Real Estate & Development Services

Proposed encroachment process

A ‘proposed encroachment’ is conceptual only (i.e., does not yet exist). There is a process to validate that your proposed encroachment, if constructed, would meet the criteria for executing an encroachment agreement, thus reducing the risk of being ordered to remove the encroachment.

Prior to submitting your request, please note the following:

  • Encroachments into reserve land are not permitted pursuant to Encroachment bylaw 9M2020 and the Municipal Government Act (Alberta).
  • Acceptance of an application for review does not mean approval will be granted.
  • Applications for permanent structures (shed, garage, house, swimming pool, etc.) will not be accepted.
  • A standard 30-day removal clause will be included on all encroachment agreements and encroachment consent letters.
  • If the encroachment is greater that 3.0 metres, a License of Occupation (Landscape License) wil be required. Please contact

How to apply for a new proposed encroachment

Eligibility stage

The purpose of the eligibility stage is to determine if your proposed encroachment meets the criteria to apply for a proposed encroachment agreement. Approval of a proposed encroachment will be limited to situations where an encroachment is considered minor and/or where it is determined that an owner has a site-specific challenge for which they are unable to build on or within their property line.  There are situations in which the answer will be ‘no’ right from the beginning, such as if the proposal encroaches onto park land or if the proposed encroachment is a permanent structure (e.g., shed, garage, house, swimming pool, etc.).

 The eligibility stage has 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Complete the Proposed Encroachment Eligibility Questionnaire 

  • Step 2: The Proposed Encroachment Eligibility Questionnaire has two possible outcomes:

    • Outcome 1: If you receive a message indicating that you are not eligible to apply for an encroachment agreement, please revise your plan or drawing to ensure that any proposed structures are not encroaching onto a City of Calgary property or interest (i.e. a City utility right of way, overland drainage right of way, road right of way/boulevard, City parcel etc.)

    • Outcome 2: If you receive instructions to apply for an encroachment agreement at the end of the Proposed Encroachment Eligibility Questionnaire, please follow the submission instructions and wait for a response from the Encroachments team.
  • Step 3: If cleared to proceed, the Encroachments team will provide you with an application form and assist you through the submission process, including payment of fees. 

Application stage

If you have successfully completed Steps 1 through 3 in the Eligibility stage, you will move to the Application stage where you will submit your application for a proposed encroachment. Acceptance of an application for review does not mean approval will be granted. Your application will be circulated internally for any objections. If there are no objections, you would then be cleared to develop/construct your proposed encroachment. 

The application stage has 3 steps: 

  • Step 4: An internal circulation is completed to City business units and/or utility providers to determine if the proposed encroachment(s) are acceptable.

  • Step 5: You will be notified of the outcome of the circulation. There are two possible outcomes:

    • Outcome 1: If there are objections to the circulation, the encroachment(s) is not acceptable.

    • Outcome 2: If there are no objections to the circulation, the Encroachment team will contact you with further instructions. If your encroachment extends into a street or City-owned parcel, you will require an Encroachment Work Permit before beginning construction; please contact for further information. Owners are responsible for obtaining the necessary insurance prior to commencing construction. If your encroachment extends into a utility right-of way you will need to locate lines before commencing construction (Click before you dig).
  • Step 6: Obtain a new Real Property Report that shows all new encroachments and apply for a Certificate of Compliance from the Planning Services Support Centre. For more information on how to apply for a Certificate of Compliance, click here.      

Agreement stage

AFTER developing/constructing your proposed encroachment, you can now proceed to the Encroachment Agreement process.

When requesting approval of an encroachment, please note the following:

  • A Real Property Report with a Certificate of Compliance is required as part of the application process. A Certificate of Compliance stamp on your Real Property Report is not an approval of encroachments shown on your Real Property Report. The Certificate of Compliance stamp is related only to building location requirements on your property set out in the Land Use Bylaw 1P2007. A separate stamp will be applied to the Real Property Report to address whether approval has been granted for any encroachments shown.

  • If your Real Property Report does not reflect all current encroachments into City lands or interests, any encroachment agreement or license of occupation/landscape license granted shall only be for those encroachments shown on the Real Property Report. Any encroachments not shown must be removed or a violation ticket will be issued.

  • The City cannot grant approval of any encroachments into lands not owned by The City, whether or not they are shown on your Real Property Report.

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