Book a park, pathway and greenspace

City of Calgary parks, pathways and greenspaces are available to book for events and activities.

Locations can be reserved for many types of events, including:

  • Weddings
  • Party/Reception
  • Concert/Performance
  • Cultural Celebrations
  • Run/Walk/Marathon
  • Fundraiser
  • Group Fitness Class
  • Sporting Activity
  • Film
  • Research/Education/Stewardship project
  • Construction/Infrastructure Projects


  • Greenspaces are manicured areas owned and maintained by the City of Calgary not designated as parks.
  • If your booking only requires a D or E playfield please click here.

Booking process and requirements

To apply for a Parks and Open Spaces permit, event booking requests must be received a minimum of 30 days prior to the event date.

DO NOT submit a service request if your event includes any of these activities:

Visit Festivals and Events to learn more about applying for these types of permits and bookings with no less than 90 days prior to your planned events.

Booking your events will require:

  1. Completion of a Parks & Open Spaces bookings application form
  2. Payment of applicable fees
  3. Adherence to permit conditions and bylaws

Application processing timelines

  • Applications must be submitted with no less than 30 days before the event's date.
  • Processing time for applications will be affected by seasonal volumes, resulting in potential delays.
  • Ensuring your application is complete with supporting documentation, such as detailed site maps, will reduce overall wait times.

Before submitting your application

All structures placed in a park, on a pathway or in a greenspace for any duration during an events, must be accompanied by a site map, showing exact placement, including dimensions. Structures may include, but are not limited to: tents, fire pits, stages, inflatables, portable toilets, etc. (Omitting the site map can result in processing and approval delays.)  

Vehicle access:
Any vehicle access into a park, on a pathway or in a greenspace will require a site map detailing the access point and route being taken. A Proximity and Access permit may be required. This permit can be requested by accessing the City’s myID online service. (Omitting the site map can result in processing and approval delays.)

Drones over 250g require a Parks Bookings permit. Part of the application will require submission of a Pilot Certificate, Certificate of Registration, Flight Map and a Certificate of Insurance.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to secure and hold in good standing the required level of insurance for their events.

Prince’s Island Park, St. Patrick’s Island and East Village:
Prince’s Island Park cannot be booked, as it is only available for booking large annual festivals and events.

St. Patrick’s Island and East Village can be booked externally by visiting Plan An Event | Event Applications | East Village Calgary (

All filming and commercial still photography must go through Calgary Economic Development.

Rental rates

2025 rates
Rental Rates (prices include GST)
Greenspace $63.69 per day*
Pathways (exceptions below) $63.69 per day*
Pathway segments B04-07**(Bow River Pathways 04-07) $92.87 per day**
Special event admin fee $26.25 (non-refundable, due upon processing of application)
2026 rates
Rental Rates (prices include GST)
Greenspace $66.24 per day*
Pathways (exceptions below) $66.24 per day*
Pathway segments B04-07**(Bow River Pathways 04-07) $96.58 per day**
Special event admin fee $26.25 (non-refundable, due upon processing of application)

Prices include GST.

A $5.75 risk management fee is applied to each permit.

This flat fee is charged per permit, not for each date/time booked.

Along with the base rental rates, additional fees (i.e. electrical hook-up charges, damage deposits, etc.) may also be charged upon approval from Parks & Open Spaces.

*Picnic site fees apply if booking a picnic site for special events. If additional greenspace is required to accommodate the event, additional greenspace fees will apply. Follow the links below for rental fee information.

**B04-B07 are Bow River pathways: Shouldice Park pathway, Edworthy Park pathway, Prince's Island Park north & south pathways.​​​​​​

Bookings for the following year

Most applications for the following year cannot be processed prior to January 1. Customers can expect to receive permits or updates approximately 6 - 8 weeks after January 1 unless the event is occurring in the first two months of the year. Booking priority is first given to festivals and renewal applicants for the following year.

Other Parks bookings

Contact Us

For more information or general inquiries, please contact
