Beautiful / clean
Community cleanups
Organized Community Cleanup events save residents a trip to the landfill for items that do not fit in their waste and recycling carts or those who do not have cart service. The City supplies three packer trucks with crews (two for waste and one for organic materials). Ongoing community cost? No - extra services such as electronics recycling comes with a cost to community.
Graffiti Abatement program
If a property owner is unable to remove graffiti, assistance from the Corporate Coordinated Graffiti Abatement Program can be requested, free of charge. Ongoing community cost? No - The City reserves the right to decline services in certain circumstances.
Paint the pavement
Roadway mural paintings create visual interest for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The City guides citizens through the process to decide location, artwork size, and content. Ongoing community cost? Yes
Street sign repair / replace
Reviewed annually and prioritized city-wide according to severity of damage including fading and loss of reflectivity. Ongoing community cost? No
Street furniture
Bike racks, benches, little libraries, garbage bins, poster boards. These items help enhance a space where people are encouraged to gather. City or community to provide, with City approval. Ongoing community cost? Yes
Sidewalk repair / replacement
From mid-March to mid-October, The City repairs streets, curbs, gutters, lanes and sidewalks. Repairs are reviewed annually and prioritized city-wide according to safety issue and damage severity. Ongoing community cost? No
Flags and banners
Mounting decorative flags or banners on select streetlight poles is possible for a specific location or along a particular route. Community group supplies and pays for approved vendor to install. City will inspect, annually. Calgary Parks will be placing up banners in TIMN communities as a part of Canada 150 celebrations. Ongoing community cost? Yes
Utility box art
Community residents work with an artist to create an original piece of public art, using the utility box as the canvas. Ongoing community cost? Yes
The Litter Cleanup Kits
The Litter Cleanup Kit (TLC Kit) put simple tools into the hands of Calgarians when they are needed most and in locations where they can make the most impact. Each kit contains the basic necessities for individuals or groups to host their own cleanups and has gloves, garbage bags, hand sanitizer and cleanup instructions for up to 10 participants. Kits are available at many locations in Calgary. Ongoing community cost? No
Pathway and river cleanup
An annual event held on the first Sunday in May where thousands of registered volunteers help remove litter in Calgary's parks and along pathways and river banks. Ongoing community cost? No
Calgary parks aesthetics
Calgary Parks helps add character and interest to a neighbourhood by incorporating public art or aesthetic pieces in park infrastructure, for example, neighbourhood residents engage with an artist to create an original piece of public art using the Parks garbage bin as the canvas. Ongoing community cost? Yes
Community gardens
The City values community gardens and supports the creation of new and retaining existing community gardens. We are pleased to support community gardens by working with a variety of community organizations. Ongoing community cost? Yes
Urban forest and landscape
Protect and enhance urban forest and natural landscape. Engage communities on naturalization and alternate horticulture practices and projects by implementing a biodiversity strategy at the neighbourhood level, enhancing citizens' enjoyment of their local parks, and piloting new technologies, techniques and species. Ongoing community cost? No
Report bus shelter vandalism
If you see someone damaging a shelter, call 911 immediately. If you notice a shelter has been damaged and needs repair: Call 403-262-1000. Report via 311 online services. Call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 to report anonymously if you know someone who has vandalized a shelter or if you have evidence of someone vandalizing a shelter. Ongoing community cost? No