Pumphouse Theatre - outfall repair and infrastructure upgrade
About the project
The June 2013 flood event damaged outfall B69, the water intake duct structure, and damaged and exposed the bank-embedded intake chamber structure.
Water Services proposed to complete this project in two phases. Phase one, completed in September 2017 included the removal of the abandoned concrete water intake structure. Phase two will include the repair to outfall B69 and bank stabilization surrounding the outfall.
Construction activities associated with Phase two of the project will include re-routing the storm piping, repairing the outfall and providing approximately 50 m of bank stabilization in the form of a timber crib wall, plantings and riprap. Work on Phase two will begin in mid-August 2018 and last until November 2018.
This project will require additional rehabilitation in the year following the water intake structure being removed to allow river gravel to naturally fill in a large and deep hole within the Bow River created by this work.
Construction impacts
Water Services is coordinating this work with Pumphouse Theatre, Parks, Pathways, the Crowchild Trail Bridge Project in Roads, and Calgary Special Events. We are also working with our contractor to mitigate construction impacts as much as possible which will include a pathway detour around the work site.
- Work will begin in Spring 2019 to complete some landscape work. The pathways have been reopened.
- Construction fencing will be in place for the duration of this project.
- Access to the construction site will be from Pumphouse Road S.W.
- Construction vehicles, equipment and a small lay-down area for supplies will occupy the maintained Parks space north of Pumphouse Theatre and the maintained City of Calgary snow dump site to the east. Both areas will be fenced off for construction access only.
- Work will be performed from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. for approximately three months.
- The temporary staging area and access route will be restored to original condition.