Ward 1 - Sonya Sharp

South Shaganappi Communities Local Area Plan amendments

Councillor Sharp's amendments to the South Shaganappi Communities Local Area Plan

At the Feb. 12, 2025, Infrastructure and Planning Committee meeting, Councillor Chabot brought forward several amendments on behalf of Councillor Sharp, who was unable to do so as the meeting Chair. These amendments focused on refining development guidelines in specific areas of Varsity and Dalhousie to better reflect community concerns. The committee passed all amendments with a 4-3 vote.


Varmoor Road NW adjustments

  • Changed the designation from "Neighbourhood Connector" to "Neighbourhood Local" along Varmoor Road NW.
  • Added new development guidelines between 32 Avenue NW and Varmoor Road NW, ensuring that:
    • Public spaces along both roadways are improved.
    • Sidewalk connections are provided on both roadways.
    • Vehicular access is limited to Varmoor Road NW.
    • Waste and recycling are contained within buildings or enclosures.
    • Pedestrian pathways are integrated between the two roadways.

Valparaiso Place NW adjustments

  • Changed the designation from "Neighbourhood Connector" to "Neighbourhood Local" on Valparaiso Place NW.
  • Reduced the maximum building height from 4 storeys to 3 storeys.
  • Removed Valparaiso Place NW from the Dalhousie Transition Zone to maintain lower-density development

Varsity Estates Link & Varsity Estates Grove NW adjustments

  • Changed the designation from "Neighbourhood Connector" to "Neighbourhood Local" on Varsity Estates Link NW and Varsity Estates Grove NW.
  • Reduced the maximum building height from 4 storeys to 3 storeys in these areas.
  • Updated wording to ensure consideration of shadowing impacts on neighbouring properties and parks.

Varsity Estates Village height reduction

  • Reduced the maximum building height at 5200 – 53 Avenue NW (Varsity Estates Village) from 12 storeys to 6 storeys to align with community feedback and surrounding development.

Next steps

The South Shaganappi Communities Local Area Plan and Councillor Sharp's amendments still need to go to a Public Hearing on March 4, 2025, for final approval. 

Residents who want to share their thoughts can speak at the Public Hearing or submit written feedback to ensure their voices are heard in the decision-making process. Councillor Sharp is only one vote, so it is important for you to have the opportunity to speak before other Councillors and share your insight. You can find more details at calgary.ca/publichearing .
