Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Hamptons Golf Course Redevelopment


In 2016, The City of Calgary received a proposal from QuantumPlace Developments Ltd., representing the Hamptons Golf Club, to subdivide and redesiginate a portion of the golf course lands to allow for residential development. 

The land use redesignation and Area Structure Plan amendment was approved by City Council on April 11, 2017​. Following land use approval, the applicant was able to move forward with obtaining the necessary approvals to develop the lands as residential.


The proposed outline plan was for 64 residential units (R-1s and R-2) on two separate sites. Also proposed as part of this application, was a new public park, as well as additional open space. The proposed land use and outline plan application also required a minor map amendment to the Crowchild Phase 4 Area Structure Plan.




undefined: ​June 2015 - April ​2016 undefined: ​Applicant led public engagement.
undefined: ​April 21, 2016 undefined: ​Applicant submitted land use submission.
undefined: ​June 2016 undefined: ​The City of Calgary online and in-person public engagement.
undefined: ​July 2016 - February 2017 undefined: ​Ongoing technical review of application by The City. Amended plans submitted by the applicant.
undefined: ​February 15 & March 15, 2017 undefined: ​Information sessions held to share information on the proposed development.
undefined: ​February 23, 2017 undefined: ​Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) recommended approval of the proposed land use redesignation and Area Structure Plan amendments to City Council.
undefined: ​April 11, 2017 undefined: ​City Council approved the land use, outline plan and Area Structure Plan amendment
undefined: ​April 2017 undefined: ​Stripping and grading developmetn permit appealed after approval. In response to the appeal, the applicant has withdrawn their application at this time
undefined: ​November 2017 undefined: ​​According to Land Use Bylaw (Part 2 Division 3 25(2)g), landowners in the city are allowed to strip and grade land as long as the area is less then 1000 square metres. If the land is larger than that, it requires a development permit or development agreement. 
​June 2019 ​The Developer has entered into a Development Agreement (DA2019-0012) with the City to conduct work on the site. This agreement gives permission for stripping and grading, and to install underground utilities.​

Supporting documents

Contact File Man​ager 

Joshua de Jong, Planner

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This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
