Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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The City of Calgary regularly requests detailed property and business information to prepare market value assessments. These requests are sent in the form of an Assessment Request for Information (ARFI). ARFIs are sent throughout the year to non-residential and multi-residential property owners (or their authorized property managers). The information requested may include:

  • Up-to-date physical information (e.g., square footage).
  • Market information (e.g., recent lease information).
  • Sales information.
  • Tax status.

The information you (or your authorized property manager) provide in your ARFI helps us:

  • Keep property information accurate and up to date.
  • Capture market changes since last year.
  • Assess properties fairly and equitably.
  • Prepare preliminary assessments that we can discuss with you during Pre-Roll in the fall.
  • Do I have to respond to an Assessment Request for Information?

    It is important to respond to these requests by the deadline noted on the ARFI. If you don’t, it can impact your eligibility to make a complaint to the Assessment Review Board about the resulting assessment.

Respond to an Assessment Request for Information

You can complete and return your ARFI in one of the following ways:

*Note: ARFIs for the following property types need to be submitted by email, mail, or in-person. They cannot be submitted through Assessment Search at this time.

  • Multi-residential
  • Farmland
  • Hotel/Motel Accommodation
  • Airport
  • Golf Courses
  • Manufactured Home Parks

If you’re not sure if you can submit your ARFI online, review the original request you received which outlines the submission options for your property.


Each ARFI you receive indicates a response deadline, and it’s important you respond to these requests on time. If you don’t, it can impact your eligibility to make a complaint to the Assessment Review Board (ARB) about the resulting assessment. This is in accordance with section 295(4) of the Municipal Government Act.

Previously submitted information or information provided in connection with a tribunal hearing does not relieve the assessed person of the obligation to complete and return the ARFI.

We value your privacy. The information you provide will only be disclosed as required by law, and in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and the Municipal Government Act.​​​​ 

How to submit your ARFI online

Most non-residential property owners (or their authorized property managers) can respond an ARFI online. See the above section for property types (e.g., multi-residential) that require submission by another format.

Submit your ARFI online by following these instructions

Step 1: Log into Assessment Search through Secure Access and navigate to the Property Account page by clicking on the corresponding button on the left-hand navigation panel.

Step 2: At the top of the Property Account page, click Respond to a Non-Residential Assessment Request for Information. Note that this button will only appear if you have a non-residential property(ies) with a related ARFI linked to your account. If you need to make changes to your non-residential property information and this option is not available to you, or you need to make changes to a submitted ARFI, we encourage you to Contact Assessment.


Step 3: The non-residential ARFIs you can respond to will be listed. Click the Respond button next to the property you are submitting information for.

Note: If you have already submitted the ARFI, the button will say View. This will allow you to review the information you submitted. 


Step 4: An ARFI Summary page will appear. Review the Compliance Information and select Continue to proceed.  This will bring you to a summary of the property.

Step 5: If applicable, check off the box under Supporting Value Information to tell us if a Market Value Appraisal Report, Opinion of Value or Asset Management Report that includes the property has been completed last 12 months.

Step 6: Review the information provided under the Building tab.

Step 7: Review the unit(s) by clicking on the hyperlinked address or the red button beneath the Unit(s) header.

Note: If you attempt to submit without completing the unit review, you will be given a message noting submission failure because you have not reviewed each building and its associated units.  

ARFI on assessment search

Step 8: A list of the building’s unit(s) will appear. To edit a unit’s information, including any related lease information, select the hyperlinked address. A Unit Lease Wizard popup will appear where you can edit the unit information. Save your changes before proceeding. 

ARFI on assessment search

Note: If the building has more than 10 units, you can upload the rent roll. For accounts with 10 units or less, you will need to use the grid provided to verify or update lease information.

Step 9: Once you have completed your reviewing of the Building tab and its associated unit, review the information provided under the Land Lease and Parking Information tabs. Update information as needed.

Step 10: Once you have reviewed the information and made any necessary updates, click Submit.

Step 11: An Acknowledgement and Certification popup box will appear. Read the information and then select Acknowledge to continue.

Step 12: A message will appear noting that the ARFI has been submitted successfully. 

Are you a residential owner looking to review and update your property details?
