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Fixing missing links to connect the community

The City of Calgary is addressing missing links in a few communities to make it safer and easier to get around and connect to where people want to be. We are linking up pathways, upgrading sidewalks and crosswalks to improve safety and provide Calgarians access to higher quality pathways, walkways, and bikeways. 

Addressing the missing links in these communities:

Tarington Road N.E. - Missing sidewalk link

This project will connect a pathway along 64th Avenue N.E. to the sidewalk along Tarington Drive N.E. This will allow users to walk or roll along 64th Avenue N.E. and improve access to the off-leash area and other parts of the community.

Tarington Rd. N.E. missing sidewalk link
Tarington Rd. N.E. missing sidewalk link

Saddlelake Drive N.E. - Missing sidewalk link

This project will build a sidewalk connection along the south side of Saddlelake Drive N.E. in Saddle Ridge. This sidewalk connects to bus stops along Saddlebrook Drive for residents of the Indigo Sky development for safer and more accessible access to Calgary Transit.

Saddlelake Drive N.E. missing sidewalk link
Saddlelake Drive N.E. missing sidewalk link

Falconridge Blvd. N.E. and 64th Avenue - Missing sidewalk link

This project will add sidewalks along Falconridge Drive N.E. and 64 Avenue N.E. This will improve accessibility and safety by providing additional space and a more direct route for people who walk. 

Falconridge Blvd. N.E. missing sidewalk link
Falconridge Blvd. N.E. missing sidewalk link
64 Avenue N.E. missing sidewalk link
64 Avenue N.E. missing sidewalk link

Ogden shopping connection

This project will build a pathway to connect the park space to a sidewalk in the commercial area along 18th Street S.E. There is worn down path in the grass indicating that users want that connection from the community to the shopping area.

Ogden shopping missing connection link
Ogden shopping missing connection link

66th Avenue S.E. - Pathway access

This project will build a connection between the sidewalk along the street to the pathway in the park. Currently the pathway ends at a gravel alley and there is no easy way for people with limited mobility to access the pathway from the sidewalk. This improvement is intended to improve access to the park for people of all abilities.

66 Avenue S.E. missing pathway access
66 Avenue S.E. missing pathway access

Taravista Way N.E. - Pathway connection

This project will build a connection between the pathway in the park and the sidewalk. This sidewalk connects to a school, and under the current configuration may lead to people, including children, to walk along or on the road. This project would improve access to the school and make it safer for children to walk to school.

Taravista Way N.E. missing pathway connection
Taravista Way N.E. missing pathway connection

Project timeline

  • We expect construction to be under way by the end of June 2024.

Provide your feedback

What challenges have you faced moving through this space? Does the new sidewalk or pathway connection improve your experience? Please let us know how you use this space.

Contact us by filling out the online service request below or call 311 for assistance.

Thank you for your feedback. If you would like to suggest a location for a missing link, Please call 311 and put in a "Sidewalk Installation and Accessibility" Service Request.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this project?

This is a special program about how we use data better and as a tool to build operational improvements for mobility.

City of Calgary plans, operates, and retrofits a mobility network that is safe, affordable, inclusive and healthy. Investments are informed by citizen engagement and planned using capital prioritization processes, which have traditionally served some people and modes of travel better than others.

Our data demonstrates that weak and broken connections mean mobility barriers are prevalent in certain communities.

The program's outcome will be the construction of six projects outside the traditional process in three communities (Taradale, Ogden and Saddleridge) with inequitable mobility infrastructure that deliver quick and nimble improvements to the mobility network and user experience.  

What is the goal of the data track program?

The goal is to leverage data to create a safer, more inclusive, and healthy mobility network and document the benefits of that work. 

The program aims to address mobility barriers prevalent in certain communities by delivering quick and nimble improvements.

How are communities selected for project inclusion?

Communities are selected based on several data criteria:

  • Calgary Equity Index: This index helps identify areas with inequitable mobility infrastructure.
  • Missing Links: The program considers gaps or weak connections in the existing network.
  • Collision history: Calgary Police Service reported collision data is used to focus projects where there is a high need and improve safety and other benefits.  

What additional data is considered for individual project selection?

Infrastructure data plays a crucial role:

  • Existing/missing sidewalks, crosswalks, and pathways: Identifying gaps and areas needing improvement.
  • Grades for drainage and accessibility: Ensuring safe and accessible pathways.
  • Land ownership and potential utility conflicts: Projects will only be built on City owned land to avoid legal and practical concerns.  

What are the next steps for the program?

The data track's objective is to formalize the use of more data to make more equitable investment decisions than in the past. This practice can be leveraged to increase equitable investment for other infrastructure such as park equipment to improve the experience for Calgarians. The projects are expected to be under construction by the end of June. Depending on weather and other construction factors the work may extend slightly into July.  

Why are you asking for my feedback?

The feedback we are seeking is about how you experience the space before and after the improvement.

  • What challenges did you have moving through this space before the change was made and how you feel about it now.
  • Have you been waiting for a change like this and what is it like now that it’s there?
  • Are there other improvements in the area that would make it easier for you to use? 

Your feedback will be valuable to help us understand the public benefit and how we can improve our work.

Contact us by filling out the online service request below or call 311 for assistance.

Are these projects overlapping with the 5A network?

These connections are intended to make moving around the communities easier, including improved access to the 5A Capital projects that are planned. These projects are not happening instead of the 5A work but help to make them better.  

What is the cost of these projects?

The cost of these improvements is low relative to the benefits and the total will be manageable within existing budgets due to the small scope. 

What other improvements will The City be making in these communities?

We will also be prioritizing filling potholes, removing maze gates and adding in-street pedestrian signs.
