Learn lifesaving skills - First Aid and CPR

Learning lifesaving skills such as First Aid and CPR will allow you to assist family members, neighbours, and friends in the event of an emergency or disaster. Standard First Aid and CPR certification takes as little as 14-16 hous to learn and scheduling is flexible.
Where can I take a First Aid / CPR course?
The City of Calgary offers First Aid/CPR courses. Numerous other orgranizations and private providers also offer life saving training.
What’s in a First Aid kit?
You should keep a first aid kit in your home, in your vehicle, and in your 72-hour emergency preparedness kit. First aid kits can be purchased from a variety of retailers or made by assembling some basic supplies.
Generally, a first aid kit should include:
- Emergency telephone numbers for EMS/9-1-1, your local poison control centre, and your personal doctors
- Home and office phone numbers for family members, friends, or neighbours who can help
- Gloves
- Sterile gauze pads
- A variety of bandages in assorted sizes
- Antiseptic
- Scissors
- Roller and triangle bandages
- Safety pins
- Antiseptic wipes or soap
- Thermometer
- Adhesive tape
- Eye patches
- Barrier devies, such as pocket mask or face shield
- Tweezers
- Needle and thread
- Instant ice packs
- Pencil and pad
- Flashlight with extra batteries in a separate bag
- Survival blanket, if space allows
- Firt aid manual