Real estate blog
Industrial lands with access to a diverse talent supply
According to The Economist, Calgary is the most livable city in North America, so of course we attract great people! And investing in a city whose people are its best attribute can make business location and expansion decisions a bit easier.
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CERT Logistics, Calgary Transit, The City and Calgary Economic Development work to improve access for employees.
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Calgary is well positioned as an inland port and is a goods-distribution hub for local, provincial, national, and international markets. The City created a Goods Movement Strategy in 2018 to strengthen that position and guide transportation investment decisions over the next 30 years.
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If you're in the market for Calgary land for your business, the process can be daunting
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It may be surprising, but it’s cheaper to land goods in Calgary than Vancouver when shipping by air.
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This article takes a look at the Calgary Region, which includes Calgary and 13 surrounding municipalities, and how Calgary stacks up against smaller municipalities.
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Calgary’s economy is on the rebound. Nowhere is that more evident than in the development activity on The City’s industrial zoned and planned land.