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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

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Amending Bylaws - 2009

Land Use Bylaw 1P2007 has been amended by the following bylaws. With the amending bylaw there is a summary, a link to the report and a link to the amending text. To search for Public Hearing minutes and video related to the item, please visit, and enter the bylaw number in the search bar to the right.

Bylaw 1P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 1P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: January 26, 2009

Provided textual amendments including the following: revised the requirements and conditions for a development permit, added the Utilities — Linear and Public Transit System as uses that do not require development permits, and are uses not listed but allowed in all districts, added the new uses, Public Transit System and Utilities — Linear, revised Utilities and Utility Building, modified the permitted uses in S-CRI and S-TUC districts and revised Schedule A.

Bylaw 10P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 10P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: April 21, 2009

Revised miscellaneous typographical errors, provided clarification and consistency regarding: Motor vehicle parking stall requirements in the R-C1N, R-1N, and C-COR1 districts, modified the tables related to low water trees and shrubs, revised the discretionary uses in S-SPR and C-CS districts adding Community Entrance Feature, and Community Recreation Facility (S-SPR only).

Revised the maximum gross floor area of Office uses in the I-G district, and revised the Special Function Tent — Recreational and Warehouse — Storage Only definitions and development permit exemptions.

Bylaw 17P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 17P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: June 1, 2009

This amendment accommodated home-based and centre-based child care into the Land Use Bylaw and provided policy and development guidelines for child care services in response to provincial legislative amendments to the Alberta Child Care Licensing Act.

This amendment included: The addition of the new Child Care Service, Home Based Child Care — Class 1, and Home Based Child Care — Class 2, use definitions, listed Home Based Child Care — Class 1 as an exempt development, required Home Based Child Care — Class 2 to always be notice posted, added Home Occupation — Class 1 as a permitted use in R-CH district, added Home Based Child Care — Class 1 as a permitted use in all low density and multi-residential districts, CC-MH and CC-MHX districts, as a permitted use within existing approved buildings in C-N1, C-N2, C-C1, C-C2, C-COR1, C-COR2, C-R2, CC-X and CC-COR districts, added Home Based Child Care — Class 2 as a discretionary use in R-C1L, R-C1Ls, R-C1, R-C1s, R-C1N, R-C2, R-1, R-1s, R-1N, R-2, R-2M, M-CG, M-C1, and M-C2 districts, added both Library and Child Care Service as a discretionary use in M-CG and Child Care Service as a discretionary use in CC-MH district.

Bylaw 28P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 28P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: July 13, 2009

Clarified the motor vehicle parking stall requirements in the R-2 and R-C2 districts, added a "grandfather" clause to allow for pre-existing Signs — Class F in the S-CRI districts, and amended motor vehicle parking stall widths to allow private garages to accommodate two parking stalls.

Bylaw 31P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 31P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: September 14, 2009

Provided textual amendments to administratively cancel a development permit application and facilitate administrative extensions for commencement of construction.

Bylaw 41P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 41P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: October 13, 2009

Changed the required location of garbage and waste enclosures in R-2M, R-MH and R-CH districts; the location of accessory residential buildings used for storing garbage, waste or recycling containers in multi-residential districts.

Re-inserted Special Function Tents - Recreational in S-CRI district; added Home Occupation - Class 1 and 2 in the S-CI district; added Home Based Child Care — Class 1 and 2 to the S-FUD district.

Clarified the definitions of "assembly area" and Place of Worship — Small; Medium and Large.

Revised the definition of "gross vehicle weight", and added the new use Recyclable Construction Material Collection Depot (temporary) as a discretionary use in all districts.

Bylaw 41P2009 included the correction of minor typographical errors.

Bylaw 32P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 32P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: December 14, 2009

Provided textual amendments to the Land Use Bylaw to accommodate changes to the industrial land use districts.

The amendments included the following: clarified the interpretation of defined uses, added a section to assign deleted industrial uses an equivalent, deemed use; added the new use definitions Building Supply Centre and Fleet Service, replaced Auto Wrecker and Recycling Plant with the Salvage Yard use, added the General Industrial — Heavy, Light, Medium and Specialized Industrial uses, revised the use group classifications in Schedule A, amended the Large Vehicle and Equipment Sales, Equipment Yard, Dry-cleaning and Fabric Care Plant, Indoor Recreation Facility, Instructional Facility, Pet Care Service, Print Centre, Printing, Publishing and Distributing, Retail Store, Specialty Food Store, Take Out Food Service, Vehicle Storage — Large, Vehicle Storage — Passenger, Vehicle Storage — Recreational uses.

Deleted the Animal Feed Processor — Class 1, Animal Feed Processor — Class 2, Brewery and Distillery — Class 1, Brewery and Distillery — Class 2, Contractor's Shop — Class 1, Contractor's Shop — Class 2, Food and Beverage Processor — Class 1, Food and Beverage Processor — Class 2, Industrial Design and Testing — Inside, Industrial Design and Testing — Outside, Industrial Repair and Service — Inside, Industrial Repair and Service — Outside, Manufacturer — Class 1, Manufacturer — Class 2, Manufacturer — Class 3, Metal Fabricator, Recycling Plant, Auto Wrecker, Warehouse — Storage Only uses.

Revised the definition of parcel to exclude commercial and industrial bare land condominium units, added the terms laboratories and research and development, amended the use Waste Disposal and Treatment Facility in regards to approval in Direct Control Districts, provided new rules for the Display and Sales Areas in industrial districts.

Modified the I-G, I-B, I-E, I-C, I-R, I-O, I-H, and S-URP district use definitions.

Revised the discretionary uses in C-CX district, and updated Schedule A to reflect the deletions and additions of uses related to this amending bylaw.

Bylaw 46P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 46P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: December 14, 2009

Amended the general definition of contextual front setback.

Deleted the Minor Residential Addition use, added a new exemption clause for additions and exterior alterations to low density residential forms.

Revised rules applying to additions that are exempt from requiring a development permit, specifically building height, and setbacks from front property lines in the R-C1L, R-C1, R-C1N and R-C2 districts.

Revised provisions for building height of existing buildings, and previously approved development permits to conform to the land use bylaw.

Bylaw 38P2009

To view the signed bylaw and report, please search the City Clerks database for Bylaw 38P2009. Click here to view the search instructions.

Effective: December 15, 2009

Amended parking requirements for specific ground floor commercial uses in the Centre City land use districts, specifically CC-MH, CC-MHX, CC-X, CC-COR, and C-COR1.

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.