State of the Environment Report
Learn more about our commitment to track and report progress on long-term environmental goals and challenges facing our city.
The State of the Environment Report provides a clear picture of environmental trends in Calgary as they relate to land, air and water.

Learn more about our environmental stewardship in land, air and water
Land's capacity to sustain life is dependent on how we build our city, the goods we consume and how we manage our waste. Learn more about The City’s latest Waste and Recycling programs.
Air Quality and climate change are inextricably linked. Emissions from use of fossil fuels for energy use are a source of air pollution and greenhouse gases. Fortunately, the actions that we take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can also help to improve air quality.
Water for all - Learn more about how we protect public health by delivering clean, reliable drinking water and by treating wastewater before it returns to the river.