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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

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Division 1: General Rules for Industrial Land Use Districts

Projections Into Setback Areas

897 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2), (3) and (4), buildings must not be located in any setback area.
2 Eaves of a building may project into any setback area a maximum of 0.6 metres.
3 Portions of a building below the surface of the ground may extend into any setback area only when those portions are used as a parking structure.
4 Signs may be located in any setback area, and where so located must be in accordance with Part 3, Division 5.

General Landscaped Area Rules

898 1 Landscaped areas must be provided in accordance with a landscape plan approved by a Development Authority.
2 A landscape plan for the entire development must be submitted as part of each development permit application, where changes are proposed to the building or parcel, and must show at least the following:
a the existing and proposed topography;
b the existing vegetation and indicate whether it is to be retained or removed;
c the layout of berms, open space systems, pedestrian circulation, retaining walls, screening, slope of the land, soft surfaced landscaped areas and hard surfaced landscaped areas
d the species, sizes and numbers of plant material and the types of landscaped areas; and
e details of the irrigation system.
3 The landscaped areas shown on the landscape plan approved by the Development Authority must be maintained on the parcel for so long as the development exists.
4 All soft surfaced landscaped areas must be irrigated by an underground irrigation system, unless otherwise provided by a low water irrigation system.
5 For the purpose of determining the minimum number of trees and shrubs in a setback area, portions of setback area that are paved for sidewalks and vehicle access, utility rights of way or any other purpose allowed by the Development Authority, must be included in the calculation of the required area, even though trees and shrubs are not capable of growing in that area.
6 If the minimum setback area is not capable of growing trees and shrubs, additional area on the parcel adjoining the setback area must be provided for the trees and shrubs.

Planting Requirements

899 1 All plant materials must be of a species capable of healthy growth in Calgary and must conform to the standards of the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association.
2 A minimum of 25.0 per cent of all trees required must be coniferous.
3 Deciduous trees must have a minimum calliper of 50 millimetres and at least 50.0 per cent of the provided deciduous trees must have a minimum calliper of 75 millimetres at the time of planting.
4 Coniferous trees must have a minimum height of 2.0 metres and at least 50.0 per cent of the provided coniferous trees must be a minimum of 3.0 metres in height at the time of planting.
5 Shrubs must be a minimum height or spread of 0.6 metres at the time of planting.

Low Water Irrigation System

900 1 When a low water irrigation system is provided, only trees and shrubs must be irrigated and the extent of water delivery must be confined to the tree and shrub area.
2 When a low water irrigation system is provided, trees and shrubs that have similar water consumption requirements must be grouped together.

Visibility Setback

901 Within a corner visibility triangle, buildings, fences, finished grade of a parcel, and vegetation must not be located more than 0.75 metres above the lowest elevation of the street.

Mechanical Screening

902 Unless otherwise referenced in a District, mechanical systems or equipment located outside of a building shall be positioned, camouflaged or screened from view of a public space, or from view of a parcel designated as a residential district, located within 30.0 metres of the equipment, using a line of sight of 1.7 metres above grade.


903 1 Unless otherwise referenced in a District, garbage containers and waste material must be stored, prior to collection, either:
a inside a building; or
b in a garbage container enclosure approved by the Development Authority.
2 Garbage container enclosures must not be located in any setback area.
3 No materials shall be allowed to escape the parcel.


904 1 When a parcel shares a property line with a lane that separates the parcel from a parcel designated as a residential district an LRT corridor, or a commercial, residential or special purpose districts, a fence with a minimum height of 2.0 metres must be provided for screening along the property line.   
2 There is no restriction to the height of a fence at any point along a property line shared with another industrial district.

Solar Collectors

904.1 1 A solar collector may only be located on the wall or roof of a building.
2 A solar collector mounted on a roof with a pitch of less than 4:12 may project a maximum of 2.0 metres from the surface of the roof.
3 A solar collector mounted on a roof with a pitch of 4:12 or greater pitch:
a may project a maximum of 1.3 metres from the surface of the roof; and
b must not extend beyond the outermost edge of the roof.
4 A solar collector that is mounted on a wall:
a must be located a minimum of 2.4 metres above grade; and
b may project a maximum of 0.6 metres from the surface of that wall.

Display and Sales Area

904.2 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3), a use that is not defined in Part 4 as having a sales or rental function may accommodate a display and sales area provided the products displayed or sold are associated with the use.
2 The maximum floor area of a display and sales area located in a building is the greater of:
ii 20.0 per cent of the gross floor area of the use to a maximum of 465.0 square metres
3 A display and sales area is not allowed if it would result in the use operating exclusively as a retail store.

Outdoor Product Display Area

904.3 1 A use may accommodate an outdoor product display area provided:
a the products displayed are associated with the use;
b it is not located within a required setback area; and
c it is separate and distinct from areas of the parcel used for the storage of materials, goods or equipment.
d deleted 

Wind Energy Conversion System

a be located a minimum distance equal to the total Wind Energy Conversion System height from a property line, measured from the base;
b be painted a single, neutral, non-reflective, non-glossy colour;
c have a self-supporting tubular tower or monopole, not including lattice or pylon towers, if not mounted to a building;
d be equipped with manual and automatic over speed controls;
e be repaired or removed from the parcel upon disrepair, abandonment, or termination of the Wind Energy Conversion System - Type 1 or Wind Energy Conversion System - Type 2 use for a period of 6 months or greater;
g not contain any signs or other non-system related objects, which are visible from a residential or special purpose district, other than Directional Signs;
h not contain any accent lighting, or be indirectly illuminated or artificially lit, except as required for navigational safety or Directional Signs;
i not contain guy wires or other similar structural support devices, excluding those that may be required to fasten the Wind Energy Conversion System to a building;
j not be within 100.0 metres of any permanent or temporary wetland or water body;
k not have a tower-climbing apparatus or blade tips closer than 4.6 metres from grade unless enclosed by a minimum 1.8 metre high fence; and
l not have a total power generation capacity greater than 100 kilowatts.
a must not be located within 60.0 metres from a residential district; and
b may require a biophysical impact assessment as part of a development permit application, that may include, but is not limited to, a literature review by a qualified biologist, field surveys, habitat assessments, and consideration for the publication "Wildlife Guidelines for Alberta Wind Energy Projects" by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development.
a must not be located within 550.0 metres from a residential district;
b requires a biophysical impact assessment as part of a development permit application, that may include, but is not limited to, a literature review by a qualified biologist, field surveys, habitat assessments, and consideration for the publication "Wildlife Guidelines for Alberta Wind Energy Projects" by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development; and
i 15.0 metres above the maximum building height of the district, and
ii 50 metres where there is no maximum building height.
4 A development permit may only be issued for a limited period of time not exceeding:
b where a development permit for a Wind Energy Conversion System — Type 1 or a Wind Energy Conversion System — Type 2 has been approved, subsequent development permit approvals for the legally existing Wind Energy Conversion System — Type 1 or Wind Energy Conversion System — Type 2 may be granted for a period greater than stated in subsection (a). 

Parcel Access

905 All developments must comply with the Controlled Streets Bylaw.

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.