Westbrook Communities local area plan
The Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan (the Plan) is a policy document that guides future growth and change in the communities of Wildwood, Spruce Cliff, Westgate, Rosscarrock, Shaganappi, Glendale, Killarney/ Glengarry, Glenbrook and the portions of Upper Scarboro/Sunalta West and Richmond that are west of Crowchild Trail.
The Plan was approved by Council on April 25, 2023, after three years of engagement with participants including youth, seniors, residents, business owners, community association and development industry representatives, and a dedicated and diverse working group. Feedback provided throughout the process by participants helped to shape and refine the Plan brought forward to Council.
To ensure growth and change occurs in a coordinated and purposeful manner, the Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan sets out a strategic framework to guide future development as the communities evolve over time.
The Plan takes a multi-community approach that recognizes and builds upon the shared assets and features that connect these inner-city and established communities, including infrastructure, recreational amenities, cultural spaces, public parks and open spaces, Main Streets, corridors, transit station areas and Activity Centres.

Visualizing Growth
Chapter 1:Vision and Core Ideas
Enabling Growth
Chapter 2:Urban Form and Building Scale Maps
Supporting Growth
Chapter 3: