Top Tree Species for Calgary
Calgary is a unique growing climate, with weather conditions and challenges specific to our area. We’ve picked these species as examples of trees that grow well in Calgary’s variable weather.

Larger sized trees with a large canopy of leaves to provide shade.
Green Ash
Common name: Green Ash
Latin name: Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 18m tall, 12m spread
Growth rate: Medium to fast
Best growing conditions: Full sun, moist soil
Things to love: An extremely hardy tree; will grow in clay soil and survive extreme climates.
Things to keep in mind: Bark of younger trees may sunscald in winter, prone to splitting in weather events due to weak branch joint areas, subject to pests such as Emerald Ash Borer
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- A fast growing tree
- Extremely hardy tree that can tolerate almost any environmental stress

Trembling Aspen
Common name: Trembling/Quaking Aspen
Latin name: Populus tremuloides
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 15m tall, 9m Spread
Growth rate: Fast
Best growing conditions: Full sunlight, tolerates dry conditions and some standing water. Not highly tolerant of urban pollution.
Things to love: Very adaptable plant, native to North America. Smooth white bark with delicate leaves add visual texture, especially in fall when leaves turn brilliant gold.
Things to keep in mind: Aspens can be high maintenance trees, subject to pruning needs, suckering and insects / disease.
Plant this tree if you're looking for: A uniquely prairie tree, that grows quickly in large areas.

Common name: Paper Birch
Latin name: Betula papyrifera
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 18m tall, 11m Spread
Growth rate: fast
Best growing conditions: Full sun only, does best on well drained sandy or silty loam soils. Needs some protection from wind.
Things to love: A highly recognizable tree with creamy white bark and delicate foliage. They attract a variety of wildlife, especially birds
Things to keep in mind: They prefer cooler conditions: long winters and mild summers. Birch can be susceptible to insects including the bronze birch borer.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- A quick growing, showy tree
- A tree with shallow root systems, making them good for roadside or yard locations

Ohio Buckeye
Common name: Ohio Buckeye
Latin name: Aesculus glabra
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 9m tall, 9m Spread
Growth rate: Medium
Best growing conditions: Full sun/part shade, moist well-drained soil.
Things to love: Brilliant red fall foliage.
Things to keep in mind: Prone to leaf blotch, leaf scorch, and powdery mildew.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- Medium sized shade tree at maturity
- right fall coloursright fall colours

Common name: American Elm
Latin name: Ulmus americana
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 25m tall, 12m spread
Growth rate: Medium to fast
Best growing conditions: Full to partial sun, moist deep soil
Things to love: Broad green canopy provides extensive shade
Things to keep in mind:
- Prone to elm scale
- At risk for Dutch Elm Disease
- Will be a large tree at maturity with broad canopy
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- Shade
- Large tree
- Warm yellow leaves at fall

Brandon Elm
Common name: Brandon Elm
Latin name: Ulmus americana 'Brandon'
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 15m tall, 6m spread
Growth rate: Fast
Best growing conditions: Full sunlight, tolerant of city pollution and salty soil
Things to love: A more compact, slightly smaller version of the classic American Elm
Things to keep in mind:
- Prone to elm scale
- At risk for Dutch Elm Disease
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- A smalled sized elm perfect for yards
- High canopy shade
- Bright yellow fall colours

Dropmore Linden
Common name: Dropmore Linden
Latin name: Tilia x flavescens 'Dropmore'
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 10m Tall, 7m Spread
Growth rate: Slow - Medium
Best growing conditions: Full sunlight, average soil, well drained.
Things to love: Tolerant of urban pollution, the Dropmore Linden is hardy, providing fragrant butter-yellow flowers in summer.
Things to keep in mind: Flowers will attract bees and other pollinators.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- a great tree to support pollinators such as bees,
- a highly fragrant tree
- low maintenance tree
- shade

Common name: Manitoba Maple
Latin name: Acer negundo
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 9m tall, 8m Spread
Growth rate: Fast
Best growing conditions: Wide soil adaptability, can survive drought fairly well, prefers full sun.
Things to love: Fast growing, provides shelter from elements quickly and is extremely hardy against adverse conditions.
Things to keep in mind: Manitoba maples can grow erratically, during their shorter life spans- meaning vigilance in pruning to ensure good structure. Susceptible to wind damage, aphids and certain diseases.
Plant this tree if you're looking for: Soil stabilization and windbreaks
A YardSmart recommended tree.

Common name: Bur Oak
Latin name: Quercus macrocarpa
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 14m tall, 7m spread
Growth rate: Slow
Best growing conditions: deep, moist soils with full sun
Things to love: Bur Oaks have strong tap roots, making established trees more tolerant to drought. Able to widthstand Chinook conditions well.
Things to keep in mind: Not recommended for transplant due to deep tap root.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- a slow growing tree that is hardy to our climate,
- a tree that provides food and shelter for wildlife
- can be enjoyed by generations to come.
Did you know: Bur Oak acorns are a favourite food of bears- among other animals; but the tree only produces seed crops every few years- to ensure the predation of acorns is outweighed by the volume of the seeds grown.
A YardSmart recommended tree.

Common name: Balsam Poplar
Latin name: Populus balsamifera
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 25m tall, 5m spread, (NEED CANOPY SPREAD)
Growth rate: Fast
Best growing conditions: Full sun, sandy to loamy soil, well drained
Things to love: A fast growing, large canopy tree, native to Alberta. Resin coated buds in spring release a fragrant scent. Supports a variety of wildlife and encourages native biodiversity.
Things to keep in mind: Has shallow root systems that can create uneven ground, is a short lived tree compared to other species (~70 years in city environments)
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- One of the hardiest deciduous trees in Canada
- Quick growing tree well adapted to Alberta weather
- Wind or snow breaks

Northwest Poplar
Common name: Northwest Poplar
Latin name: Populus x jackii Northwest
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 25m Tall, 20m Spread
Growth rate: Fast
Best growing conditions: Wide soil adaptability, requires generous watering to establish but can tolerant some drought. Plant in full sun, or partial shade.
Things to love: This tree is fast growing, provides excellent shade and wind breaks, and is adapted and bred to thrive on prairie climates.
Things to keep in mind: Short lived – approx 30 to a maximum of 60 year life span under ideal conditions. Aggressive root system can create underground utility issues in older lots.
Plant this tree if you're looking for: A quick growing shade canopy tree in larger new lots or acreages with much space for the tree to grow.

Common name: Laurel Leaf Willow
Latin name: Salix pentandra
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 13m tall, 13m Spread
Growth rate: Fast
Best growing conditions: Full to partial sun, not drought tolerant but can withstand some flooding. Does not tolerate alkaline soils.
Things to love: A fast growing tree with limited pest and disease concerns, good for shelter from elements. Most basic pruning is needed: limited to removing dead, diseased or broken branches.
Things to keep in mind: Somewhat susceptible to die back, esp in the crown of younger trees. Will not survive drought.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- Wind/snow break
- Fast growing foliage
- Tree that does well in wetter conditions ree that does well in wetter conditions
Did you know:
- This tree supports a large variety of wildlife
- Used in production of asprin and other medications

Fruit or Flowering
Trees that are usually smaller sized, grown for decorative purposes.
Schubert Chokecherry
Common name: Schubert Chokecherry
Latin name: Prunus virginiana ‘Schubert’
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 8m tall, 5m spread
Best growing conditions: Full sun for production of fruit, tolerant of drought and shade.
Things to love:
- Unique leaf colour
- Fruit supports wildlife
Things to keep in mind:
- Prone to black knot fungus
- Prone to tent caterpillars
- Can sucker- may require clean up pruning around trunk, annually
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- Smaller, ornamental tree
- Variety of bird life on your property
- Colourful foliage
Common name: Crabapple
Latin name: Malus
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: Vary – 1.5m – 8m tall, 1.5m – 6m tall
Growth rate: Medium
Best growing conditions: Full sunlight, average to moist soil, tolerant of urban environments and pollution.
Things to love:
- Blossoms ranging in colour from creamy white to blush pink to brilliant crimson in spring, depending on variety
- Fruit supports wildlife and can be consumed by humans
- Smaller tree, perfect for small yards or densely developed areas
Things to keep in mind: Plant away from streets and sidewalks to ensure easy fruit clean up.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- Highly decorative blossoms in spring
- Fruit for human and wildlife consumption
- Smaller sized tree for yards or denser development areas
Did you know: Because of the plentiful blossoms and small fruit, crabapples are popular for use in bonsai culture.
Common name: Hawthorn
Latin name: Crataegus
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 6m tall, 6m Spread
Growth rate: Slow to Medium
Best growing conditions: Full to partial shade, adaptable to most types of soil, tolerant of dry or moist conditions – but not standing water.
Things to love: As this tree doesn’t get extremely big, it’s a good choice for smaller yards, or under utility lines.
Things to keep in mind: Hawthorn does indeed have thorns, and they can be quite sharp. Avoid planting in areas where pets/children may frequent.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- A showy spring tree with colourful blooms showy spring tree with colourful blooms
- A species that attracts birds
A YardSmart recommended tree.
Common name: Mayday, Asian Bird Cherry
Latin name: Prunus padus var commutata
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 6m tall, 8m spread
Growth rate: Medium - Fast
Best growing conditions: Full sunlight, average soil conditions with no standing water. Highly tolerant of urban pollution.
Things to love: First to leaf out in spring, with large bunches of creamy white flowers.
Things to keep in mind: Susceptible to Black Knot Fungus.
Plant this tree if you're looking for: A showy tree that provides flowers in spring, bird food in summer and bright fall foliage.
American Mountain Ash
Common name: American Mountain Ash, Rowan
Latin name: Sorbus Americana
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 8m tall, 5m spread
Growth rate: Slow to medium
Best growing conditions: Full sun, acidic soil.
Things to love: Bright red fall foliage, supports wildlife with clusters of small red berries.
Things to keep in mind: saline or water logged soil will kill this tree. It is short lived at ~80 years.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- a true “four season” tree – with something to offer year round:
- colourful fall leaves
- bird life on your property
- good shade tree
Ussurian Pear
Common name: Ussurian Pear, Harbin Pear, Manchurian Pear
Latin name: Pyrus ussuriensis
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 10m Tall, 6m Spread
Growth rate: Medium - Fast
Best growing conditions: Full sunlight, even moisture- will not tolerate standing water. Highly tolerant of urban pollution.
Things to love: This showy tree produces rich flowers in mid spring, with leaves turning to burgundy in the fall. Has good resistance to fire blight.
Things to keep in mind: Fruit can be messy and will require occasional clean ups.
Plant this tree if you're looking for: An accent or shade tree that produces fruit for both human and wildlife consumption.
A YardSmart recommended tree.
Princess Kay Plum
Common name: Princess Kay Plum, Flowering Plum
Latin name: Prunus nigra 'Princess Kay’
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 4m Tall, 2.5m Spread
Growth rate: Medium
Best growing conditions: Full sunlight, even moisture, no standing water. Tolerant of pollution.
Things to love: Princess Kay Plum is an extremely showy tree in spring, blooming with blankets of flowers. In fall, the leaves turn bright yellow.
Things to keep in mind: this tree bears no fruit, meaning minimal clean up.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- an accent tree that stuns in spring
- a smaller tree to plant under overhead utility lines

Japanese Tree Lilac
Common name: Japanese Tree Lilac
Latin name: Syringa reticulata
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 7m Tall, 5m Spread.
Growth rate: Medium
Best growing conditions: full sunlight, average to moist soil- don’t dry this tree out. Tolerates urban pollution well.
Things to love: A showy, smaller tree that blooms with white creamy flowers in spring / early summer. Maintains its shape with minimal pruning.
Things to keep in mind: Needs full sun and consistent watering.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- Attracts butterflies, but does not encourage deer, who prefer other species.
- A good shade and accent tree.

Evergreens with needles that grow year round.
Siberian Larch
Common name: Siberian Larch
Latin name: Larix sibirica
Type of tree: Deciduous conifer
Size at maturity: 15m tall, 6m spread
Growth rate: Medium
Best growing conditions: Moist, light and well drained soils are best- it does not do well in drought conditions. Very low shade tolerance – needs full sun. Hardy against winter climates.
Things to love: This bright green tree has delicate needles that regrow every spring. Fall sees Larches turn bright yellow, then lose their needles – making them an ideal shade tree in summer, and allowing light through in winter.
Things to keep in mind: This tree must be planted in full sun, and does not transplant well once initially planted.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- a tree to support diverse wildlife
- shade in the summer and sun in winter
A YardSmart recommended tree.

Colorado Spruce
Common name: Colorado Spruce
Latin name: Picea pungens
Type of tree: Coniferous
Size at maturity: 20m tall, 7m spread
Growth rate: Medium
Best growing conditions: Full to partial sun, with moist acidic soil
Things to love: Silvery blue needles, survives pollution and seasonal drought well- once established
Things to keep in mind: Will be large at maturity, subject to spider mites, spruce gall aphids and yellowheaded spruce saw flies
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- A large tree at maturity,
- Hardy against city growing conditions,
- Windbreaks
- Similar appearance in all seasons
A YardSmart recommended tree.

Norway Spruce
Common name: Norway Spruce
Latin name: Picea abies
Type of tree: Coniferous
Size at maturity: 39m tall, 10m spread
Growth rate: Medium to rapid
Best growing conditions: Full to part sun, moist, well drained acidic soil
Things to love: one of the most adaptable evergreens to harsh conditions, tolerates seasonal drought and city pollution well
Things to keep in mind: this tree likes drier conditions – wet soils will kill it. Subject to specific spruce pests such as galls and mites.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- a large tree at maturity to provide wind or snow breaks
- a quick growing tree
- a tree resilient to wind events- Norway spruce have deep spreading root systems able to tolerate high winds
White Spruce
Common name: White Spruce
Latin name: Picea glauca
Type of tree: Coniferous
Size at maturity: 25 m tall, 6m spread
Growth rate: Medium
Best growing conditions: Full sun, moist acidic soil
Things to love: Adapts well to a variety of harsh soil and sparse moisture conditions, survives drought and pollution well once established.
Things to keep in mind: Subject to spruce related pests such as galls and aphids.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- a large tree at maturity
- slower growth rates
- extremely hardy species to cold temperatures

Narrow, tall trees that take up less space.
Swedish Columnar Aspen
Common name: Swedish Columnar Aspen
Latin name: Populus tremula 'Erecta'
Type of tree: Deciduous
Size at maturity: 12m tall, 2m Spread
Growth rate: Fast
Best growing conditions: Full sun, well drained soil with even moisture
Things to love: Tall, slim and fast growing, these trees provide excellent wind, sound and snow breaks in urban settings.
Things to keep in mind: At risk for Bronze Leaf disease. Space between columnar aspens and planting a variety of tree species will help reduce the risk.
Plant this tree if you're looking for:
- A privacy screen
- Sound or wind breaks
- Shade