Calgary Police Service

Sexual assault and sex crimes

Get Clear Consent

Sexual assault

The Calgary Police Service (CPS) is committed to supporting survivors of sexual violence and believes everyone should be treated with compassion, dignity, and respect in a professional, bias-free manner.  

CPS will strive to conduct comprehensive sexual assault investigations with the goal to identify, arrest and hold accountable those responsible while ensuring survivor sensitivity and privacy.  

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault occurs if you have been kissed, fondled, groped, or forced to engage in sexual activity against your will, without your permission or consent. Sexual assault is not defined by contact with any specific body part or if the individuals involved are known to each other. Sexual assault can happen to anyone and is not based on age, gender, or identity. 

What is Consent?

Consent means agreeing to sexual activity, including kissing, touching or intercourse with another person. Sexual contact with a person is never acceptable without clear and specific consent.

Consent must always be freely given. Consent requires a conscious, operating mind, capable of granting, revoking, or withholding consent to each and every sexual act.

There is no consent when:

  • You don't freely or directly agree to participate in the sexual activity with that person.
  • You are intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
  • The offender abuses their position of trust, power or authority to influence and convince you to participate in sexual activity with them.
  • You consent to engage in the sexual activity, but before or during you indicate through your words or actions you don't want to continue to participate.

To Report

If you or anyone you know has been subject to sexual assault, sexual violence, or sexual abuse, the Calgary Police Service is here to support you and would like to hear from you. 

911 – Call if you or someone else is in immediate danger or if you are witnessing a sexual assault in progress. 

Non-Emergency Line - 403-266-1234 

Report in person at any local Calgary Police Service district office

If you decide at this time to not report to police but wish to seek medical assistance, registered nurses, doctors and crisis counsellors are available to offer medical treatment, emotional support and education about options for care and reporting for people who have been sexually assaulted in the past four days (96 hours).


Being subjected to sexual violence is never your fault. The Calgary Police Service and its community partners are here to help and support your needs. 

Resources available to you

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In an emergency always call 911

Non-emergency 403-266-1234