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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

Bylaw test

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Division 2: Defined Uses

271 "Race Track"
a means a use:
i where animals and non-motorized vehicles are entered in competition against one another or against time;
ii that has tiers of seating or viewing areas for spectators;
iii that may involve gambling associated with the racing activity;
iv that may occur within or entirely outside of a building; and
v that must be approved only on a parcel designated as a Direct Control District that specifically includes Race Track as a use;
b is a use within the Direct Control Uses Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c when combined with other uses, must also have those uses included as a use in the Direct Control District; and
d requires a minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls based on a parking study required at the time of land use redesignation application.
272 "Radio and Television Studio"
a means a use where radio, television, motion pictures, or audio performances are produced or recorded, and broadcast;
b is a use within the Culture and Leisure Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c deleted
d does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
273 "Recreational Vehicle Sales"
a means a use where recreational vehicles are sold, leased or rented;
b is a use within the Sales Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have an outdoor speaker system;
d may only store or display vehicles on portions of the parcel approved exclusively for storage or display;
e must only accept deliveries and offloading of vehicles within a designated area on the parcel;
f must provide a stall for every inventory vehicle on the parcel;
g deleted
h does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
274 "Recreational Vehicle Service"
a means a use where recreational vehicles undergo maintenance and repair:
b is a use within the Automotive Service Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw; and
c deleted
274.1 "Recyclable Construction Material Collection Depot (temporary)"
a means a use:
i where collected materials that include recyclables from the construction of buildings on other parcels are stored prior to their removal and processing on a different parcel;
ii where the materials may be dimensional lumber, drywall, woody vegetation and shrubs, asphalt shingles, asphalt and concrete, scrap metal, plastics, wire, and cardboard, but must not include adhesives or sealants, aerosols, food, vegetable matter, motor vehicles or motor vehicle parts, tires, or petroleum and petroleum-based products;
iv where storage activities may occur either within or outside of a building;
v that may have limited equipment used for crushing, dismantling or moving the materials;
vi that does not involve the manufacture or assembly of any goods; and
vii that may have a temporary building for administrative functions associated with the use;
b is a use within the Storage Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c may be approved for a period no greater than five (5) years;
d must provide screening for any materials located outside of a building, that are within view of a street;
e may store materials outside of a building provided that piles have a maximum height of 5.0 metres including any pallets, supports or other things the materials are stacked on;
f does not require motor vehicle parking stalls; and
274.2 "Recyclable Material Drop-Off Depot"
a means a use where:
i bottles and other beverage containers are taken for return and reimbursement of the recycling deposit applied to the container at the time the beverage is purchased; or
ii other types of recyclables, which do not require the refund of a deposit may be returned;
iii bottles, beverage containers, and other types of recyclables may be sorted and stored on site; and
b is a use within the Industrial Support Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not be a combined use with a Liquor Store;
d when located within 300.0 metres to a parcel designated as a residential district, must:
i not have any outside storage of carts, bottles, other beverage containers, other recyclables, palettes, or cardboard boxes;
ii not allow for loading or the movement of recyclables from the premise between the hours of 9:00pm-7:00am;
iii not have compaction of materials occurring outside of a building;
e unless otherwise referenced in subsection (d):
i must provide total concealment, through a solid screen or fence, for any materials located outside of a building;
ii may be required to demonstrate how impacts such as debris, grocery carts, litter or recyclables will be managed;
f deleted
g does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
275 deleted 
276 "Refinery"
a means a use where crude oil, used motor oil or natural gas are processed;
b is a use within the Direct Control Uses Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw; and
c requires a minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls based on a parking study required at the time of land use redesignation application.
277 "Residential Care"
a means a use:
i where social, physical or mental care is provided to five or more persons who live full time in the facility; and
ii that has at least one staff person at the facility at all times when at least one resident is within the facility;
b is a use within the Care and Health Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c may have a maximum of 10 residents when located in a low density residential district;
d requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per three (3) residents; and
278 "Restaurant: Food Service Only"
a means a use:
i where food is prepared and sold for consumption on the premises and may include the sale of prepared food for consumption off the premises;
ii that is not licensed for the sale of liquor by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission; and
iii that may have a maximum of 10.0 square metres of public area used for the purpose of providing entertainment;
b is a use within the Eating and Drinking Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have any openings, except emergency exits, loading bay doors or non-opening windows, on a façade that faces a residential district or abuts a lane separating the parcel from a residential district;
d must not have an exterior entrance located on a façade that faces a residential district, unless that façade is separated by an intervening street;
e if the public area is greater than 150.0 square metres it must not be within 45.0 metres of a residential district when the use is located within the C-C1, C-C2, C-COR1, C-COR2, CC-COR, CC-X, MU-1, MU-2 and S-R Districts, which must be measured from the building containing the use to the nearest property line of a parcel designated as a residential district;
f does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
g requires a minimum of 1.0 bicycle parking stalls — class 2 per 250.0 square metres of the public area.
279 deleted 
280 deleted 
281 "Restaurant: Licensed"
a means a use:
i where food is prepared and sold for consumption on the premises and may include the sale of prepared food for consumption off the premises;
ii where a specific licence for the sale of liquor is issued by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission, that allows minors on the premises at any time; and
iii that may have a maximum of 10.0 square metres of public area used for the purpose of providing entertainment;
b is a use within the Eating and Drinking Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c must not have any openings, except emergency exits, loading bay doors or non-opening windows, on a façade that faces a residential district or abuts a lane separating the parcel from a residential district;
d must not have an exterior entrance located on a façade that faces a residential district, unless that façade is separated by an intervening street;
e if the public area is greater than 150.0 square metres it must not be within 45.0 metres of a residential district when the use is located within the C-C1, C-C2, C-COR1, C-COR2, CC-COR, CC-X, MU-1, MU-2 and S-R Districts, which must be measured from the building containing the use to the nearest property line of a parcel designated as a residential district;
f does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
g requires a minimum of 1.0 bicycle parking stalls - class per 250.0 square metres of the public area.
282 deleted 
283 deleted 
283.1 deleted 
284 "Restored Building Products Sales Yard"
a means a use:
i where products that have been recovered from demolished buildings are stored, displayed or sold either entirely within a building or outside of a building;
ii that does not accommodate the wrecking, dismantling, manufacturing, servicing or repairing of anything on the same parcel as the use;
iii that does not accommodate the display, wrecking or sale of any motor vehicles or auto parts;
v that does not accommodate a drop off site for products related to the use;
b is a use within the Sales Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw; and
c deleted
285 "Retail Garden Centre"
a means a use:
i where gardening products, plants, seeds, shrubbery, trees and other gardening related products are sold to the public from a permanent building;
ii that may accommodate temporary structures such as greenhouses and pole barns for the planting and growing of plants;
iii that may accommodate temporary structures and specifically identified outdoor areas for the storage, display and sale of plants and products; and
iv that may not accommodate the sale of produce or other food stuff;
b is a use within the Sales Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw; and
c deleted
286 deleted 
286.1 "Retail and Consumer Service"
a means a use where any of the following activities occur:
i the general retail sale or rental of goods, materials products or supplies including merchandise that may also be sold at a Building Supply Centre;
ii services related to the care and appearance of the human body or hair;
iii services intended for relaxation and rejuvenation through massage, aromatherapy and similar nonmedical therapies;
iv the care, cleaning, alteration or repair of clothing, jewelry, or shoes;
v portrait and professional photography services;
vi the repair, service or refurbishment of furniture, electronic equipment and appliances that are used in the home; or
vii a market for the sale of new or used goods and food products, not including live animals, by multiple vendors renting tables or space either in an enclosed building or outdoors.
b is a use within the Sales Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c may display merchandise related to the use outside of a building, provided the merchandise does not impede pedestrian movement;
c.1 may provide seating for the purpose of food consumption for the activities identified in (a)(vii).
d may only stock merchandise on the premises in quantities sufficient only to supply the premises;
e may contain laundering services provided it:
i does not include a Dry-cleaning and Fabric Care Plant; and
ii is not located within a Live Work Unit;
f when located in the C-R1 District, may incorporate the following uses within a Retail and Consumer Service, provided the requirements referenced in subsection (g) are satisfied:
iii deleted
vii deleted
viii Office;
xii deleted
xiv deleted
g must only incorporate the uses referenced in section (f) when those uses:
i are located in an existing approved building;
ii are located in a use area that is a minimum of 3600.0 square metres;
iii are located within a use area that contains a Retail and Consumer Service;
iv do not exceed 10.0 per cent of the use area of the Retail and Consumer Service within which they are located; and
v do not have direct customer access outside of the Retail and Consumer Service within which they are located;
h deleted
i does not require bicycle parking stalls — class 1; and
287 "Rowhouse Building"
a means a use where a building:
i contains three or more Dwelling Units, located side by side and separated by common party walls extending from foundation to roof;
ii where one façade of each Dwelling Unit directly faces a public street;
iii where no intervening building is located between the street facing façade of each Dwelling Unit and the adjacent public street;
iv where each Dwelling Unit has a separate direct entry from grade to an adjacent public sidewalk or an adjacent public street;
v where no Dwelling Unit is located wholly or partially above another Dwelling Unit; and
vi may contain a Secondary Suite within a Dwelling Unit in a district where a Secondary Suite is a listed use and conforms with the rules of the district;
b is a use within the Residential Group in Schedule A to this Bylaw;
c requires a minimum of 1.0 motor vehicle parking stalls per Dwelling Unit; and

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.