Appeal Board Administration

The City of Calgary provides the financial and human resources necessary to support the operations of the Calgary Appeal Boards, including support staff, remuneration for board members, facilities, equipment, information technology and external independent legal counsel. The City Clerk is the clerk for the SDAB and is ultimately responsible and accountable for the management of the budget, support and resources of the Calgary Appeal Board section.

Support staff work with the Board to ensure that their operations are as open, accessible and impartial as possible. Some support staff roles include:

  • Ensuring compliance with the various legislation that govern the Board.
  • Receiving, reviewing and processing all appeals and associated fees.
  • Notifying all parties of appeal dates and times including submission deadlines.
  • Ensuring that documents submitted by all parties are assembled in a report prepared for review by the Boards and the parties.
  • Assisting in preparing a record of the proceedings of the hearing.
  • Distributing Board decisions once signed by the Presiding Chairs.
  • Maintaining the Board’s websites and other communication vehicles.
  • Providing the courts required records of the hearing upon appeal.
  • Working with the Board to facilitate and present learning and development opportunities for members.