Transportation Planning
Provides a safe, reliable, efficient, customer-focused transportation system that supports all modes of travel and promotes smart growth principles.
A system that moves people and goods in a way that uses our resources efficiently, minimizes the impact on our natural environment, supports social needs and economic activity and is adaptable to change.
Bikeways and cycling projects
The City of Calgary is working to achieve the targets set out in the Council-approved Cycling Strategy to become a bike friendly city by planning, designing and building more on-street bikeways, particularly bike lanes and cycle tracks.
Calgary's first pedestrian strategy was approved in 2016 and includes 49 actions to help make Calgary safer, more comfortable and interesting for walking. The strategy, called StepForward, is built on the concerns and opportunities for improvement, shared by thousands of Calgarians.
Complete streets
An approach to street design that strives to accommodate all transportation modes including walking, cycling and transit and driving. They help create more liveable neighbourhoods that encourage people to travel by foot, bicycle and transit.