Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Land for non-market housing

Land for non-market housing

Normally, when The City has extra land it is sold at full price. But every two years up to 10 sites are sold at a lower price to groups that make affordable housing.

See also: Non-Market Housing Land Disposition Policy

Non-market housing land disposition program

Through the program The City has helped eight non-profit housing groups build almost 400 new affordable homes through three discounted non-market land sales.

The upcoming fourth sale aims to add a minimum of 289 additional affordable homes. Depending on the design of the buildings more may be added. For more information, visit The City of Calgary Newsroom.

forest lawn homespace
homes for heroes

Fourth non-market land disposition was announced March 2024

The City is selling five locations suitable for affordable housing.

Non-profit groups with experience building and running affordable homes were encouraged to apply.

Both phases of the application process are now closed. Applications are being assessed and sites will be awarded to the successful applicants.

Additional Funding Information

Successful applicants will be eligible for City funding through the Non-Market Housing Land Sale Funding program.  Once the selection process is complete, successful applicants are eligible to claim City financial support of up to 20% of eligible project hard costs to a maximum of $75,000 per non-market residential unit.  Eligible projects hard costs include:

Development Costs

  • Land
  • Site grading
  • Environmental remediation
  • Utility servicing – deep and shallow
  • Utility upgrades – onsite or offsite
  • Levies
  • Surface concrete work
  • Fencing
  • Landscaping
  • Street lighting
  • Bus shelter

Building Construction Costs

  • Foundation
  • Structural
  • Roofing
  • Cladding
  • Glazing
  • Exterior Envelope
  • Partitions and Doors
  • Finishes
  • Fittings and Equipment
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical

Successful applicants will be required to close on the sale of the land and enter into a Funding Agreement with the City of Calgary to formalize terms and conditions.  All development and building construction costs not directly related to the delivery of non-market residential units (i.e market rate commercial space or equivalent) will be proportionally excluded from funding support under the Non-Market Housing Land Sale Funding Program. 


A public event announcing the successful recipients of the non-market land disposition event will occur later this year following evaluation, selection, and corporate approval of the successful purchasers.

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For questions regarding the non-market land for affordable housing program, please contact us at
