Report a Bad Date
Together with Her Victory, the Calgary Police Service has launched a Bad Date reporting system for sex workers to report bad dates, incidents of violence and other safety concerns. This information will not be used by police to target sex workers, and will instead be used by police to target individuals causing harm to sex workers.
In all situations involving sex workers, the priority of the CPS is to ensure the safety and security of all sex workers.
Bad Date Line: 403-816-9400
Bad Date Email:
Note: This line is not monitored 24/7. If you are in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1. If you have been the victim of a sexual assault and would like to report it to police, please contact 403-266-1234 as soon as possible and a police officer will be dispatched to your location.

What can be reported via the Bad Date Line?
- Incidents of violence against sex workers
- Information about “bad dates”, or situations involving harmful, violent and/or abusive customers
- The victimization of sex workers
- Other safety concerns impacting sex workers
- Note, if you have been the victim of sexual assault and wish to report it to police, this should be reported as soon as possible by calling 403-266-1234, to avoid any delay in the collection of evidence.
Why report Bad Dates to police?
This information is crucial for our ability to identify and address crime trends that are impacting sex workers. With this information we can direct our resources as necessary to keep sex workers safe, ensure that sex workers have access to wraparound supports and when required, investigate crimes that victimize sex workers
The CPS Bad Date Line is intended to be another method for individuals to report this information directly to police, and is not intended to replace any existing methods of reporting/sharing bad dates.

Other Supports and Resources
Historically, crimes committed against sex workers are underreported and we know that not all victims will feel comfortable reporting to police. Anyone who is the victim of crime can also reach out directly to any of the following resources for supports:
Her Victory: 403-369-3572
Crime Stoppers (anonymous reporting for witnesses): 1-800-222-8477
211 Alberta (community resources): 2-1-1
311 Calgary (City of Calgary resources): 3-1-1
Health Link 811 (Alberta Health Services): 8-1-1
Distress Centre Calgary: 403-266-HELP (403-266-4357)
Access Mental Health (Alberta Health Services): 403-943-1500
SafeLink Alberta: 403-508-2500