Step 3: Hearing

Do you want to appear in front of the Board?
Do you want to appear in person in front of the Board?
Are you...
- Prepared to be in a room with other people?
- Able to bring a device or hardcopy of evidence?
- Able to arrive to 1212 31 Ave. N.E. before your hearing?
If Yes:
In Person Hearing
- Collect your evidence
- Combine it with page numbers for a better hearing experience
- Submit to the Electronic Disclosure Portal by the due date(s)
- Sign in at front counter & wait for clerk instruction
- Wait for your decision
If No:
See instructions for Videoconference, Teleconference, or Written Hearing
Do you want to appear on camera in front of the Board?
Do you...
- Have a computer?
- Have a microphone and camera?
- Have reliable internet connection?
If Yes:
Videoconference hearing
You will receive a link prior to the hearing.
- Collect your evidence
- Combine it with page numbers for a better hearin experience
- Submit it to the Electronic Disclosure Party by the due date(s)
- Attend hearing with camera on
- Wait for your decision
If No:
Follow steps for Teleconference hearing.
Teleconference Hearing
You will receive a phone number and access code prior to the hearing.
- Collect your evidence
- Combine it with page numbers for a better hearing experience.
- Submit it to the Electronic Disclosure Portal by the due date(s).
- Phone to attend hearing from a quiet place.
- Wait for your decision
Written hearing
- Collect your evidence
- Combine it with page numbers
- Submit it to Electronic Disclosure Portal by the due date(s)
- Wait for your decision
You can choose to have your hearing by paper only, video, phone, or in-person. If you don’t choose, your hearing will be scheduled as a videoconference.
ARB hearings are open to the public. Paper only format is done without the parties being present and is based only on written submissions. In-person, video and phone hearings are audio recorded.
The Board can’t make decisions about your tax rate or help you get City services.
For details on how hearings are conducted, see the ARB Procedural Rules. . To check the ARB hearing calendar, please log into your ePortal account.
Fourth StepNotification of decision