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In April 2008, City Council approved the recommended plan for an interchange at the intersection of Bowfort Road and the Trans Canada Highway. This plan was approved after a number of engagement sessions that took place in 2007. Following Council's approval, The City proceeded with the development of preliminary engineering plans, which were completed in 2011, and is now waiting for funding.


Due to the anticipated future growth in the area, The City of Calgary is re-examining the Bowfort Road/Trans Canada Highway Interchange.

The City hosted a Bowfort Road Area Business update session in May 2014. The area businesses were shown the new concept plan which incorporated previous community members input. In 2007, interested parties asked for the plan to address concerns such as too many traffic lights, the need to minimize construction impacts and consideration of connections to the West Ring Road and Stoney Trail.

Approximately 22 area business representatives attended the May 2014 session and, after comparing the 2007 plan with the new 2014 plan, asked The City to consider visibility of Bowfort Road businesses, traffic flow, business access and the need for roundabout education.

The project team also met with Community Associations and had one-on-one meetings with local area businesses. The following is the presentation material used at the engagement sessions:

Input from the engagement sessions conducted May through June has been used to enhance the plan and provide guidance on further phasing of the interchange.

Next steps

The 2014 recommended plan was approved by Council on September 19, 2014. The Bowfort Rd/Trans Canada Interchange project is now complete.

Previous engagement

May 8, 2013 open house

The City hosted an open house on May 8, 2013 at the Bowness Community Centre to share information on the plans to implement lower-cost, optimization improvements to the intersection, and to gather public input on the revised interchange plan.

The open house was attended by approximately 135 people. In general, attendees were pleased that The City has developed plans to implement intersection improvements that can be constructed in 2013. However, attendees also identified a number of issues and concerns that they would like to see addressed. A summary of the comments is available here. Comments related to traffic control updates, improved crosswalks, signage and road markings have been forwarded to the appropriate City department for review.

About the previous study

In 2006, The City initiated a functional planning study to determine a recommended interchange configuration at the intersection of Bowfort Road and the Trans Canada Highway. In 2007, two public information sessions were held to first present design alternatives, then to gather public feedback on the recommended plan. The study was approved by City Council in April 2008.

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