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Project update – June 6, 2022

The New Jaipur Bridge is now open. Construction started in July 2021 and was done in coordination with the Eau Claire Area Improvements program to help reduce repeated disruptions and impacts on citizens, find efficiencies, and align construction timelines, the projects work together and coordinate all the individual projects happening in the area. 

The opening of the Jaipur Bridge is a major milestone for the Eau Claire Area Improvements program and supports the overall goals of creating flood resiliency and maintaining downtown vibrancy. 

We know Eau Claire and Prince’s Island Park are special and well-loved parts of Calgary and are excited that the opening of Jaipur will provide a direct connection to these spaces for Calgarians and visitors. 

The new bridge

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A view of the re-designed Jaipur Bridge from the upgraded Eau Claire Promenade at the south side of the lagoon in winter. This image shows how the projects in the area are being integrated and coordinated.

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The view from the deck of the re-designed Jaipur Bridge. This bridge will be wider than before - 6 m wide to match the extension of upgrades we’re doing in the area to the pathway connections, the Eau Claire Promenade and the Eau Claire Plaza.

Project Scope

Fifty-plus years after it opened in 1968, The Jaipur Bridge needs to be replaced. Due to accelerated deterioration from water and salt leading to concerns regarding its structural integrity, the bridge has been closed off to the public and will remain closed until its replacement is built.

Once complete, the newly designed bridge will continue to provide access for people visiting Prince's Island Park and using the Bow River Pathways and it will ensure that Calgarians can continue to fully enjoy the area for decades to come. The new bridge will:

  • Meet today's bridge design and engineering standards
  • Improve flood resiliency
  • Be coordinated with the overarching improvements being made to the Eau Claire area
  • Accommodate emergency vehicles that need to access Prince's Island Park
  • Maintain long-term access to Prince's Island Park and the Bow River pathways

Project background

The existing bridge:

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Click to enlarge image

Built in 1968 as the primary south connection between the Eau Claire area and Prince's Island Park, Jaipur Bridge has reached the end of its service life. Its condition has deteriorated due to salt-laden moisture inside the structure. Furthermore, the design of the bridge no longer meets the current demands - it's a popular bridge!

What's in a name? Jaipur Bridge

Jaipur, India is one of Calgary's sister cities; Daejeon, South Korea; Daqing, China; Naucalpan, Mexico; Phoenix, Arizona and Quebec, Canada.

Jaipur was chosen as a sister city to Calgary in 1973 because of common interests in industries, like engineering and manufacturing. Since then, a number of actions were undertaken to strengthen the relationship between the two cities.


  • Jaipur delegation visits Calgary to celebrate Calgary's centennial and an office twinning ceremony
  • Calgary delegation visits Jaipur to celebrate Jaipur's 250th anniversary of Jaipur's founding
  • Calgary makes donation to Operation Eyesight, matched by Provincial and Federal governments, towards Jaipur's sight restoration program


  • Jaipur dedicates lands in city for what is now known as the Jaipur/Calgary Eye Hospital
  • Operation Eyesight, a Calgary-based non-profit, continues to make donations to Jaipur over the years, to support the construction of the Jaipur/Calgary Eye Hospital



Canadian International Development Agency, on behalf of City of Calgary, helps to restore Jaipur, after a disastrous flood to the city​



Calgary's Fish Creek Lions Club raised funds, matched by The City of Calgary, to build an operating theatre in the Jaipur/Calgary Eye Hospital​


  • Calgary Council, endorsed the formation of the Calgary/Jaipur Development Foundation, with a parallel organization created in Jaipur.
  • The non-profit Calgary/Jaipur Development Foundation is incorporated under the Alberta Societies Act
  • The Calgary/Jaipur Development Foundation was founded in Jaipur under the laws of the State of Rajistan



Calgary Council approves exploring the naming of a public facility, "Jaipur"​


  • The City of Calgary names the bridge that links to Prince's Island Park, "Jaipur bridge"
  • Mayor Al Duerr hosts an unveiling ceremony of the Jaipur Bridge and a dinner in honour of His Highness Maharaj Jai Singh

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  • Design of replacement bridge: COMPLETED
  • Remove trees and relocate utilities: COMPLETED
  • Hire contractor: COMPLETED
  • Mobilize to site: COMPLETED
  • Prepare the construction zone: COMPLETED
  • Remove existing bridge: COMPLETED
  • Drill bridge piles: COMPLETED
  • Reopen north pathway on Prince’s Island: COMPLETED
  • Place Steel Girders: COMPLETED
  • Pour concrete bridge deck: COMPLETED
  • Construction completion: June 2022

*Construction is dependent on weather, site conditions and timing of other projects in the area. Updates will be provided regularly, but dates may change without notice.


$11.45 million - This budget includes the design and construction to replace the Jaipur Bridge

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This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
