Plain language policy

Writing for the web is different than writing for print.

It is harder to consume. It's more difficult to read on a screen than on paper because it's tiring on the eyes. In fact, research indicates that the online reading rate is about 25 per cent slower than paper.

Reading online information doesn’t follow a linear pattern. More and more people are using search engines to find content on This means that any page could potentially be a landing page on our site. Make each page a complete package and don’t assume the user has already seen information on another page.

People scan for headings, hyperlinks, short descriptions, search results, lists and keywords or phrases that match their task at hand.

Therefore, in order for your web content to be effective, it needs to be:

  • Written in plain language and to the point (with shorter sentences and one idea per paragraph).
  • Easy to scan.
  • Complete, accurate, relevant and fresh.


Results from anti-racism consultation

  • changing any instances of "racialized" to "Racialized"
  • changing any instances of "stakeholders" to the options below:
    • Contributors
    • Partners
    • Community members
    • The community (rather than community members)
    • Calgarians
    • Participants
    • Rightsholder
    • The public
    • Directly adjacent people
    • Interested parties/people
    • Participants
    • People interested in, and impacted by, City decisions and processes.
    • People that live, work, and play in Calgary.

Plain language

Writing in plain language helps all users understand content better. Your job is to reduce the cognitive demands on your user. In other words, don't make them think too hard.

The first and most important thing to do is to remember you are an individual speaking to another individual. Imagine speaking the content out loud. While written text doesn't always need to sound like spoken text, if you're speaking content and it feels awkward, it will probably feel awkward for someone to read it.

And most of all, use common sense when writing.


  • Substitute more common words whenever you can.
    • Poor: This room has a maximum capacity of 15 people.
    • Better: This room can hold no more than 15 people.
  • Tailor your writing to those with the least expertise.
  • Avoid acronyms, including City-specific acronyms, except where necessary. When using an acronym, spell  it out on the first use.
  • Don't assume that everyone understands the words you are using — even the most basic words. For example, if you're talking about business licenses, what does "business" mean? It may mean different things to different people.


  • Active voice is easier to understand, even if it requires more words. Use the word "you" whenever it would make sense, rather than speaking in third person.
    • Poor: Registration opens on May 1.
    • Better: You can register starting on May 1.
    • Poor: Unlicensed cats and dogs can incur a $250 fine.
    • Better: If you do not license your cat or dog, you could face a $250 fine.
  • Generally refer to The City or departments in the third person, but you may use first person where it feels natural.
    • Poor: You will receive a response within 3-5 business days.
    • Better: We will respond within 3-5 business days.
    • Poor: Returning customers are encouraged to log in to make sure their information is up to date.
    • Better: We encourage returning customers to log in to make sure your information is up to date.

Organizing content

  • Make sure the purpose of the page is stated up front so that users know they're in the right place.
  • Start with the most important content.
  • Break content up by headers so users can find what they need on the page without having to read everything (see headers page)
    • Headings should be concise and lead with the most important words
  • Make paragraphs shorts, usually no more than 2-3 sentences.
  • Break content up into lists wherever it makes sense. (see lists page)
    • Usually, any time you have a list of three or more items in a sentence, it could be a  list.
    • If you have three or more links in a sentence, it should be a list.
  • Write short sentences, aiming for 15-20 words. Longer sentences may sometimes be necessary, but should be rare.
  • Only include links that are likely to be useful to users. Don't just link to everything that's related. If you have a lot of links, organize them in lists or separate sections rather than sprinkling them throughout your text.

Writing for the web

Before you even start creating a page, ask yourself, “Do I really need a web page for this?”. People visit websites for content they think (or hope) is there. They want information that:

  • Answers a question or helps them complete a task.
  • Is easy to find and understand.
  • Is accurate, up-to-date and credible.

Put the important information first

Describe what the page is about, if not fully clear from the title. Most people won't read the whole page, so the most important information should be in the first sentences. Use mostly short, one- or two-sentence paragraphs. For example, the Pet Ownership & Licensing page explains in the first paragraph that licenses are for cats and dogs, so if the user has a pet bunny, they'll see that and know they don't need to keep reading.

Break up your content

Only address one topic per page. Break up large, long content pages into smaller ones.

While short page lengths help users understand content and find what they need more quickly, you don't want to force them to click through multiple pages to get all the content they need if it would make more sense on one page.

Aim for 600 words or less on a single page. If your page needs to be longer, make sure to use headings to split up the content into easy-to-digest chunks. Most people don’t read online, they scan. Users scan for headings, hyperlinks, short descriptions, lists and keywords or phrases that match their task at hand. You need to make sure these things are present and properly organized so that people can find what they need on a page.

Mobile visitors may be viewing your website from a small screen, so that makes it even more important to have these navigational aids so that users can get to the content they're looking for.

Tone and voice

The City of Calgary’s writing style is conversational. It helps to remember that we’re communicating in a friendly manner with citizens, not at them. So, we write in a similar fashion to the way people speak. Write as if speaking directly to one person only: One person logged onto the website, one pair of eyes reading that newspaper or watching that television message.

Some tips for speaking in a conversational tone:

  • Review for windy, outdated or repetitive language: Omit words like: “a total of”, “absolutely”, “extremely”, “in due course”, etc. 
  • Use contractions: Use to the degree that it is appropriate to the audience and circumstance. Use "we’re" ... rather than "we are," "we’ll" ... rather than "we shall" or "we will", "that’s" ... rather than "that is."
  • Use informal language: Words such as "of the" often can be replaced by a more informal simple plural, or an apostrophe followed by an "s" to indicate ownership. "The road's surface" ... rather than "surface of the road," "community leaders ..." rather than "leaders of the community."
  • Always use plain language, to make sure that you'll be understood. 
  • Avoid using City acronyms: Few Calgarians know City-generated acronyms. If you can't avoid using one, spell the term out in full on the first use followed by the acronym in parentheses — the information instructed citizens to apply to the Assessment Review Board (ARB) to appeal an assessment.


A few web-specific style tips to increase accessibility for users with disabilities:

  • When writing hashtags, capitalize the first letter of each word. For vision impaired users using a screenreader, this allows the screenreader to read it properly.
    • Wrong: #canadaday
    • Correct: #CanadaDay
  • Never use generic text like "read more" or "click here" on links, as screenreader users will not necessarily know the context of surrounding text. Link text should describe what's behind the link.

Do I need multiple pages?

There should only be one topic or sub topic per page. If splitting content into multiple pages, you should have a main page that introduces the content, and secondary pages for background and related information.

Quick tips

  • Follow the Canadian Press Stylebook standards for all writing and editing. The City Style Guide is used for specific standards on communicating City services and activities.
  • You must use “The City” instead of the specific business unit whenever possible. A citizen looking for a service or product may not necessarily care or even know about which business unit provides it.
  • Don't use emojis on web pages. Not everyone understands what a particular emoji may mean, so your message can get lost or misunderstood.

Titles and headings

Headings group related content and help users find the information they are looking for on a page. Headings help users scan the page and find the information they need. It's easier to understand the content if it's broken up into chunks. For vision impaired users who are using a screen reader, titles and headings help them easily get to the part of the content they want without having to listen to the entire page. Search engines also benefit from headings, as they tell the search engines what is on a page and what is important. 

The title of a page tells a user what content is on the page, and that they have found the information they are seeking (ex. Recreation facilities). Titles should be concise, powerful, and descriptive of what your page is about. The title should be unique to the page, and  clearly distinguished from pages with similar or related content.

Writing titles and headings

Your page title and headings are a key part of your content. Put thought into writing good headings, and don't leave them as an afterthought.

  • Use three to five descriptive keywords – words people are likely to search for
  • Start the heading with the most important words
  • Write headings and titles in sentences case. Only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
  • Each heading should accurately describe the content in the section. People may only be scanning subheadings to find what they need.
  • If your heading doesn't seem to cover only one topic, you may need to break up the section and use subheadings.

Heading levels

  • Heading 1 <h1> is for the title at the top of the page. This is the only time this heading is used.
  • Heading 2 <h2> is for subheadings within the page to break the content into chunks that can be easily scanned and consumed. Most pages will only use the <h2> level.
  • Heading 3 <h3> subheadings can go within those sections, then Heading 4 <h4> if needed. Only use lower levels for content within and related to a higher level.



  • Aquatic & Fitness Centres – Swimming Pools


  • Swimming pool locations
  • What’s happening at our pools
  • Find swimming programs

Identity matrix

The identity matrix is a City of Calgary tool to help communication planners decide on the tone of a particular message and how closely communication materials should adhere to certain corporate standards.

The Creative Services team works with business unit clients to determine where a project fits on the identity matrix, which shapes style and content. These audience guidelines are flexible enough to accommodate communications ranging from the formality of legal public notices to the informality of skateboard park posters.

Whenever appropriate, strategic corporate messaging should be integrated into tactical communication pieces. This involves key messages, phrases and reinforcing Council priority items and/or corporate goals. All strategic messages should be communicated in terms of their relevance to the target audience, and should never be self-serving.

Using the identity matrix as a guide will create  crossover benefits of coordinated messaging both internally and externally.

Common to all quadrants

The copy must:

  • Be friendly, jargon-free and audience-appropriate.
  • Be concise with a maximum of three short sentences per paragraph.
  • Be inclusive rather than exclusive, using personal pronouns like “we” and "you".
  • Use connecting words and phrases to draw readers through the copy..

Informational-Wide audience

Should be institutional and formal, a straightforward, explanatory and neutral presentation of information. Words and images used should be concrete, direct, factual and jargon-free.

Pronouns should be first-person plural (we) speaking directly to (you) second-person singular or plural. Contractions may be used and some continuity techniques (so, but, and) are permissible.

In print, headlines should express a complete thought, with subheads to break up copy blocks and aid comprehension and retention. Wherever appropriate, contact information should be included.

Informational-Niche audience

Should be appropriate to the target market while maintaining a strong corporate base. Words and images should be compelling and meaningful to the target audience, while respectful of the corporate persona. Corporate jargon must be avoided; all messaging must be written in street-speak. The only appropriate jargon or buzz words are used by members of the target group themselves. Such language or imagery may be an appropriate way to make a connection with the audience.

Pronouns should be first-person plural (we) speaking directly to (you) second-person singular or plural. Contractions may be used and some continuity techniques (so, but, and) would be helpful.

All messages should open with an identifier – a statement or call for attention that the target audience can immediately recognize. Contact information should be included with all messages. Copy blocks should be short and divided by subheads, encouraging the reader to move through the copy.

Motivational-Wide audience

Present the selling/convincing arguments from the top down, beginning with the most powerful point and repeating this point at the end of the message. Words should be informal and conversational. Images should be emotional and personal.

Use the pronouns we and you with your family, your community and other personal connections where appropriate. The use of contractions is encouraged and continuity techniques (so, but, and) are essential.

Copy blocks should be short and paragraphs kept to two or three sentences. Headlines may call for action supported by a reason why. Copy subheads should be crafted as at-a-glance persuaders.

Motivational-Niche audience

Present selling/convincing arguments based on what is meaningful to the specific target audience. Words and images should be informal, personal and appropriate to the target audience.

Use the pronouns we and you with other personal connections wherever appropriate. Contractions and continuity techniques (so, but, and) guide the reader through the content.

Copy blocks should be short and conversational and paragraphs kept to two or three sentences. Headlines may call for action supported by a reason why. Copy subheads tell the message even if the reader skims the heads and subheads.

Additional writing tips


  • Substitute more common words whenever you can.
  • Tailor your writing to those with the least expertise.
  • Use an active voice, even if it requires more words. Use the word "you" whenever it would make sense, rather than speaking in third person.
  • Generally, refer to The City or departments in the third person, but you may use first person where it feels natural.
  • State the purpose of the page up front so that users know they're in the right place.
  • Start with the most important content.
  • Break content up by headers 
  • Make paragraphs shorts, usually no more than 2-3 sentences.
  • Break content up into lists wherever it makes sense. 
  • Write short sentences, aiming for 15-20 words. 


  • Don't use acronyms, including City-specific acronyms, except where necessary. When using an acronym, spell it out on the first use.
  • Don't assume that everyone understands the words you are using — even the most basic words. For example, if you're talking about business licenses, what does "business" mean? It may mean different things to different people.
  • Don't link to everything that's related. If you have a lot of links, organize them in lists or separate sections rather than sprinkling them throughout your text.
  • Avoid overused, tired, outdated, or repetitive words.
    • See windy or outdated phrases to get an idea of what to look out for.
    • Avoid over-used or cliché expressions such as "We are committed to..."
  • You don't need to follow all the rules you learned in English class. Real human speech is not always as formal.