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Land Use Bylaw1P2007

Bylaw test

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Division 8: Residential – One / Two Dwelling (R-2) District


474 The Residential — One / Two Dwelling District is intended to accommodate residential development in the form of Single Detached Dwellings, Semi-detached Dwellings and Duplex Dwellings in the Developing Area.


477 In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
a the General Rules for Low Density Residential Land Use Districts referenced in Part 5, Division 1;
b the Rules Governing All Districts referenced in Part 3; and
c the applicable Uses And Use Rules referenced in Part 4.

Number of Main Residential Buildings on a Parcel

478 The maximum number of main residential buildings on a parcel is one.

Parcel Width

479 The minimum parcel width is:
a.1 9.0 metres for a parcel containing a Backyard Suite or Secondary Suite in a Single Detached Dwelling, unless otherwise referenced in subsection (a.2);
i it is located on a corner parcel or laned parcel; and
ii 3.0 or more motor vehicle parking stalls are provided on the parcel.
b 13.0 metres for a parcel containing a Duplex Dwelling; and
d 13.0 metres for a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling, and if a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling is subsequently subdivided, a minimum parcel width of 6.0 metres must be provided for each Dwelling Unit.

Parcel Depth

Parcel Area

481 The minimum area of a parcel is:
d 400.0 square metres for a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling, and if a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling is subsequently subdivided, a minimum area of 180.0 square metres must be provided for each Dwelling Unit.

Parcel Coverage

482 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3), the maximum parcel coverage for a Single Detached Dwelling is 45.0 per cent of the area of a parcel.
2 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3), the maximum parcel coverage for a Semi-detached Dwelling or Duplex Dwelling is 50.0 per cent of the area of a parcel.
3 The maximum parcel coverage referenced in subsections (1) and (2) must be reduced by 21.0 square metres for each required motor vehicle parking stall that is not located in a private garage.
4 For all other uses, the maximum parcel coverage is 45.0 per cent.

Building Setback Areas

483 The depth of all setback areas must be equal to the minimum building setback required in sections 484, 485 and 486.

Building Setback from Front Property Line

484 The minimum building setback from a front property line is:
a 2.0 metres for a laned parcel; and

Building Setback from Side Property Line

485 1 For a laned parcel, the minimum building setback from any side property line is 1.2 metres.
2 For a laneless parcel, the minimum building setback from any side property line is:
a 1.2 metres; or
b 3.0 metres on one side of the parcel, when no provision is made for a private garage on the front or side of a building.
3 For a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling, there is no requirement for a building setback from the property line upon which the party wall is located.
4 For a corner parcel, the minimum building setback from a side property line shared with a street is 1.2 metres, provided there is no portion of a building, except for a projection allowed in 337(3), located within 3.0 metres of:
a the back of the public sidewalk; or
b the curb where there is no public sidewalk.
5 The building setback required in subsection 2(b) may be reduced where the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel registers, against both titles, an exclusive private access easement:
a where the width of the easement, in combination with the reduced building setback, must be at least 3.0 metres; and
b provides unrestricted vehicle access to the rear of the parcel.
6 One building setback from a side property line may be reduced to zero metres where:
a the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel register, against both titles, a 2.4 metre private maintenance easement that provides for a 0.60 metre eave and footing encroachment easement; and
b all roof drainage from the building is discharged through eavestroughs and downspouts onto the parcel on which the building is located.

Building Setback from Rear Property Line

486 The minimum building setback from a rear property line is 7.5 metres.

Building Height

487 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2), the maximum building height is 10.0 metres for a Single Detached Dwelling.
a the area of the parcel is equal to or greater than 400.0 square metres; and
b the parcel width is equal to or greater than 10.0 metres.
4 The maximum building height for all other uses is 10.0 metres.

Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls

488 1 Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2) and (3), the minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls is the requirement referenced in Part 4.
2 The minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls for each Single Detached Dwelling is 2.0 stalls per Dwelling Unit where:
a the parcel width is less than 9.0 metres and the parcel is part of a plan of subdivision approved after September 7, 1982; or
b the area of the parcel is less than 270.0 square metres and the parcel is part of a plan of subdivision approved after September 7, 1982.
3 The minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls for a Secondary Suite contained in a Semi-detached Dwelling is reduced to 0.0 stalls, where 2.0 motor vehicle parking stalls are provided for each Dwelling Unit.

DISCLAIMER: This version of Bylaw 1P2007 MUST NOT be relied upon; it is not an official version of the bylaw and may contain errors. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Consult the Office of the City Clerk for an official version of the bylaw, if required. Please note that web pages are updated periodically.