Outline Plan
Before you apply
What is an outline plan?
An outline plan is the process of proposing subdivision plans that show:
- block patterns
- hierarchy of roadways
- distribution of open space in a new area.
They are usually processed together with Land Use Amendments to ensure a workable distribution of land uses, open space, and road networks. The outline plan does not show individual lots and dimensions.
An outline plan is not a statutory plan. It is a type of plan established by the City to bridge the process between high level policy documents (ex. area structure plans) and the planning applications that follow (ex. subdivision, land use designation and development permit).
When is an outline plan required?
Outline plans are typically required where any of the following apply:
- When subdivision of a parcel of land +/- 0.8 hectares (2 acres) in size or greater is proposed.
- Includes a parcel of land with outstanding municipal or environmental reserves which may be provided through land dedication or cash in lieu.
- Includes the need for a public roadway.
- Includes a complex subdivision application (large land area with intent to create multiple new parcels of land and numerous infrastructure development conditions) which would be aided by a planning and infrastructure approval framework.
- Council or policy direction for preparation of an outline plan has been established.
Do you need a pre-application meeting?
Due to the complex and sometimes controversial nature of outline plans, pre-application enquiries are recommended. They can help highlight major issues with the proposal and identify additional technical information that will be required with the formal application. Applicants may find a pre-application meeting helpful, prior to formal application.
There are two different types of pre-application services:
Simple pre-applications: Contact the Planning Services Centre at (403) 268-5311 or calgary.ca/livechat. There is no fee for enquiries that can be addressed by phone or e-mail.
Development Approvals Review Team (DART) pre-applications: To start your application, contact the Planning Services Centre at (403) 268-5311 or calgary.ca/livechat. When representatives from Parks and Open Spaces, Mobility Engineering, and Utility Engineering are required to review your proposal, this is considered a Development Approvals Review Team (DART) pre-application meeting.
For more information, see pre-application meetings.
How much does an outline plan cost?
The cost of an outline plan varies based on the size of land covered by the proposed outline plan and if there is or is not a growth management overlay.
Know the approved policy documents that apply to the property
An outline plan must be consistent with any policy documents that have been approved by City Council for the area, unless a concurrent application is made to amend the relevant policy document(s). Proposed policy amendments are subject to a decision by Council at the same time as the Land Use Amendment. The growth management overlay is identified in the applicable policy document.
With a growth management overlay
Only applications where a growth management overlay is in place, at time of submission will be subject to the Combined Land Use application fee schedule and charged based on a cost recovery system.
No growth management overlay
Where no growth management overlay is in place at time of submission, outline plan and Land Use Amendment applications will use the Subdivision fee schedule and the Land Use Amendment fee schedule. Cost recovery will not be in place for these files.
Outline plan | Fee schedule | Base fee | Total fee |
0-10 hectares | $5,669 | $5,669 | |
Over 10 hectares | $597/ hectare | varies |
How do you pay for your application?
In person or ApplyCentral submissions
Submit your online application through Apply Central.
When submitting your application in person, payment is due upon the time of submission. There are several different methods of payment accepted listed below.
How long will an outline plan take?
Processing times for outline plans can vary, depending on complexity, they can take 12 months or more from application submission to decision by the Calgary Planning Commission (CPC), depending on complexity.
- All outline plans are required to use the custom timeline.
- The custom timeline is a project timeline tool, one that is created collaboratively by the file manager, the DART team, the customer and their consultants.
What is the application process?
Community outreach
The applicant may choose to conduct outreach with the community before submitting their application. For more information on Community Outreach connected to planning and development, visit calgary.ca/planningoutreach.
Application submission
A complete application is submitted to the Planning Services Center by calling 403-268-5343 and speaking to a Planning Services Technician (PST).
Applications can now be submitted online through ApplyCentral.
The PST will review your application and advise if anything is missing. Missing items will need to be submitted immediately for your application to be accepted. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Circulation and comments
The application is reviewed by the Development Applications Review Team (DART) and circulated to City of Calgary business units, community associations, councillors and other external agencies.
At this time, adjacent landowners are notified of the application by mail. This notification invites landowners to submit comments regarding the application during the initial stages of review. A notice posting (Proposed Redesignation) will be placed at the site, to further inform surrounding landowners of the application and allow for comment prior to the DART team recommendation to the Calgary Planning Commission (CPC).
Planning review
When evaluating proposals for outline plans, the Development Applications Review Team (DART) may take into account relevant plans and policies, context, the rational of the proposal and sound planning principles.
Feedback from affected parties is considered as part of the application review.
Recommendation to the Calgary Planning Commission (CPC)
After the circulation process, the applicant will receive a detailed team review, which explains the recommendation for approval or refusal to the CPC. At this time, the applicant may address any issues to attain a more favorable recommendation before the meeting
Applicants are advised to attend the meeting in case there are any questions directed towards them. The meeting is also open for the public to attend but not participate.
For more information, visit calgary.ca/cpc.
Calgary Planning Commission recommendation to Council
Once the planning department has presented the application to the Calgary Planning Commission (CPC), the CPC makes a further recommendation to City Council.
A public hearing must be held at the City Council meeting and the applicant will have the opportunity to address Council regarding their proposed outline plan.
Notification of public hearing
Following the Calgary Planning Commission’s (CPC) recommendation, the date of the public hearing with City Council is advertised in the Calgary Herald prior to the hearing as well as online. Adjacent landowners are notified of the public hearing by mail and a notice is posted on site (Notice of Public Hearing).
Following the public hearing, Council either approves, refuses, or possibly tables the proposed amendment. Tabling or referral to Administration may happen, to allow further engagement through a second or third reading before the final decision is made.
For information on current proposed redesignation applications and public hearing notices, please visit our Calgary Planning & Development Map or Public Hearings.
Who makes decisions on outline plans?
The Development Applications Review Team (DART) reviews and presents outline plan recommendations to the Calgary Planning Commission (CPC), who makes the final decision on outline plans.
Once approved by the Calgary Planning Commission, an outline plan forms the basic concept for the subsequent subdivisions. If a Land Use Amendment is included, the Land Use Amendment moves on to Council for a decision. As an outline plan is non-statutory, there is no appeal of a decision on an outline plan.
Related Applications
Land Use Amendment
A Land Use Amendment (also called a Land Use Redesignation) changes the land use district of a property to allow for future development that is currently not allowed. When applying for a Land Use Amendment, it is important to understand the Land Use Bylaw.
Each land use district has a purpose statement that captures the intent of the area to guide applications. These statements will be considered when you apply for a Land Use Amendment and will be factored into the decision.
If amending for a particular use to be allowed on a property, consider the two different types of uses: permitted uses and discretionary uses.
Road closure
Permanent road closure
A road closure application is needed if you are wanting to remove a road right-of-way, often on an undeveloped piece of land that has been set aside for potential future road development. Road closure applications are typically accompanied by a Land Use Amendment, to give the piece of land a land use designation.
To make an application for a road closure, you will need to provide the requirements from the Street/lane closure – application requirement list
See apply for details on how to apply for this application.
Temporary road closure
If you want to temporarily close a road, or portion of a road for an event, block party, excavation or hoarding(for the purpose of storing building materials and equipment), you will need to apply with Transportation - roads department.
How to prepare your application so that it meets the requirements
The following information will help you prepare your application. Use this information to help make sure your application meets the City’s requirements.
Before you make an application for an outline plan, consider:
- Connecting with neighbours, the community association and your ward councilor.
- Changing a property’s land use district may have implications for adjacent properties. So, The City allows those who will be affected to give feedback. Please visit ca/planningoutreach for guidance on how to approach community outreach with those impacted by your project.
- Checking the existing land use district for the parcel, to ensure that the proposed use is a listed permitted or discretionary use in the Land Use Bylaw. If your proposed development is not a listed use, you may require a land use redesignation before subdividing your property, or the application will be rejected.
- The time and cost involved. See the Fee schedule.
- Consulting with The City to ensure you have chosen the most appropriate land use district.
- Reviewing your application to ensure it is complete and accurate.
Application requirements
The items listed on the Complete Application Requirement List (CARL) are all required for your application to be reviewed. Applications that are missing information will take longer to process.
For details about each requirement, read more below:
- Data sheet for outline plan (attached to the CARL)
- Include the municipal and legal address and area of all properties included in the redesignation
- Provide contact information for the owner and the applicant
- Indicate which Land Use Districts are being proposed, the current Land Use District and area of land being redesignated (in hectares)
- Current copy of the certificate of title and registered documents for each property
- Include restrictive covenants, utility rights-of-way, easements and City caveats registered to each property
- You can obtain these online or in person through the Alberta Land Titles office
- Site contamination statement
- Abandoned well declaration form
- A map of the subject property showing the presence or absence of Abandoned Well Locations on GeoDiscover Alberta’s map viewer must be included with the form
- Reference the user guide to finding abandoned wells for more information on how to locate your property
- Climate resilience inventory form
- For help completing this form, refer to the Climate resilience inventory user guide
- Applicant outreach summary
- For help completing this form, refer to the outreach toolkit
- Proposed outline plan
- The outline plan must show the land involved in the application
After you’ve submitted these minimum requirements, your application will be processed and reviewed.
Following the initial review of the application, additional technical information may be requested.
Tips for a smooth application process
Before you apply
Download the Checklist and check each application requirement as you prepare to submit your application. Items listed on the checklist are the minimum requirements, additional information may be requested following the initial review of your application.
Provide all required documents on the checklist, including drawings and supporting material. If you are not sure if something is required, contact the Planning Services Center. Make sure you complete any additional forms that are required.
If you are unsure of which district is best suited to your development or if your project is unique and doesn't fit within our regular land use districts, please set-up a pre-application meeting by contacting the Planning Services Center.
Double check your documents are completed and ensure you have all required items on your plans before you upload them
After you apply
Follow-up on requests for further information in a timely manner when necessary. Requests for further information may come from the Planning Services Centre when reviewing your application for completeness, or from your File Manager after their initial review.
Use the Job Access Code (JAC) to check status updates for your application on calgary.ca/vista
- The JAC should be provided to you once you’ve submitted your application. If you did not receive a JAC number, please contact the Planning Services Center.
- Checking your application’s status using your JAC will provide you with timely updates about the current status of your application
Where can you apply for your permits?
Apply using ApplyCentral
Applications can now be submitted online through ApplyCentral.
After you apply
How to check the status of your permit
After you submit your application online, you will get a confirmation email with a Job Access Code (JAC).
To track your application and check its status, enter your Job Access Code in Vista.
If you need help or have questions, contact our Planning Services Centre.

How do you make an amendment to an outline plan?
You should consider applying for a revised outline plan, instead of a major non-conforming tentative plan, if:
- The non-conforming subdivision still follows the intent of the originally approved outline plan. For example, if the community design changes warrant a broader review through file management by a City planner and a Calgary Planning Commission decision that could be accomplished through a revised outline plan.
- Significant new land use redesignation approvals are required to align with the proposed outline plan.
- A policy plan amendment is necessary to support the proposed changes.
- The changes proposed involve a multi-phased subdivision where certainty of conditions of approval established through the outline plan process could be beneficial.
Planning Services Centre
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (MT)
Live chat:
In person:
Planning Services Centre,
3rd floor, Municipal building
800 Macleod Trail SE
Book an eAppointment for in person services at appointment.calgary.ca