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Important Funding Information Management System contacts and information about organizations, users and managing files.

Important contacts

If you forgot your business ID number, need to get one, or have questions about the process:

  • To obtain a business id number, please go to the How to Apply section of
  • Visit Business not requiring a municpal licence if unsure if a your organization requires a licence
  • Visit in person at the Planning Services Centre located on the third floor of the Calgary Municipal Building at 800 Macleod Trail S.E.
  • Call Business License & Registration 403-268-5311

If you forgot your registered primary email address, need to register it, or have questions about this process:

  • Call Business License & Registration 403-268-5311

​​If you need to set up your myID business account, are having technical issues, or have questions about this process:

​​If you have questions about FIMS:

Creating a myID Business Account (prior to accessing FIMS)

How will my organization access FIMS?

Your organization will access FIMS through a myID Business Account. A myID Business Account is a single sign-on approach used by businesses and organizations to access City services online.

My organization doesn’t have a myID business account. How do we create one?

Create a myID Business Account by registering a new business to obtain a Business ID number, register a primary contact with Business Licensing & Registration.

Registering a new business will automatically have a myID business administrator account created as part of the application process. You do not need a business license if you are a non-profit or charity providing social services, however you will still need to go through the process of registering in order to create an account.

Steps to create a myID Business Account can be found here: Funding Information Management System (FIMS).

If you already have a Business ID number and have registered a primary contact:

My organization doesn’t have a business ID number. How do we get one?

Apply for a Business ID number by registering a new business. You can register in any of the following ways: 

  • Online at Business Licencing and Permits.
  • In person at the Planning Services Centre located on the third floor of the Calgary Municipal Building at 800 Macleod Trail S.E. 
  • By calling 403-268-5311 to register over the phone. 

Steps to open a myID Business Account can be found here: Funding Information Management System (FIMS).

I’ve confirmed that our organization has a Business ID number but we need to register a primary email address with The city. How do we do that?

Register your organization’s primary email address by calling 403-268-5311.

The primary email address should belong to an authority in the organization who can accept and/or reject business-related requests.

Getting Started in FIMS


I already have a personal myID account to access City services. Why can’t I use that account to access FIMS?

A personal myID account can be converted to use with a myID Business Account. Go to: myID Business Account Convert to myID business administrator account. You will require the Business ID Number and ensure the Business License Registered primary contact is up-to-date.

If the organization you are with does not have a myID account, you’ll need to create a myID business account. Steps to create a myID Business Account can be found here: Funding Information Management System (FIMS).

How do I link myID to a user in FIMS?

When setting up user account in myID and contact in FIMS, the myID and FIMS accounts are linked through the email address.

Making Staff/User Changes to a FIMS/myID account

FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts

Review FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document for instructions to:

  • Add a New User to FIMS and myID
  • Update User Profiles in FIMS and myID
  • Maintain FIMS Access and Roles
  • Promote or Demote myID Accounts
  • Delete or Hide a FIMS Contacts and Close myID Accounts
  • Reactivate a Closed myID Account and Open a Hidden or Deleted FIMS Contact
  • Terms and Descriptions for FIMS, myID and Business Licensing & Registration

We don’t know who the Business Licencing and Registration registered primary contact is or where email requests are going

Call Business Licencing and Registration at 403-268-5311 to review and update the registered primary contact.

Why is correspondence and FIMS notifications going to the wrong people in my organization?

The organization needs to log in FIMS and update contacts assigned to the organization Primary, Primary Delegate, Accounting and Board roles. The contact assigned to the Primary role will receive all FIMS notifications, correspondence and emails. Contacts assigned to the Primary Delegate receive all FIMS notifications. Contacts assigned to the Accounting roles will receive finance-related FIMS notifications.

I added other staff to my organization’s contacts in FIMS. How do they get their username and password?

Review the FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document to add users to FIMS and myID.

I changed my name, prefix and email address. How do I change it in FIMS and myID?

To change your prefix, log into FIMS, go to my profile and select a suggested prefix from the drop-down list or enter in your prefix.

To change your name and email, log into FIMS, go to myID and select Account Settings. Select Edit Profile. Change your name and email. Select Continue.

Note: If you update your e-mail address: your will need to verify your access to the new e-mail address before it is applied to your myID account.

How do I change my login userid?

To change your login userid, log into FIMS, go to myID and select Account Settings. Select Edit Profile. Change Username. myID will ensure the entered username is available. Select Continue.

How do we as an organization, remove a user from myID and FIMS?

Review the FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document to close myID accounts and delete or hide contacts in FIMS.

How does a user become a Business Administrator?

Review the FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document to add users, and promote a Business User account to a Business Administrator account.

Can an organization have more than one Business Administrator?

​Yes, having more than one Business Administrator ensures business continuity.

The organization Business Administrator is no longer with the organization

A staff or contact can create a personal myID account which can be converted to use with a myID Business Account. Go to: myID Business Account Convert to myID business administrator account. You will require the Business ID Number and ensure the Business License Registered primary contact is up-to-date.

Contact 311 to submit a ticket for additional myID support.

How does a Business Administrator become a User?

Review the FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document to demote a Business Administrator account to a Business Unser account.

All users that had access to myID and FIMS are no longer with the organization

Review the FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document to close myID accounts and delete or hide contacts in FIMS.

Do staff that have access to FIMS require their own login and password?

For security purposes, it is best practice that each user has their own myID/FIMS account and login.

What are the account types for myID and FIMS?

There are some differences between account types, access and roles in myID and FIMS:

  • An organization may have more than one Administrator.
  • If a user is an Administrator in myID, they will be an Administrator in FIMS.
  • If a user is a User in myID, they will be a Contact in FIMS.
Account Type myID - Description FIMS - Description


  • Update own and other user profiles
  • Add Users to myID
  • Close User Accounts
  • Demote own and other users account to User account
  • Update own and other users profiles
  • Update organization profile
  • Add users to FIMS
  • Delete or Hide users in FIMS
  • Full access to FIMS


  • Update own profile
  • Promote account to Administrator
  • Update own profile
  • FIMS Access as assigned

Review FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document to learn more about changing Account Types.

What is the difference in FIMS Access and how do I change Access?

When new users log into FIMS, default access is set to None. Access can be changed at any time by contacts in the Business Administrator, Primary or Primary Delegates roles.

Access: None

  • Contacts are not able to view any information in FIMS.

Access: Read

  • Contacts can read all information in FIMS, including application, reports, financial reports and uploaded documents.

Access: Full

  • Contacts can read all information in FIMS.
  • Contacts can complete and submit applications, reports, financial reports, upload and delete documents.
  • The Business Administrator, Primary and Primary Delegate roles automatically have full access.

Review FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document to change user Access.

What are FIMS Roles, and how do I change Roles?

Primary and Primary Delegate

  • Have Full Access in FIMS.
  • Can update the organization profile and add contacts to FIMS.
  • Receives all FIMS email notifications.
  • The difference between Primary and Primary Delegate role is:
    • Primary is the main contact in the organization. This person will be indicated on organization paper and email correspondence and agreements
    • Primary Delegate is the person(s) who may act as a back-up to the Primary through co-directing, delegated duties, succession planning etc.
    • Both roles have full access in FIMS, have the same authority as a FIMS Business Administrator and will receive all FIMS email and messages.


  • Will receive finance-related FIMS email notifications.


  • Does not receive any FIMS email notifications.

Contacts not assigned an organization role

  • Will not receive any FIMS email notifications.

Review FIMS Contacts, Roles and Access & myID Accounts document to change user 

Making Organization Changes to an account

Update or register the Primary contact with Business Licence

To register or update the organization’s primary email address with Business Licencing call 403-268-5311. The primary email address should belong to an authority in the organization who can accept and/or reject business-related requests. It can take up to two days for a primary email address to be updated in the system.

Update the organization name, address or other organization information in FIMS, myID and Business Licencing

In FIMS, the Administrator or Primary and/or Primary Delegate contact may change the organization name, address, phone and fax numbers or email in the organization profile. Note that the legal registered name of the organization must be used in FIMS. When the organization name address, phone numbers or email is changed in FIMS it will not update myID, however this will not limit the users function in FIMS. 

For myID, contact 311 and submit a ticket for additional myID support.

For Business Licencing, contact 403-268-5311.

User Account Trouble Shooting

When I log into FIMS, I see a blank screen

The Administrator or Primary and/or Primary Delegate for your organization needs to log into FIMS and provide you access. 

I forgot my myID/FIMS username and/or password, how do I get it reset?

When you go to log into FIMS, select Forgot your Username or Forgot your password and follow the directions. If these steps do not assist in resetting your password, contact 311 to submit a ticket for additional myID support.

I'm having trouble logging into FIMS or receive a 404 Error.

Review the below items to assist in accessing FIMS:

  • Ensure you have a FIMS user account.
  • Close all web browser windows and open new browser. 
  • Clear cache of internet browser (ie chrome, edge).
  • Use URL: and not a saved link to access FIMS. 
  • Log in on a different device.
  • Log in using a different web browser.

Documents in FIMS

We have provided documents to The City previously, are the documents in FIMS now?

You will be required to upload new and updated documents in FIMS.

How do I save a file and upload it in FIMS?

Any user with full access may upload documents in FIMS. Select Documents from the side menu, add document, select document type, add additional information as required and select upload. Users with read access are able to open and view all documents.

Which documents are required to be updated in FIMS?

If the organization receives funding, documents required by the fund should be kept current. Documents to upload and keep updated include, but is not limited to:

  • Organization Structure Chart
  • Strategic Plan, including vision and mission
  • Certificate of registration or incorporation
  • Insurance Certificate 
  • Board of Directors 
  • Business Plan

About Applications and Reporting

What if our organization would like to submit a joint application with another organization?

The application would be submitted by the organization that will be responsible for receiving payment, year end and financial reporting requirements.

How do I access an application in FIMS?

When an organization is able to access FIMS, applications for funding are available in the Available funding tab. When an application is opened and saved, the saved application can be access in the Application tab.

For additional support: FIMS Online Training

Where can I find Reports to be completed in FIMS?

FIMS reporting is available in the Financial Reporting and Year End reporting tabs. Year End Reporting tab includes program mid, and end reports.

For additional support: FIMS Online Training

Contact Us, Additional Resources and Training



  • myID business account FAQS:
  • myID Support: call 311 and submit a ticket

Business Licencing & Registration

Business Licencing & Registration Support: call 403-268-5311

In person at Planning Services Centre located on the 3rd floor of the Calgary Municipal Building, 800 Macleod Trail S.E.

Terms and Definitions – FIMS and myID Account Types, Roles, and Access

FIMS Terms and Definitions




  • Staff names and information added to FIMS.
  • Contacts assigned Primary, Primary Delegate, or Accounting roles receive email FIMS notifications.
  • Default access is None. Access can be changed by contacts assigned as the Business Administrator, Primary or Primary Delegate.
  • Assignment of roles can be changed by contacts assigned as the Business Administrator, Primary or Primary Delegate.
  • If a contact has a Business User account in myID, they will be a contact in FIMS.
  • If a contact has a Business Administrator account in myID, they will be Business Administrator in FIMS.
Administrator Role
  • Log in and access myID and FIMS
  • The Business Administrator automatically has Full access to FIMS.
  • Update own profile.
  • Update organization profile, including organization details, mail and street address, add contacts, and assign roles and access.
  • Organizations are encouraged to have more than one person assigned as a Business Administrator.
  • If a staff has a Business Administrator account in myID, they will be assigned the Business Administrator role in FIMS.
Assigned Role: Primary
  • Only one Contact can be assigned the Primary role in FIMS.
  • The contact assigned the Primary role should be the main organization contact.
  • If the contact in the Primary role has a myID/FIMS account, they automatically have Full access to FIMS.
  • The Primary role can update the organization profile, including organization details, mail and street address, add, delete and hide contacts, and assign roles and access.
  • Receives all email FIMS notifications.
  • The staff assigned the Primary role will be indicated on organization paper and email correspondence and funding agreements.
  • The Primary Role in FIMS is not linked to the business license registered primary email address.
Assigned Role: Primary Delegate
  • There can be many Contacts assigned the Primary Delegate role in FIMS.
  • Primary Delegate is the person(s) who may act as a back-up to the Primary through co-directing, delegated duties, succession planning etc.
  • If the staff in the Primary Delegate role has a myID/FIMS account, they automatically have Full access to FIMS.
  • The Primary Delegate role can update organization profile, including organization details, mail and street address, add, delete and hide contacts, and assign roles and access.
  • Receives all email FIMS notifications.
Assigned Role: Accounting
  • There can be many Contacts assigned the Accounting role in FIMS.
  • All staff assigned the Accounting role receives all finance-related email FIMS notifications.
  • Default access is None. Access can be changed by contacts assigned as the Business Administrator, Primary or Primary Delegate.
Assigned Role: Board  
  • There can be many Contacts assigned the Board role in FIMS.
  • Does not receive email FIMS notifications.
  • Default access is None. Access can be changed by contacts assigned as the Business Administrator, Primary or Primary Delegate.
Access: None
  • Contacts are not able to view any information in FIMS.
Access: Read
  • Contacts can read all information in FIMS, including application, reports, financial reports and uploaded documents.
Access: Full  
  • Contacts can read all information in FIMS.
  • Contacts can complete and submit applications, reports, financial reports, upload and delete documents.
  • The Business Administrator, Primary and Primary Delegate roles automatically have full access.

MyID Terms and Definitions



User Account
  • Log in and access myID and FIMS.
  • Update own profile and change password.
  • Promote User account to Administrator account. Requires approval from the Business Licensing registered primary contact.
  • A person with a User account in myID, will have access and be a contact in FIMS. Assignment of roles and access is assigned by the Administrator, Primary or Primary Delegate roles in FIMS.
Administrator Account
  • Log in and access myID and FIMS.
  • Update own profile and change password.
  • Create, update profiles, promote, demote, close and reactivate all User and Administrator accounts.
  • Organizations are encouraged to have more than one staff have an Administrator account.
  • If a staff has an Administrator account in myID, they will be assigned an Administrator role in FIMS.
Promote Account
  • Promote User account to Administrator account. Requires approval from the Business Licensing registered primary contact.
Demote Account
  • An Administrator can demote any myID administrator account.
Close Account
  • An Administrator can close any User and Administrator accounts.
Reactivate Closed Account
  • An Administrator can reactivate any User and Administrator closed accounts.

Business Licencing Terms and Definitions



Registered Primary Contact
  • The registered primary contact approves Business Administrator accounts.
  • To register your organization’s primary contact call 403-268-5311.
  • The primary contact should belong to an authority in the organization who manages business-related requests.
  • The registered primary contact not linked to the Primary role in FIMS.