations: Consumption areas are not permitted on school or hospital properties.
  • Age restrictions: Minors are not allowed in cannabis consumption areas.
  • Organizer liability: Event organizers are responsible for ensuring safety within the consumption area and must employ trained security to enforce rules and remove minors.
  • Alcohol prohibition: Alcohol is prohibited within cannabis consumption areas, and separate areas are required for beer gardens.
  • Physical requirements: Consumption areas must be fenced with blackout screening and include appropriate waste disposal facilities.
  • Sales restrictions: Selling or distributing cannabis within consumption areas is not allowed.
  • Regulatory compliance: Organizers must obtain a Fire Occupancy Load card and may be required to pay duty officers as determined by the Calgary Police Service.
  • Medical support: On-site medical support must be assessed by Alberta Health Services.
  • Advertising regulations: Organizers must adhere to federal regulations concerning cannabis advertising and promotion.

Applying for a cannabis consumption area

An application for a cannabis consumption area must include the following documents:

Site map

  • A drawing of the entire site, including labelled consumption areas, entrances and exits.
  • Measurements of all spaces, including the consumption area, entrances, exits, and the entire site perimeter.
  • Clearly identifed fencing and blackout screening fo the perimeter.
  • Measurements identifying a 100 metre radius from a sport and playing field, a skateboard or bicycle park, a zoo, an outdoor theatre, an outdoor pool or splash pad, and a playground.

Security plan

A security plan must include:

  • Dates and times security will be on site.
  • Number of security personnel.
  • Verification of trained security staff to manage a cannabis consumption area. SellSafe cannabis training is available from the Alberta Liquor and Gaming Commission.

Medical plan

  • The level of medical care on site.
  • The location of a medical service area.
  • The communication plan between event organizers, staff, and on site medical services.
  • The times that medical services will be available during the event.

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