City Council
City Council meetings

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Council and committee agendas, minutes and video
Learn how to attend or present at a Council or Committee meeting.
Watch live video webcast of Council meetings and Committee meetings.
Council and committee webcasts
Mayor and Councillors
Jyoti Gondek
Sonya Sharp
Ward 1
Jennifer Wyness
Ward 2
Jasmine Mian
Ward 3
Sean Chu
Ward 4
Raj Dhaliwal
Ward 5
Information site
Ward 6
Terry Wong
Ward 7
Courtney Walcott
Ward 8
Gian-Carlo Carra
Ward 9
Andre Chabot
Ward 10
Kourtney Penner
Ward 11
Evan Spencer
Ward 12
Dan McLean
Ward 13
Peter Demong
Ward 14
City Council information