Real estate blog
Industrial lands with access to a diverse talent supply
According to The Economist, Calgary is the most livable city in North America, so of course we attract great people! And investing in a city whose people are its best attribute can make business location and expansion decisions a bit easier.
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Learn how The City added value to this prestigious project.
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Locating in a major city like Calgary is crucial for any business looking to leverage the advantages of better accessibility.
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Choosing a site for a new or expanding business is a critical decision. This is true for restaurants and shops, but also for businesses that rely on shipping and receiving goods. Transportation and storage costs have a direct impact on your bottom line.
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Sofina Foods moved out of their old, outdated facility in the inner-city neighbourhood of Ramsay into a new ultramodern, 304,000-square-foot facility on 30 acres in Dufferin North industrial park.
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For businesses planning a move to Calgary, selecting the right location is easier if you know the lay of the land. Or if you have insider information. Knowing the industrial land assessments of the different areas is key. Combine that knowledge with helpful advice from The City’s Real Estate & Development Services (RE&DS) and you’re ready to make an informed decision.
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Calgary has serviced industrial land available in all sectors of Calgary: northeast, southeast, northwest and central.