The City of Calgary recognizes the valuable societal contributions of certain organizations by granting municipal tax exemptions.

Tax exemption status is generally based on the belief that the use of the property returns a sufficient community benefit to society earning the relief of tax obligations. The intent is to reduce the tax burden on eligible non-profit organizations so they can continue to provide necessary services, support and/or charitable programs to all Calgarians.

Important update

Non-profit affordable housing providers

In January 2025, City Council approved a bylaw creating a new property tax exemption available for non-market housing properties that are held by non-profit organizations. This new exemption is available beginning in the 2025 tax year. 

How do I know if my non-profit organization is eligible for property tax exemption?

Non-profit organizations seeking tax exemption status are required to submit an application form with supporting documentation to The City. The application is reviewed and if it meets exemption eligibility criteria, the property will be exempt from paying taxes. The responsibility to apply for tax-exempt status rests with the non-profit organization or business using the property. Non-profit organizations or businesses ceasing to qualify for an exemption will no longer receive a tax exemption.

New applications

If this is your first time applying for exempt status on this location or if you are applying to relocate an exempt organization to a different location, select the appropriate application form below.

Annually, Exemption applications must be submitted prior to September 30 with completed application information sent by November 30*.

* PTE = Property Tax Exempt

Type of organization Application form
Agricultural society

Agriculture society PTE application form

Airport Airport PTE application form
Arts or museum facility Arts or museum PTE application form
Bingos (non-profit) Bingo PTE application form
Cemetery Cemetery PTE application form
Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce PTE application form
Charitable and benevolent (beneficiaries outside Calgary) Charitable (outside calgary) PTE application form
Charitable and benevolent (beneficiaries inside Calgary) Charitable (inside Calgary) PTE application form
Charitable and benevolent (property owned by Crown or Municipality OR property owned by the non-profit organization applicant)

Charitable (others) PTE application form

Charter school Charter school PTE application form
Community association Community association PTE application form
Community sports/games and recreation (majority of users youth) Community recreation PTE application form
Consulate Consulate PTE application form
Ducks Unlimited Ducks Unlimited PTE application form
Ethno-cultural facility Ethno-cultural facilitiy PTE application form
Fair or exhibition Fair or exhibition PTE application form
Farm building Call 403-268-2888
Federal, Provincial Crown or Municipal Federal, Provincial Crown or Municipal PTE application form
Health region Health region
Hostel Hostel PTE application form
Library board Library board PTE application form
Licensed non-profit daycare Licensed non-profit daycare PTE application form
Linguistic facility (English or French only) Linguistics facility PTE application form
Municipal government Municipal government PTE application form
Non-Profit Non-Market Housing Providers

Non-Profit Non-Market Housing Providers web application page

Non-profit organization in an official capacity on behalf of municipality

Non-profit in official capacity for municipality PTE application form

Non-profit organization under construction Non-profit property tax mitigation
Nursing home Nursing home PTE application form
Post-secondary institution Post-secondary institution PTE application form
Private school Private school PTE application form
Religious body Religious body PTE application form
Residents Association Residents Association PTE application form
School district or school board School districts or school board PTE application form
Seed cleaning plant (municipal owned) Seed cleaning plants PTE application form
Senior citizen accommodation (held by non-profit organization) and provincially subsidized Non-profit senior citizen accommodation PTE application form
Senior citizen accommodation (held by a foundation under the Senior Citizens Housing Act or a management body established under the Alberta Housing Act) Senior citizen accommodation held by foundations PTE application form
Sheltered workshop Sheltered workshop PTE application form
Sport or recreation facility (majority of users adults) Sports facility for mostly adults PTE application form
Student association Student association PTE application form
Thrift shop Thrift shop PTE application form
Veteran Veteran PTE application form

Important notes

  • "Unrestricted" refers to organizations that are open to the general public.
  • "Restricted use" refers to property that is restricted to some people based on race, culture, ethnic origin, religion, property ownership, membership or fee requirement. That is, if the organization is not open to everyone (due to restrictive membership fees, is a union, etc.) it is considered restricted.
  • Any property, including one operated by a non-profit organization or association, that is used for commercial purposes and operates in competition with other taxable businesses in Calgary is not exempt from taxation.
  • Annually, Exemption applications must be submitted prior to September 30 with completed application information sent by November 30*.
  • Applications submitted late or past deadlines may be considered. Please contact Assessment directly at 403-268-2888.
  • Facilities or premises licensed under the Gaming and Liquor Act are not exempt from taxation with the exception of premises with a bingo licence, casino licence, pull ticket licence, Class C liquor licence, or a special event licence issued under the Gaming and Liquor Regulation (AR 143/96).
  • If you are unable to find your organization’s type on the classifications chart please contact Assessment at 403-268-2888.

*Reference Community Organization Property Tax Exemption Regulation section 16 Conditions for exemption.

Submit your completed application

By mail:
The City of Calgary
Assessment & Tax, IMC # 8002
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary AB, T2P 2M5

In person: 2924 – 11 St NE, Calgary AB, T2E 7L7



To renew your previously approved tax-exempt organization, you would complete a Renewal of Property Tax Exemption Form available June 15 to September 30. This application is only for organizations that are at the same location address as the previous year.

Renewal notification will be sent by email to the organization contact on file where a link will be provided to complete the renewal application form online. 

If your organization has changed locations, you need to complete a “New” application.  Please see the New applications section above.

Important notes

  • Any property, including one operated by a non-profit organization or association, that is used for commercial purposes and operates in competition with other taxable businesses in Calgary is not exempt from taxation.
  • Facilities or premises licensed under the Gaming and Liquor Act are not exempt from taxation with the exception of premises with a bingo licence, casino licence, pull ticket licence, Class C liquor licence, or a special event licence issued under the Gaming and Liquor Regulation (AR 143/96).

Application deadline

All non-profit organizations seeking, either a renewal of a business tax exemption or property/business tax exemption for the following taxation year, need to submit their forms before Sept. 30 of each year.

Submit your completed application

By mail:
The City of Calgary
Assessment & Tax, IMC # 8002
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary AB, T2P 2M5

In person: 2924 – 11 St NE, Calgary AB, T2E 7L7


Property tax exemption FAQ

What if I have already submitted an application, do I still have to pay my taxes?

Yes, all applicable taxes must be paid until an exemption is approved. If your organization is designated tax exempt, your tax-exempt status will be backdated to when it fit the exemption criteria, provided it is within the current tax year. If an exemption is approved, The City of Calgary will issue a tax refund from the effective date of the exemption.

Can lessees or tenants apply for property tax exemption?

If you believe your property meets the eligibility criteria, you can apply for property tax exemption. You will need to contact your landlord to discuss the passing on of any property tax benefits, if an exemption is granted.

Will my property continue to be assessed annually if it becomes tax exempt?

Yes, The City prepares and mails annual assessments on all properties, regardless of tax exemption status. Tax exemption status is noted on your assessment notice.

Relocating, expanding or closing your organization?

If your exempt organization is relocating, a long form application is required as The City requires the new information regarding the new location. For expansions or closures, please contact us at 403-268-2888.

Assessment Search is our online resource for property and business owners to access more detailed information about their assessment and property details.
