Title: General Manager, People, Innovation & Collaboration Services and City Resilience Officer

Areas of focus: As General Manager, Chris is responsible for providing strategic oversight and integrated management for City enabling services that include Collaboration, Analytics & Innovation, Customer Service & Communications, Human Resources, Information Technology and Corporate Security & Safety. Additionally, she has oversight of the Government Relations division including the Intergovernmental team and Indigenous Relations Office.

Career history: Chris brings over 25 years of experience across many business units and departments at The City. She is continuously focused on building collaborative relationships to develop the best solutions to shared challenges.

In 2019, Chris was appointed as the acting General Manager of the Deputy City Manager’s department leading over 1,000 employees and responsible for strategic direction and delivery of enabling services to internal colleagues and external clients.

As Director of Resilience & Infrastructure Calgary and Deputy Chief Resilience Officer, Chris was instrumental in the development of a resilience strategy for Calgary. The Council-approved strategy provides a foundation to help Calgary prepare to survive and thrive through future stresses and shocks so we continue to have a resilient Calgary for our future generations.

Chris has served as the Chief of Staff in the City Manager’s Office, contributing strategic and operational support solution-based approaches to very dynamic and complex issues. Following the 2013 Southern Alberta Flood, Chris was the Director of Recovery Operations which required significant public evacuation, created critical infrastructure damage, and causing more than $400M in response and recovery impacts in Calgary.

Chris holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters of Environmental Design (Planning) from the University of Calgary, is a Registered Professional Planner with the Canadian Institute of Planners, and is trained in project management and emergency management.

Leadership philosophy: Chris has a very collaborative approach to leadership, supported by strong relationships internally and externally. She believes in open, honest and transparent communication and knowledge sharing is the foundation to a strong team and shared success; encouraging team work and inclusivity. Recognizing that different perspectives and experiences bring unique insights, Chris is always open to suggestions and new ideas. Chris never misses an opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation for a job well done.

As a proud public servant, Chris genuinely loves our city and strives to make life better every day for Calgarians.​​​​​
