Cultural Plan for Calgary

Culture makes Calgary a great place to live and visit. It strengthens the economy, builds social ties and improves quality of life. Calgary’s culture is diverse and dynamic, a space where Indigenous tradition meets modern multiculturalism. With year-round opportunities to create and enjoy culture, there’s something for everyone to discover.

What is the Cultural Plan for Calgary?

The Cultural Plan is Calgary’s 10-year action plan for planning the city’s cultural resources.

The first edition of the plan was published in 2016 and outlined a shared vision for how Calgarians wanted the culture to shift between 2016 and 2025.

  • Over 800 Calgarians contributed through interviews, focus groups, community events and surveys.
  • Engagement included cross-departmental workshops, a cultural forum and other collaborative efforts.

Now, the Cultural Plan is evolving with an updated version for 2026-2035, which will set a new vision for the next decade. Stay tuned for more details as this project progresses throughout 2025.

What does the Cultural Plan mean for me?

  • As a Calgarian

    Having a Cultural Plan in Calgary means there is a closer connection between people who participate in the arts and the artists and arts organizations who bring you programming. Participants include everyone from audience members, eventgoers, attendees for community events, people visiting a gallery or a heritage site, and much more.

  • As an artist

    Having a Cultural Plan in Calgary means that there is a more unified vision between artists and arts organizations on where we want arts and culture to go in Calgary, and how to get there.

  • As an arts organization

    Having a Cultural Plan in Calgary means that strategic planning should be streamlined, as the goal is for the arts sector to work together to work toward a unified vision.

Strategic focus

The City of Calgary is working with community partners to implement the Cultural Plan’s vision for making Calgary a culturally vibrant city.

  • Maximize Calgary’s diversity advantage

  • Grow Calgary’s cultural sector and creative industries

  • Activate culturally vibrant neighbourhoods and districts

  • Reinvigorate centre city as the cultural heart of the city

  • Conserve and celebrate Calgary’s built, natural and Indigenous heritage

How does the Cultural Plan connect to the Civic Arts Policy?

The Cultural Plan is closely connected to The City of Calgary’s Civic Arts Policy, which is being updated in 2025:

  • Civic Arts Policy: The updated policy will provide a foundation that clarifies the value of arts and culture in Calgary, how The City supports the arts, and best practices for funding recipients.
  • Cultural Plan for Calgary (2026-2035): The Cultural Plan will turn the Civic Arts Policy into action.

In collaboration with the Cultural Leadership Council

The Cultural Leadership Council (CLC) oversees and tracks the implementation of the Cultural Plan. This group is made up of leaders representing civic, business, cultural, education and other crucial sectors.
