The City of Calgary Land Use Bylaw 1P2007
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Division 1: General Rules for Low Density Residential Land Use Districts
Projections Into Setback Areas
Portions of a building located above the surface of the ground may project into a setback area only in accordance with the rules contained in this Part.
Portions of a building below the surface of the ground may extend without any limits into a setback area, with the exception of the required front setback area.
Length of Portions of a Building in Setback Areas
On each storey, the total combined length of all projections into any setback area must not exceed 40.0 per cent of the length of the façade.
decks , eaves, porches as described in sections 336 and 339.1, ramps, and stairs when located in any setback area; and
Projections Into Front Setback Area
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (6), bay windows and eaves may project a maximum of 0.6 metres into the front setback area.
Landings, ramps other than wheelchair ramps and stairs may project into a front setback area provided:
the setback of the porch from the front property line is not less than the minimum setback in the district;
the maximum height of the porch platform is 1.2 metres measured from grade, excluding stairs and a landing area not exceeding 2.5 square metres; and
the portion of the porch that projects into a front setback area is unenclosed, other than by a railing, balustrade or privacy walls located on porches between attached units.
Eaves may project an additional 0.6 metres from a porch into the front setback area, as described in subsection 5.
Portions of a building greater than or equal to 2.4 metres above grade may project a maximum of 0.6 metres into any side setback area.
Portions of a building less than 2.4 metres above grade may project a maximum of 0.6 metres into a side setback area:
for a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling and a Semi-detached Dwelling, only where the side setback area is on the street side of a corner parcel; and
where at least one side setback area is clear of all portions of the building measure from grade to a height of 2.4 metres; or
where the side setback area contains a private maintenance easement required by this Bylaw and no portion of the building projects into the required private maintenance easement.
Window wells and portions of a building, other than eaves, must not project into a 3.0 metre side setback area required on a laneless parcel.
Landings , ramps other than wheelchair ramps and stairs may project in a side setback area provided:
the area of any portion of a landing that projects into the side setback area does not exceed 1.8 square metres;
they are not located in a side setback area required to be clear of projections, unless pedestrian access from the front to the rear of the parcel is provided.
Any portion of a building that projects into a side setback area, other than eaves, landings, window wells, ramps and stairs, must not be located closer than 0.9 metres from the nearest front façade.
Projections Into Rear Setback Area
Stairs, air conditioning equipment and window wells may project without limits into any rear setback area.
Awnings, balconies, bay windows, canopies, chimneys, decks , eaves, fireplaces, fire escapes, landings, porches, and ramps other than wheelchair ramps may project a maximum of 1.5 metres into any rear setback area.
A private garage attached to a building may project without limits into a rear setback area provided it:
does not exceed 75.0 square metres in gross floor area for each Dwelling Unit located on the parcel;
When an attached private garage has a balcony or deck , the balcony or deck must not be located within 6.0 metres of a rear property line or 1.2 metres of a side property line.
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2) and (3), a privacy wall may be located on a patio, provided it does not exceed a height of 2.0 metres when measured from the surface of the patio.
A privacy wall located on a patio must not exceed 2.0 metres in height, when measured from grade and when the privacy wall is located within:
A privacy wall located on a patio must not exceed 1.2 metres in height when measured from grade when the privacy wall is located between the foremost front façade of the main residential building and the front property line.
The height of a deck in the Developing Area must not exceed 0.3 metres above the main floor level of the closest main residential building on the parcel.
1.5 metres above grade at any point, except where the deck is located on the same façade as the at-grade entrance to a walkout basement; and
must not be located between the foremost front façade of the main residential building and the front property line.
A deck attached to a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling, Rowhouse Building or Townhouse within 1.2 metres of a party wall must have a solid privacy wall that:
In a Developed Area, a porch is exempt from parcel coverage where:
the porch is unenclosed on a minimum of two sides, other than by a railing, balustrade or privacy walls located on porches between attached units when the porch is at or exceeds the contextual front setback; and
Unless otherwise referenced in this Part, an open balcony must not project more than 1.85 metres from the building façade to which it is attached.
Unless otherwise referenced in this Part, the floor area of a recessed balcony must not exceed 10.0 square metres.
must not be located between the foremost front façade of the main residential building and the front property line.
A balcony attached to a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling, Rowhouse Building or Townhouse within 1.2 metres of a party wall must have a solid privacy wall that:
be a minimum of 6.0 metres in length along the intended direction of travel for vehicles and measured from:
A driveway connecting a lane to a private garage must be a minimum of 0.60 metres in length along the intended direction of travel for vehicles, measured from the property line shared with the lane to the door of a private garage.
That portion of a driveway, including a motor vehicle parking stall, within 6.0 metres of a public sidewalk, or a curb on a street where there is no public sidewalk, must not exceed a width of:
In the Developed Area a driveway accessing a street must not be constructed, altered or replaced except where:
it is located on a laned parcel and 50.0 per cent or more parcels on the same block face have an existing driveway accessing a street ; or
Where a parcel is the subject of development, the Development Authority must not require the removal of a legally existing driveway accessing a street even where the proposed development is a discretionary use.
Retaining Walls
A retaining wall must be less than 1.2 metres in height when measured from the lowest grade at any point adjacent to the retaining wall to the highest grade retained by the retaining wall.
A minimum horizontal separation of 1.0 metre must be maintained between retaining walls on the same parcel.
1.2 metres for any portion of a fence extending between the foremost front façade of the main residential building and the front property line;
Solar Collectors
a maximum of 0.5 metres from the surface of a roof, when the solar collector is located 5.0 metres or less from a side property line , measured directly due south from any point along the side property line ; and
A solar collector mounted on a roof with a pitch of 4:12 or greater, may project a maximum of 1.3 metres from the surface of a roof.
Skateboard and Sports Ramps
All skateboard and sports ramp structures must be located within the maximum envelope dimensions of 1.5 metres high by 5.0 metres wide by 6.0 metres long.
All skateboard and sports ramp structures must be located between the rear façade of the main residential building and the rear property line.
All skateboard and sports ramp structures, including railings for safety purposes, must be located a minimum of 1.2 metres from a side property line.
All skateboard and sports ramp structures, including railings for safety purposes, must be located a minimum of 1.2 metres from a rear property line.
A skateboard and sports ramp must not be attached to a deck, another structure, fence, or building such as, but not limited to, a main residential building, Backyard Suite or Accessory Residential Building.
Objects Prohibited or Restricted
A large vehicle must not remain on a parcel except while actively engaged in loading or unloading. Only one large vehicle may remain on a parcel while actively engaged in loading or unloading.
not be located in an actual front setback area or in an actual side setback area where the parcel shares a property line with a street ;
Subsection (5) does not apply to a satellite dish greater than 1.0 metre in diameter when the applicant demonstrates:
A Power Generation Facility — Small with a capacity greater than 100kW must not be located on a parcel when the principal use on the parcel is a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Single Detached Dwelling, or Semi-detached Dwelling.
Accessory Residential Building
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2), the minimum building setback for an Accessory Residential Building is:
The minimum building setback for an Accessory Residential Building that does not share a side or rear property line with a street may be reduced to zero metres when:
the wall of the Accessory Residential Building is constructed of maintenance-free materials and there is no overhang of eaves onto an adjacent parcel; or
be registered against the title of the parcel proposed for development and the title of the adjacent parcel; and
A private garage on a laneless parcel may be located within the required 3.0 metre side setback area, except along the street side of a corner parcel.
The minimum distance between any façade of an Accessory Residential Building 10.0 square metres or more and a main residential building is 1.0 metres.
has a maximum height of 1.5 metres when measured from the attic floor to the underside of any rafter.
Restrictions on Use of Accessory Residential Building
The finished floor of an Accessory Residential Building, other than a private garage, must not exceed 0.6 metres above grade.
An Accessory Residential Building must not be used as a Dwelling Unit, unless a Backyard Suite has been approved.
the calculation to determine the area of a parcel covered by Accessory Residential Buildings must not include any Accessory Residential Buildings with a cumulative gross floor area of 10.0 square metres or less.
All roof drainage from an Accessory Residential Building must be discharged onto the parcel on which the building is located.
General Landscaping Rules for the Developed Areas
must be maintained on the parcel for a minimum of 24 months after issuance of a development completion permit;
are not required to be shown on a plan that is part of an application for development permit unless subject to subsection (f); and
may be provided through the planting of a new tree in an adjacent boulevard to the parcel approved by the Development Authority for a Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling.
A minimum of 2.0 trees must be provided for each unit of a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Rowhouse Building or Semi-detached Dwelling.
Where a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling is located on a parcel with a parcel width less than or equal to 10.0 metres a minimum of 2.0 trees must be provided.
Where a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling is located on a parcel with a parcel width greater than 10.0 metres a minimum of 3.0 trees must be provided.
Contextual Single Detached Dwelling
must not have windows that are located beyond the rear façade of a main residential building on an adjoining parcel unless:
there is a minimum distance of 1.5 metres between the finished floor and the bottom of the window sill;
must not have a roof slope less than 4:12 within 1.5 metres of the horizontal plane forming the maximum building height;
must not be located on a parcel where the difference between the average building reference point is greater than 2.4 metres; and
where it forms part of the front façade and is not recessed back more than 4.5 metres from the front façade; or
it does not form part of the side façade unless the side façade is on the street side of a corner parcel;
a privacy wall is provided where the balcony is facing a side property line shared with a parcel; and
the privacy wall is a minimum of 2.0 metres in height and a maximum of 3.0 metres in height; and
must not have a balcony with a height greater than 6.0 metres, when measured vertically at any point from grade to the platform of the balcony.
Where a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling is located on a parcel with a parcel width less than or equal to 10.0 metres the maximum building depth is the greater of:
Where a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling is located on a parcel with a parcel width greater than 10 metres the maximum building depth is the contextual building depth average.
Where a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling is located on a parcel with a parcel width greater than 10.0 metres, the maximum area of a horizontal cross section through each storey above the first storey must not exceed the building coverage.
Where a private garage is attached to a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, the maximum building coverage is the maximum parcel coverage which must be reduced by 21.0 square metres for each required motor vehicle parking stall.
Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling
the principal front façade of one unit staggered a minimum of 0.6 metres behind the principal front façade of the other unit; and
the principal rear façade of one unit staggered a minimum of 0.6 metres behind the principal rear façade of the other unit;
located on a corner parcel must have an exterior entrance which is visible from the street side of the corner parcel;
must not have windows that are located beyond the rear façade of a contextual adjacent building on an adjoining parcel unless:
there is a minimum distance of 1.5 metres between the finished floor and the bottom of the window sill; and
must not have a roof slope less than 4:12 within 1.5 metres of the horizontal plane forming the maximum building height;
must not be located on a parcel where the difference between the average building reference points is greater than 2.4 metres;
must not have an exterior entrance from grade located on a side façade, unless the entrance provides access to a Secondary Suite or is located on the street side of a corner parcel.
it forms part of the front façade and is not recessed back more than 4.5 metres from the front façade; or
it does not form part of the side façade unless the side façade is on the street side of a corner parcel;
a privacy wall is provided where the balcony is facing a side property line shared with a contextual adjacent building; and
the privacy wall is a minimum of 2.0 metres in height and a maximum of 3.0 metres in height; and
must not have a balcony with a height greater than 6.0 metres, when measured vertically at any point from grade to the platform of the balcony.
Where a private garage is attached to a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, the maximum building coverage is the maximum parcel coverage which must be reduced by 21.0 square metres for each required motor vehicle parking stall.
A Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling must not be located on a parcel that contains more than one main residential building.
Visibility Setback
Within a corner visibility triangle, buildings, fences, finished grade of a parcel and vegetation must not exceed the lowest elevation of the street by more than 0.75 metres above lowest elevation of the street .
Roof Equipment Projection
There is no vertical projection limit from the surface of a roof on a building for antennae, chimneys and wind powered attic ventilation devices.
Mechanical equipment may project a maximum of 0.3 metres from the surface of a roof on a building.
For a Secondary Suite the minimum building setback from a property line, must be equal to or greater than the minimum building setback from a property line for the main residential building.
Except as otherwise stated in subsections (2.1) and (3) the maximum floor area of a Secondary Suite, excluding any area covered by stairways and landings, is 100.0 square metres:
There is no maximum floor area for a Secondary Suite wholly located in a basement. Internal landings and stairways providing access to the basement may be located above grade.
The maximum floor area of a Secondary Suite may be relaxed by the Development Authority to a maximum of 10.0 per cent.
Unless otherwise specified in the district, for a Backyard Suite, the minimum building setback from a side property line is 1.2 metres for any portion of the building used as a Backyard Suite.
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (3.1) and (3.2), a minimum separation of 5.0 metres is required between the closest façade of the main residential building to the closest façade of a Backyard Suite.
The minimum façade separation in subsection (3) may be reduced to 1.5 metres where amenity space is provided at grade that:
(a) Where portions of a Backyard Suite meet the requirements of subsection (b) these portions may project:
into a setback area from a property line shared with a street or a lane to a minimum building setback of 0.6 metres from the shared property line; and
0.6 metres into the minimum separation area required in subsection (3) or the amenity space required in subsection (3.1);
not exceed 40.0 per cent of the length of the façade on each storey for the total combined length of all projections;
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (4.1), the maximum building height for a Backyard Suite is 7.5 metres.
5.0 metres measured from grade at a side property line shared with a parcel designated with a low density residential district;
3.0 metres measured from grade at a rear property line shared with a parcel designated with a low density residential district; and
increases at a 45 degree angle to a maximum of 7.5 metres at a proportional distance from the shared property line.
The maximum floor area of a Backyard Suite, excluding any area covered by stairways and internal landings not exceeding 2.5 square metres, is 75.0 square metres.
The maximum floor area of a Backyard Suite may be relaxed by the Development Authority to a maximum of 10.0 per cent.
includes a privacy wall that screens the balcony from a property line shared with a parcel designated with low density residential district where:
A balcony attached to a Backyard Suite may project into a required setback area from a property line shared with a street or a lane to a minimum setback of 0.6 metres from the property line.
There must not be more than one Backyard Suite located on a parcel, except in the R-CG and R-2M Districts where one Backyard Suite may be located on any bare land unit.
A Secondary Suite or a Backyard Suite must not be separated from the main residential use on a parcel by the registration of a condominium or subdivision plan.
Where a parcel is legally existing or approved prior to the effective date of this Bylaw and the parcel width, parcel depth or the area of the parcel is less than the minimum required in a district the parcel is deemed to conform to the minimum requirement of this Bylaw provided that the use of the parcel is not being intensified.
Dwellings Deemed Conforming
Decks greater than 1.5 metres in height, landings, retaining walls and window wells that are legally existing or approved prior to the effective date of this Bylaw are deemed to conform with the requirements of this Bylaw.
When a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling has been constructed in accordance with this Bylaw, and is located in a Developed Area, the maximum building height, minimum building setback from a front property line and maximum building depth determined at the time of the development are the requirements until further development occurs on the parcel.
The building setback from the front property line for a Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling in the Developed Area is deemed to conform with the requirements of this Bylaw if:
the Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling was legally existing or approved prior to the effective date of this Bylaw;
has been added to after the effective date of this Bylaw and the addition complies with the requirements specified in this Bylaw for a building setback from the front property line.
The building height for a Duplex Dwelling,Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling in the Developed Area is deemed to conform with the requirements of this Bylaw providing:
the Duplex Dwelling,Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling was legally existing or approved prior to the effective date of this Bylaw; and
A relaxation or variance of one or more rules applicable to an Accessory Residential Building, Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling granted by a development permit under a previous Land Use Bylaw is deemed to continue to be valid under this Bylaw.
The building depth and building height for a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling is deemed to conform with the requirements of this Bylaw if the building was legally existing or approved prior to the parcel being redesignated by Bylaw 21P2024.
Personal Sales
Personal sales may be conducted on a parcel a total of eight days in any calendar year.
Building Height
Unless otherwise referenced in (5), the building height of a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Semi-Detached Dwelling and Single Detached Dwelling, must not exceed a height plane described in this section.
When the difference between the average building reference point at the front corners of the parcel and those at the rear of the parcel is greater than or equal to 1.0 metres, the building height must not be greater than a height plane that:
extends horizontally towards the opposite end of the parcel to a point that is 5.5 metres closer than the point on the foundation which is furthest from the highest average building reference point; and
When the difference between the average building reference points at the front corners of the parcel and those at the rear of the parcel is less than 1.0 metres, the building height must not be greater than the height plane that:
Illustration 1:
Building Height Subsection 360(2))
Building Height Subsection 360 (3)
The building height for an addition to a main residential building is measured from grade at any point adjacent to the addition when the addition is less than or equal to:
In addition to the rules of sections 360 (2) and (3), for a Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Duplex Dwelling, Semi-Detached Dwelling and Single Detached Dwelling located on a corner parcel, the building height must not be greater than a height plane that intersects the horizontal portion of the height plane described in section 360 at a point that is 4.5 metres from the street side property line, and extends downward toward the street side property line at a 4:12 slope.
Illustration 2:
Building Height on a Corner Parcel
Subsection 361(1)
Approved Building Grade Plans
All building reference points must be in accordance with a building grade plan.
Exempt Additions
In order for the exemption in section 25(2)(a) to apply to an exterior alteration or addition to an existing Duplex Dwelling, Semi-detached Dwelling or Single Detached Dwelling:
10.0 square metres in floor area for any portion not exceeding the highest point of the existing roof;
the addition or exterior alteration to a building is not required to comply with the maximum building depth specified in the district where the minimum building setback from the rear property line is 7.5 metres or greater;
reduce the existing building setback from a front property line a maximum of 1.5 metres, or 1.8 metres for a porch, provided the building will comply with the minimum setback from a front property line specified in the district; and
reduce the existing building setback from rear property line a maximum of 4.6 metres provided the building will comply with the minimum setback from a rear property line specified in the district; and
of section 347(1)(c) where there is a new window opening being created or where an existing window is being moved or enlarged; and
of section 347(2) where a new balcony is being constructed or an existing balcony is being altered.
Cottage Housing Cluster
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2), the minimum separation distance between cottage buildings is 3.0 metres.
When a common amenity space — outdoors is located between two cottage buildings, the minimum separation distance between those buildings is 6.0 metres.
The maximum gross floor area of any individual storey of a Dwelling Unit in a cottage building is 100.0 square metres.
For Dwelling Units in a cottage building that are located on the floor closest to grade, a private amenity space must be provided in the form of a patio, porch or deck.
For Dwelling Units in a cottage building that are located entirely above a private garage, a private amenity space must be provided in the form of a patio, deck or balcony.
Common outdoor amenity space required for each Cottage Housing Cluster must be provided at grade, and
Private amenity space is not to be included in the calculation to determine the required common amenity space in subsection (10).
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (13), for a parcel containing a Cottage Housing Cluster the provisions referenced in sections 334, 335, 336, 337 and 338 do not apply.
One Accessory Residential Building less than 10.0 square metres, not including a private garage, may be provided for each cottage building.
For a parcel containing a Cottage Housing Cluster garbage and waste material must be stored, prior to collection, either:
must not be located in an actual side setback area on the public street side of a corner parcel; and
A garbage container enclosure on a parcel containing a Cottage Housing Cluster may be located in a setback area provided that:
Motor vehicle parking stalls in a Cottage Housing Cluster must not be located between the common amenity space and a cottage building.
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (20) access to motor vehicle parking stalls and private garages in a Cottage Housing Cluster must be from a lane.
For a Cottage Housing Cluster located on a laneless parcel access from a street to motor vehicle parking stalls and private garages may be provided via a single shared driveway.
Divisions 2 - 8: Low Density Residential Districts (deleted)
Part 5; Divisions 2 through 8 were deleted by Bylaw 21P2024 on January 1, 2025
To view an archived version of Land Use Bylaw 1P2007, please visit The City's website.
Division 9: Residential – Low Density Multiple Dwelling (R-2M) District
The Residential — Low Density Multiple Dwelling District (R-2M) is intended to primarily accommodate comprehensively designed low density residential development in the form of Duplex Dwellings, Rowhouse Buildings, Semi-detached Dwellings, and Townhouses in the Developing Area.
Permitted Uses
The following uses are permitted uses in the Residential — Low Density Multiple Dwelling District:
The following uses are permitted uses in the Residential — Low Density Multiple Dwelling District where there is only one main residential building located on a parcel:
Discretionary Uses
Uses listed in Section 490.1 are discretionary uses in the Residential — Low Density Multiple Dwelling District where there is more than one main residential building on a parcel:
The following uses are discretionary uses in the Residential — Low Density Multiple Dwelling District:
In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
the General Rules for Low Density Residential Land Use Districts referenced in Part 5, Division 1;
each unit has a separate, direct exterior access facing a public road that is not a private condominium roadway;
Parcel Width
The minimum parcel width is:
13.0 metres for a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling, and if a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling is subsequently subdivided, a minimum parcel width of 6.0 metres must be provided for each Dwelling Unit; and
5.0 metres for an individual parcel containing a Dwelling Unit in a Rowhouse Building or Townhouse.
Parcel Area
The minimum parcel area is:
400.0 square metres for a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling, and if a parcel containing a Semi-detached Dwelling is subsequently subdivided, a minimum area of 180.0 square metres must be provided for each Dwelling Unit; and
160.0 square metres for a parcel containing an individualDwelling Unit in a Rowhouse Building or Townhouse.
Parcel Coverage
The maximum parcel coverage referenced in subsection (1), must be reduced by 21.0 square metres for each required motor vehicle parking stall that is not located in a private garage.
Building Setback Areas
The depth of all setback areas must be equal to the minimum building setback required in sections 499, 500 and 501.
Building Setback from Front Property Line
The minimum building setback from a front property line is:
Building Setback from Side Property Line
3.0 metres on one side of the parcel, when no provision is made for a private garage on the front or side of a building.
For a corner parcel, the minimum building setback from a side property line shared with a street is 1.2 metres, provided there is no portion of a building, except for a projection allowed in 337(3), located within 3.0 metres of:
For a parcel with a Rowhouse Building, Semi-detached Dwelling, or Townhouse there is no requirement for a building setback from the property line on which a party wall is located that separates two or more Dwelling Units.
The building setback required in subsection 2(b) may be reduced where the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel registers, against both titles, an exclusive private access easement:
where the width of the easement, in combination with the reduced building setback, must be at least 3.0 metres; and
the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel registers, against both titles, a 2.4 metre private maintenance easement that provides for a 0.60 metre eave and footing encroachment easement; and
Building Setback from Rear Property Line
The minimum building setback from a rear property line for a Duplex Dwelling, Rowhouse Building, Semi-detached Dwelling, Single Detached Dwelling and Townhouse is 7.5 metres.
Where the development is a Townhouse, garbage and waste material must be stored, prior to collection, either:
must not be located in an actual side setback area on the public street side of a corner parcel; and
Recycling Facilities
Recycling facilities must be provided for all developments containing Rowhouse Buildings and Townhouses.
Motor Vehicle Parking Stalls
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2) and (3), the minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls is the requirement referenced in Part 4.
The minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls for each Single Detached Dwelling is 2.0 stalls per Dwelling Units where:
the parcel width is less than 9.0 metres and the parcel is part of a plan of subdivision approved after September 7, 1982; or
the area of the parcel is less than 270.0 square metres and the parcel is part of a plan of subdivision approved after September 7, 1982.
The minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls for a Secondary Suite contained in a Semi-detached Dwelling is reduced to 0.0 stalls, where 2.0 motor vehicle parking stalls are provided for each Dwelling Unit.
Division 10: Residential – Manufactured Home (R-MH) District
The Residential — Manufactured Home District is intended to accommodate existing and new residential development in the form of Manufactured Home Parks and Manufactured Homes in the Developed Area and the Developing Area.
Areas of land greater than 16.0 hectares and less than 8.0 hectares should not be designated Residential - Manufactured Home District for a Manufactured Home Park.
Permitted Uses
The following uses are permitted uses in the Residential — Manufactured Home District:
Discretionary Uses
The following uses are discretionary uses in the Residential — Manufactured Home District:
In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
the General Rules for Low Density Residential Land Use Districts referenced in Part 5, Division 1;
The maximum density for a Manufactured Home located on a individual parcel is one unit per parcel.
Parcel Coverage
The maximum parcel coverage is 45.0 per cent of the area of the parcel, which must be reduced by 21.0 square metres for each required motor vehicle parking stall that is not located in a private garage.
Building Setback Areas
The depth of all setback areas must be equal to the minimum building setback required in section 516.
Building Setbacks from a Property Line
The minimum building setback for a Manufactured Home located on an individual parcel is:
Outdoor Private Amenity Space
A private amenity space located outdoors must not be used for motor vehicle parking stalls or contain an Accessory Residential Building.
Manufactured Home Installation
A Manufactured Home, when located on an individual parcel or within a Manufactured Home Park:
Accessory Residential Building
The minimum separation distance between the façades of an Accessory Residential Building and a Manufactured Home is 1.0 metres.
Manufactured Home Park
The minimum area of a parcel used for a Manufactured Home Park is 8.0 hectares and the maximum is 16.0 hectares.
be located entirely within the bounds of a Manufactured Home site, as shown on an approved site plan;
be located on a site with a minimum area of 240.0 square metres, with a minimum mean width of 9.0 metres; and
a minimum of 5.0 metres from any adjacent concrete or asphalt pad provided for another Manufactured Home;
a minimum of 15.0 metres from any concrete or asphalt pad provided for another Manufactured Home or another permanent building located on the opposite side of an internal roadway.
In a Manufactured Home Park all buildings must have a minimum building setback of 3.0 metres from an internal road, street or a parcel that is not designated Residential - Manufactured Home District.
All areas of a Manufactured Home Park must be landscaped when not developed or occupied by buildings or other facilities, concrete or asphalt pads for Manufactured Homes, driveways, internal roads, parking areas or walkways.
A minimum of 10.0 per cent of the total area of a Manufactured Home Park must be provided for the recreational use of the residents.
Where the development is a Manufactured Home Park, garbage and waste material must be stored, prior to collection, either:
must not be located in an actual side setback area on the public street side of a corner parcel; and
Division 11: Residential – Grade-Oriented Infill (R-CG) District
provides flexible parcel dimensions and building setbacks that facilitate integration of a diversity of grade-oriented housing over time; and
accommodates site and building design that is adaptable to the functional requirements of evolving household needs.
Permitted Uses
The following uses are permitted uses on a parcel that has a building used or previously used as a Community Recreation Facility or School Authority – School:
Discretionary Uses
The following uses are additional discretionary uses if they are located in buildings used or previously used as a Community Recreation Facility or School Authority – School:
The following uses are additional discretionary uses on a parcel that has a building used or previously used as School Authority – School:
The following uses are additional discretionary uses on a parcel that has an existing building used as a Place of Worship – Large or Place of Worship – Medium provided any new development proposed does not result in the increase of any assembly area:
In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
the General Rules for Low Density Residential Land Use Districts referenced in Part 5, Division 1;
Parcel Coverage
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3), the maximum cumulative building coverage over all the parcels subject to a single development permit containing a Contextual Semi-Detached Dwelling, Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Cottage Housing Cluster, Rowhouse Building, Semi-Detached Dwelling, Single Detached Dwelling or Townhouse is:
45.0 per cent of the area of the parcels subject to a single development permit for a development with a density of less than 40 units per hectare;
50.0 per cent of the area of the parcels subject to a single development permit for a development with a density 40 units per hectare or greater and less than 50 units per hectare;
55.0 per cent of the area of the parcels subject to a single development permit for a development with a density of 50 units per hectare or greater and less than 60 units per hectare; or
60.0 per cent of the area of the parcels subject to a single development permit for a development with a density of 60 units per hectare or greater.
21.0 square metres where one motor vehicle parking stall is required on a parcel that is not located in a private garage; and
19.0 square metres for each required motor vehicle parking stall that is not located in a private garage where more than one motor vehicle parking stall is required on a parcel.
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2) and (3) the maximum building depth is 65.0 per cent of the parcel depth for a building containing a unit.
On a laned parcel, there is no maximum building depth for a main residential building wholly contained to the rear of 40.0 per cent parcel depth where:
50.0 per cent or more of the units on the parcel are contained in main residential buildings located within the first 60.0 per cent of the parcel depth; and
where the minimum separation distance of the main residential buildings on the front portion of the parcel and the main residential buildings contained on the rear portion of the parcel is 6.5 metres.
For a main residential building that is located on a corner parcel there is no maximum building depth where the minimum building setback from the side property line shared with another parcel is 3.0 metres for any portion of the building located between the rear property line and:
whichever is closer to the rear property line.
Building Setback Areas
The minimum depth of all setback areas must be equal to the minimum building setback required in sections 535, 537, 538, 539 and 540.
The minimum building setback from a front property line is 3.0 metres.
Block Face Requirements
A minimum building setback of 1.2 metres is required from a side property line at least every 60.0 metres along the entire length of a block face.
Where subsection (1) applies, the side setback area must be clear of all air conditioning units, window wells and portions of a building measured from grade to a height of 2.4 metres.
Building Setback from Side Property Line
Subject to subsections (3) through (9), the minimum building setback from any side property line is 1.2 metres.
Subject to subsections (3) through (7), for a laneless parcel, the minimum building setback from any side property line is:
3.0 metres on one side of the parcel when no provision is made for a private garage on the front or side of a building.
There is no requirement for a building setback from a property line upon which a party wall is located.
the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel register, against both titles, a 1.2 metre private maintenance easement.
The minimum building setback from a side property line may be reduced to a zero setback where the main residential building on the adjoining parcel has a zero setback.
For a corner parcel, the minimum building setback from a side property line shared with a street is 0.6 metres.
The building setback from a side property line of 3.0 metres required in subsection 2(b) may be reduced to zero metres where the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel registers, against both titles, a private access easement:
where the width of the easement, in combination with the reduced building setback, must be at least 3.0 metres; and
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (9), on a laned parcel the minimum building setback from a side property line for a private garage attached to a main residential building is 0.6 metres.
On a laned parcel, the minimum building setback for a private garage attached to a main residential building that does not share a side or rear property line with a street may be reduced to zero metres where the wall of the portion of the building that contains the private garage is constructed of maintenance-free materials and there is no overhang of eaves onto an adjacent parcel.
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2) the minimum building setback from a rear property line is 7.5 metres.
On a laned or corner parcel, the minimum building setback from a rear property line is 1.2 metres.
The height of a fence above grade at any point along a fence line must not exceed 1.2 metres for any portion of a fence extending between the foremost front façade of the immediately adjacent main residential building and the front property line.
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2), (3) and (4), the maximum building height is 11.0 metres measured from grade.
Where a building setback is required from a property line shared with another parcel designated with a low density residential district or, the M-CG or H-GO District, the maximum building height:
measured at the shared property line; and
On a corner parcel, the maximum area of a horizontal cross section through a building at 9.5 metres above average grade must not be greater than 75.0 per cent of the maximum area of a horizontal cross section through the building between average grade and 8.6 metres.
Where not located on a corner parcel, the maximum building height is 8.6 metres for any portion of a main residential building located between the rear property line and 60.0 per cent parcel depth or the contextual building depth average, whichever is greater.
For developments of three units or more, landscaped areas must be provided in accordance with a landscape plan approved by the Development Authority.
All areas of a parcel, except for those portions specifically required for motor vehicle access, motor vehicle parking stalls, loading stalls, garbage facilities, or any purpose allowed by the Development Authority, must be a landscaped area.
All setback areas adjacent to a street, except for those portions specifically required for motor vehicle access, must be a landscaped area.
Amenity space provided outdoors at grade must be included in the calculation of a landscaped area.
Any part of the parcel used for motor vehicle access, motor vehicle parking stalls, loading stalls and garbage or recycling facilities must not be included in the calculation of a landscaped area.
All soft surfaced landscaped area must be irrigated by an underground irrigation system, unless otherwise provided by a low water irrigation system.
The landscaped areas shown on the landscape plan approved by the Development Authority must be maintained on the parcel for so long as the development exists.
Landscape Plan Requirements
For developments of three units or more, a landscape plan for the entire development must be submitted as part of each development permit application where changes are proposed to buildings or the site plan, and must show at least the following:
the layout of berms, open space systems, pedestrian circulation, retaining walls, screening, soft surfaced landscaped area and hard surfaced landscaped areas;
the types, species, sizes and numbers of plant material and the types of hard surfaced landscaped areas;
for landscaped areas with a building or other structure below, the following additional information must be provided:
Planting Requirements
where approved by the Development Authority, may be provided on a boulevard adjacent to the parcel.
A minimum of 1.0 tree and 3.0 shrubs must be provided for each 110.0 square meters of parcel area.
The requirement for the provision of 3.0 trees is met where an existing deciduous tree with a calliper greater than 100 millimeters is preserved.
For landscaped areas with a building below, planting areas must have the following minimum soil depths:
A balcony attached to a Contextual Single Detached Dwelling, Contextual Semi-detached Dwelling, or Rowhouse Building that is a permitted use:
where it forms part of the front façade and is not recessed back more than 4.5 metres from the front façade; or
it does not form part of the side façade unless the side façade is on the street side of a corner parcel;
a privacy wall is provided where the balcony is facing a side property line shared with a contextually adjacent building; and
the privacy wall is a minimum of 2.0 metres in height and a maximum of 3.0 metres in height; and
must not have a balcony on the rear façade with a height greater than 6.0 metres, when measured vertically at any point from grade to the platform of the balcony.
Motor Vehicle Parking Stall
The minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls is calculated based on the sum of all units and suites at a rate of 1.0 stalls per unit or suite.
Notwithstanding subsection (1), the minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls is calculated based on the sum of all units and suites at a rate of 0.5 stalls per unit or suite for the area listed in Table 2.1 below.
Notwithstanding subsection (1), and (2) the minimum number of motor vehicle parking stalls is calculated based on the sum of all units and suites at a rate of 0.5 stalls per unit or suite for development within 600.0 metres of an existing LRT platform or BRT bus stop.
Mobility Storage
The minimum number of mobility storage lockers is calculated based on the sum of all units and suites at a rate of 0.5 lockers per unit or suite where a unit or suite is not provided a motor vehicle parking stall located in a private garage.
Notwithstanding subsection (1), there is no requirement for mobility storage lockers for parcels with two or less Dwelling Units.
Bicycle Parking Stalls
The minimum number of bicycle parking stalls – class 1 is calculated based on the sum of all units and suites at a rate of 1.0 stall per unit or suite where a unit or suite is not provided a motor vehicle parking stall located in a private garage or mobility storage locker.
Notwithstanding subsection (1), there is no requirement for a bicycle parking stall – class 1 for parcels with two or less Dwelling Units.
Waste, Recycling and Organics
For developments of three or more units, garbage, recycling, and organics must be stored in a screened location approved by the Development Authority.
Division 12: Residential - Low Density Mixed Housing (R-G) (R-Gm) District
is intended to apply to low density neighbourhoods in master planned communities in suburban greenfield locations in the Developing Area;
accommodates a wide range of low density residential development in the form of Cottage Housing Clusters, Duplex Dwellings, Rowhouse Buildings, Semi-detached Dwellings and Single Detached Dwellings to allow for the mixing of different housing forms and to encourage housing diversity and intensification of a neighbourhood over time;
accommodate low density attached dwelling developments in the form of Rowhouse Buildings, Semi-detached Dwellings, Duplex Dwellings and Cottage Housing Clusters in locations within master planned communities where attached residential forms are promoted;
are not intended to accommodate Single Detached Dwellings except where subdivision results in remnant single lots, where carriage house lots are added or where Single Detached Dwellings are planned comprehensively with a majority of attached dwelling forms.
Permitted Uses
The following uses are permitted uses in the Residential — Low Density Mixed Housing District:
Discretionary Uses
The following uses are discretionary uses in the Residential — Low Density Mixed Housing District:
Permitted and Discretionary Uses for Parcels Designated R-Gm
Parcels designated R-Gm have the same permitted uses referenced in section 547.1 with the exception of:
Parcels designated R-Gm have the same discretionary uses referenced in section 547.2 with the additional discretionary use of:
In addition to the rules in this District, all uses in this District must comply with:
the General Rules for Low Density Residential Land Use Districts referenced in Part 5, Division 1;
Number of Main Residential Buildings on a Parcel
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2) the maximum number of main residential buildings on a parcel is one.
Parcel Width
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2) and (3) the minimum parcel width is 6.0 metres per Dwelling Unit.
The minimum parcel width is 5.0 metres per Dwelling Unit for a laned parcel containing a Duplex Dwelling or a Rowhouse Building.
Parcel Area
Except as otherwise referenced in subsections (2) and (3), the minimum area of a parcel is 150.0 square metres per Dwelling Unit.
The minimum area of a parcel for a Cottage Housing Cluster is 90.0 square meters per Dwelling Unit.
Parcel Coverage
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2) and (3), the maximum parcel coverage is 60.0 per cent of the area of the parcel.
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3), the maximum parcel coverage for a laned parcel is 70.0 per cent of the area of the parcel.
The maximum parcel coverage referenced in subsections (1) and (2), must be reduced by 21.0 square metres for each required motor vehicle parking stall that is not located in a private garage.
Building Setback Areas
The minimum depth of all setback areas must be equal to the minimum building setbacks required in sections 547.10, 547.11 and 547.12.
Building Setback from Front Property Line
The minimum building setback from a front property line is 1.0 metres.
Building Setback from Side Property Line
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (4), (5), (5.1) and (6), for a laned parcel, the minimum building setback from any side property line is 1.2 metres.
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (3), (4), (5), (5.1) and (6), for a laneless parcel, the minimum building setback from any side property line is:
3.0 metres on one side of the parcel, when no provision has been made for a private garage on the front or side of a building.
The building setback required in subsection 2(b) may be reduced where the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel register, against both titles, an exclusive private access easement:
where the width of the easement, in combination with the reduced building setback, must be at least 3.0 metres; and
For a corner parcel, the minimum building setback from a side property line shared with a street is 1.0 metre.
For a parcel containing a Single Detached Dwelling one building setback from a side property line may be reduced to zero metres where:
the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel register, against both titles, a minimum 1.5 metre private maintenance easement that provides for:
a 0.30 metre eave encroachment easement with the requirement that the eaves must not be closer than 0.90 metres to the eaves on a building on an adjacent parcel; and
For a parcel containing a Single Detached Dwelling one building setback from a side property line may be reduced to 0.6 metres where:
the owner of the parcel proposed for development and the owner of the adjacent parcel register, against both titles, private maintenance easements with a minimum combined width of 1.5 metres;
For a Backyard Suite, Rowhouse Building or Semi-detached Dwelling there is no requirement for a building setback from the property line on which a party wall is located that separates two or more Dwelling Units or Backyard Suites.
Building Setback from Rear Property Line
Unless otherwise referenced in subsections (2), (3) or (4) the minimum building setback from a rear property line is 7.5 metres.
On a laneless parcel the minimum building setback from a rear property line is 5.0 metres where all the required motor vehicle parking stalls are provided in a private garage.
The minimum building setback from a rear property line shared with a carriage house lot is 1.2 meters where all the required motor vehicle parking stalls are provided in a private garage.
On a laned parcel the minimum building setback from a rear property line shared with a lane is 0.6 metres where all the required motor vehicle parking stalls:
For a development subject to subsection (4) the provisions referenced in section 338 regarding projections into the rear setback area do not apply.
For a development subject to subsection (4) eaves may project 0.3 metres into the rear setback area.
Outdoor Private Amenity Space
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (2) or (3), for a Duplex Dwelling, Rowhouse Building, Semi-detached Dwelling or a Single Detached Dwelling, each unit must have direct access to private amenity space that:
is not located in the building setback area between the front property line and a line parallel to the front property line measured at the closest building setback from the front property line;
Unless otherwise referenced in subsection (3), for a Duplex Dwelling, Rowhouse Building or a Semi-detached Dwelling located on parcel designated R-Gm, each unit must have direct access to private amenity space that:
is not located in the building setback area between the front property line and a line parallel to the front property line measured at the closest building setback from the front property line;
For a Semi-detached Dwelling or a Single Detached Dwelling located on carriage house lot, each unit must have direct access to private amenity space that:
The rules of subsections 340(1) and 340(2) regarding balcony size do not apply to a balcony located entirely on the roof of the first or second storey of the main residential building or a private garage attached to the main residential building.
In addition to the rules regarding driveways in section 341 the combined width of all driveways accessing a street must not be wider than the parcel width less 3.0 metres.