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Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Bowness Road N.W. Complete Street (Phase 2)

Project update

Several improvements were made along three blocks of Bowness Road N.W. between 62 Street N.W. and 65 Street N.W. in the Summer, 2019. This included adding new road markings, installing painted on-street bike lanes and new bicycle parking.

Next steps

Over the next 18-months, the painted on-street bike lanes pilot will be monitored. During this pilot, The City will be collecting data on vehicle travel speeds, roadway operations and safety for all road users.

About the painted on-street bike lanes pilot


As part of an 18-month pilot, painted on-street bike lanes are installed along three blocks of Bowness Road N.W. between 62 Street N.W. to 65 Street N.W. until December, 2020. The new bike lanes will connect with the existing bicycle lanes to the east and west of the Mainstreet Bowness Business Improvement Area (BIA), creating a dedicated space on the road for people cycling.

Anticipated benefits to the Bowness community include:

  • Improving crosswalk visibility for people walking and driving
  • Clarifying parking zones to reduce unsafe and illegal parking
  • Make sharing the road among people walking, cycling and driving a safer and more predictable experience (learn more about moving together safely)
  • Improving visibility of people cycling on this roadway
  • Reducing vehicle speeds along Bowness Road N.W. in the BIA

More about the Bowness Road N.W. Complete Street (Phase 2) project

The City of Calgary is working to accommodate growth and make our city more liveable by providing transportation choices. Walkable and bikeable neighbourhoods contribute to creating vibrant, healthy communities.

This project takes advantage of the road resurfacing and will improve safety and mobility for all road users:

People walking

  • Improve pathways and connections, sidewalks, crossings and accessibility
  • Improve safety by reducing vehicle speeds
  • Identify opportunities to make streetscape enhancements

People driving

  • Make the road more predictable
  • Improve traffic flow
  • Adjust and re-stripe angle parking through BIA to improve visibility for people backing out of stalls

People cycling

  • Complete a gap in the bicycle network between the Bow River Pathway at Shouldice Bridge and the Bowness Road Complete Street Phase 1 project.(Bowness Road N.W. is a strong desire line currently used by people biking)
  • Improve cycling connections to key destinations

People taking transit

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a painted on-street bike lane?

painted on-street bike lane

A painted on-street bike lane is a designated on-street cycling space for people to cycle. It is identified on the street by a ‘Cycling lane begins here’ sign, and a white line, bicycle icon and caution symbol (diamond shape) road markings.

Does the painted on-street bike lane get cleared after a snowfall?

Yes, the painted on-street bike lanes get cleared after a snowfall. The City classifies all marked on-street bicycle lanes as a Priority 2 snow route for snow clearing. This means they’re cleared within 48 hours after the snowfall ends. Visit winter cycling to learn more about cycling after a snowfall in Calgary.

What is a painted median?

painted median

A painted median is the space between two single painted yellow lines that frame the middle of the road. Between the lines is an area that separates the opposing lanes of traffic on a street. A painted median helps clarify where the travel lane is in either direction. In addition, a painted median helps create safer conditions for all road users by encouraging motorists to reduce their speed.

Can I make left turns across the painted median?

Yes, left turns across the painted median will still be permitted on Bowness Road N.W. Ensure both the travel lane and the bike lane are clear and only turn across the painted median when it is safe to do so.

How will this impact parking on Bowness Road N.W.?

There will be no impact to parking on Bowness Road N.W. between 62 Street N.W. and 65 Street N.W.

How do I report a safety concern?

If the safety concern is a medical emergency, call 911. For all other questions or concerns, please call 311.

Tell us what you think!

We want to hear about your experience with the new bike lanes along Bowness Road. If you would like to provide your feedback, please contact 311 or submit your feedback in an online service request.

Your feedback will be used to help inform future improvements to the pilot program.

Moving together safely

As more people share our roadways, it's important to learn to move together safely. Sharing the road is easy, whether you are cycling or driving. Learn more about moving together safely.

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This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
