Collaboration: Creating better access for CERT Logistics employees
CERT Logistics provides services that are customized and specialized to the needs of The Home Depot’s 1.2 million square feet distribution centre in Dufferin North industrial park in the city’s southeast. Working together with City of Calgary, they realized an opportunity to maximize the number of qualified supply chain ready employees by improving transit access to the location. The nearest transit location was one kilometre away from the operating facility. This made it a challenge to attract employees who would have to make the one kilometre trek throughout different weather scenarios. To help remedy this, the CERT team worked with the City of Calgary’s Economic Development team to help improve access.

It took a village
CERT, Calgary Transit, Real Estate & Development Services (RE&DS), and Calgary Economic Development worked to improve access for employees. In the short term, they plotted ridership and adjusted shift and service schedules. Then, after gathering feedback from transit customers and workers in the area, they established a permanent service: the new route (bus 149 - Point Trotter) which began operation on November 19, 2018 as part of Calgary Transit’s MAX Line launch.
The new transit service benefits CERT employees and all businesses in Dufferin North and Point Trotter industrial parks. It has also doubled the number of candidates CERT is able to consider, and created new opportunities for employment.
This project is a great example of how strong the relationship is between RE&DS, Transit, and Calgary Economic Development. Responding to the needs of businesses and Calgarians is our common goal.
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