• Park n' Play / Stay n' Play

    ​Park n' Play for children aged 6-12 years old to enjoy games, crafts, drama, and participate in weekly activities provided by invited special quests. Stay n' Play provides free interactive programming for parents and children aged 3-5. Parents learn new activities, games and crafts each week and are provided resources to take these ideas back home. Both Park n' Play and Stay n' Play are focused on encouraging children to develop active learning, maintaining a positive attitude, keeping physically fit, healthy eating and social interactions. Ongoing community cost? No

  • Summer youth programs

    ​This drop-in program is designed to provide youth aged 12-17 with the opportunity to learn new things while having a fun and engaging experience. With a focus on teaching leadership and self-esteem skills, it allows youth to develop ideas and learn to express them through creativity. Ongoing community cost? No

  • Children's AfterSchool program

    ​Engages children grades 1to 6 in fair play, making friends, and fundamental movement skills. Implementation of High Five principles promotes healthy play in participants. Leaders provide developmentally appropriate games and challenge them to work in co-operation with their peers. The games are challenging and constructive, building friendships between children with diverse backgrounds and teaching leadership and self-esteem skills. Ongoing community cost? No

  • Youth AfterSchool programs

    ​Engages youth, grade 7-12, in a drop-in program centered on friendship building, exploring individual creativity, fundamental movement skills, and increasing self-confidence and esteem. Leaders promote teamwork by encouraging co-operation during team/partner games, building friendships and a sense of belonging. Ongoing community cost? No

  • Mobile adventure playground

    ​Calgary Recreation can setup a mobile adventure playground for a day, giving kids opportunities to play creatively and explore healthy risk in a safe environment. Adventure playgrounds are dynamic spaces where children explore, create, imagine and learn in their own way. They contain a variety of materials and loose parts such as boards, tires, tape and cardboard that children are free to use to build, demolish, assemble and change. Ongoing community cost? No

  • Calgary Parks programs

    ​Calgary Parks fosters active living through parks programming and initiatives (Day camps, Mobile Adventure Playgrounds, drop-in programs). Ongoing community cost? No

  • Adult and seniors programs

    ​Calgary Recreation offers unique programs that meet demographic needs and community interests. Previous programs include drumming, Tai Chi in the Park, and yoga for seniors. Ongoing community cost? Yes

  • Recreation equipment

    ​Calgary Recreation assists with the purchase of sporting equipment that will aid in sustaining recreation programs and opportunities. Previous equipment investments include purchasing basketballs to enable continuation of a youth basketball program and LEGO for community-led programs. Ongoing community cost? Yes

  • Pathways and bikeways

    ​The City is responsible for planning, design, construction, maintenance, and programming of Calgary's multi-use pathway system. The pathways and bikeways map is available in three formats (mobile app, online, paper) and current lifecycle and missing link work can be viewed in real time using the Calgary pathways and bikeways story map. Ongoing community cost? No

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