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The Calgary – Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan

The Calgary – Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan (The Plan) received second and third readings on June 15, 2020 during the Combined Meeting of Council in Calgary. And received third reading on June 16, 2020 during the Council Meeting in Chestermere. The Plan, which provides a common vision for development for lands along the Interface Street, is now a statutory document in both municipalities. Please refer to the timeline tab for details on all the steps that led to the final approval of The Plan.

The Plan received first reading by Calgary Council on February 24, 2020 and second reading by Chestermere Council on March 03, 2020. The Plan was then submitted to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) for their approval as per the Interim Regional Evaluation Framework. The CMRB granted approval to The Plan on May 19, 2020 which enabled both councils to proceed with final readings.

The project team thanks you for your interest, comments and the suggestions shared with us through the various engagement sessions as well as the draft circulation process.

The City of Calgary and The City of Chestermere are exploring opportunities to create a vibrant and unique urban interface along Range Road 284, which is a shared boundary. In September 2014, the Intermunicipal Committee (IMC), an organizational body that includes representatives from The City of Calgary and The City of Chestermere who meet to address matters of mutual interest, directed staff from both municipalities to complete a set of guidelines for development in the interface area. 

As outlined in yellow, the interface area is located along 116 Street E./Range Road 284 between the future alignment of 8 Avenue N.E. to the north and the future alignment of Peigan Trail to the south.

In 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was completed for the interface area to capture several potential tools that could be used to shape an emerging vision for the area. The IMC further directed staff to explore how the MOU could be embedded or referenced for the Local Area Plans currently existing in The City of Chestermere that fall within the interface area: the Belvedere Area Structure Plan and the Waterbridge Master Area Structure Plan.

The City of Calgary and The City of Chestermere will jointly prepare an Intermunicipal Interface Policy for the interface area. The policy will include specific policies relevant to the focus area (areas adjacent to Range Road 284) as well as to transition areas. The policy is expected to align with and reference existing municipal policies and the MOU. Additionally, the policy must be adopted by both councils in order to come into effect.

The goals of the policy are as follows:

  • Create a new statutory document, approved by both councils, to ensure:
    • future land uses along the interface area are compatible and complement each other;
    • continuous transportation and pedestrian networks that serve land use activities located along the interface area; and
    • protection of any significant natural areas and wildlife corridors.
  • Collaborate with partners to explore opportunities for creating a well-connected, high quality, attractive, pedestrian-friendly, comfortable, safe and functional municipal interface area.
  • Identify and manage partners’ expectations.
  • Facilitate the inclusion of sustainable principles and features along the interface area.
  • Identify a protocol for planning applications along the interface area.


Deliverable Timeline
Deliverable: Memorandum of Understanding: The City of Calgary and The City of Chestermere Timeline: 2016
Deliverable: Staff from both municipalities form a Technical Advisory Committee to undertake background study of the area Timeline: Summer/Fall 2017
Deliverable: Public Hearing of Council, The City of Calgary Timeline: February 4, 2019
Deliverable:  Council Meeting, The City of Chestermere Timeline: February 5, 2019
Deliverable: Engagement meeting Timeline: February 20, 2019
​​​​Deliverable: Intergovernmental Affairs Committee update Timeline: May 16, 2019
Engagement meeting  ​​Timeline: May 28, 2019
Deliverable: Calgary Council update Timeline: June 17, 2019
Deliverable: Chestermere Council update Timeline: June 18 2019
Deliverable: Staff from both municipalities draft policy Timeline: Summer 2019
Engagement meeting Timeline: September 23, 2019
Deliverable: Staff from both municipalities complete draft policy Timeline: Fall 2019
Deliverable: Draft policy circulated to partners Timeline: November 19, 2019
Deliverable: Calgary Planning Commission (For information only) Timeline: December 5, 2019
Engagement Meeting Timeline: December 10, 2019
Deliverable: Committee of the Whole, The City of Chestermere (For information - closed session of Council) Timeline: December, 17, 2019
Deliverable: Chestermere Council - First Reading Timeline: January 21, 2020
Deliverable: Calgary SPC on Planning and Urban Development * Timeline: February 5, 2020 *
Deliverable: ​Calgary Council - public hearing and first reading Timeline: February 24, 2020
Deliverable: Chestermere Council - public hearing and second reading ​​Timeline: March 3, 2020
Deliverable: Calgary Metropolitan Region Board submission Timeline: March 27, 2020
Deliverable: Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Decision of Approval Timeline: May 19, 2020
Deliverable: Calgary Council - second and third reading Timeline: June 15, 2020
Deliverable: ​Chestermere Council - third reading Timeline: June 16, 2020


* meeting cancelled by Calgary Council due to lack of quorum

Get involved

The DRAFT Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan (The Plan​ - DRAFT)​ is now available for review. The draft reflects the vision for the area we shared with you during previous engagement sessions. In addition to the high-level policies regarding Intergovernmental collaboration, The Plan contains detailed policies regarding development to allow consistancy within the plan area. Please provide your comments by end of the day on December 4, 2019.

City of Chestermere website

Previous Information Sessions

Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Location: Power Reception Hall, City of Calgary Municipal Building,
View presentation here

Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Location: Fourth Floor, City of Calgary Municipal Building
View presentation here

Date: Monday, September 23, 2019
Location: Fourth Floor, City of Calgary Municipal Building
View presentation here

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Location: Fourth Floor, City of Calgary Municipal Building
View presentation here​​​​​​​


Lisette Burga Ghersi, Project Lead
The City of Calgary 

Colin Kelly
The City of Chestermere
403.207.7075 x7109

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This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
