Ward 1 - Sonya Sharp

Calgary Climate Strategy - Councillor Sharp's remarks

Councillor Sharp's remarks on the Climate Strategy

On July 5, 2022, Calgary City Council approved the Climate Strategy - Pathways to 2050. Councillor Sharp, along with six other Councillor's, voted against the Climate Strategy.

Councillor Sharp's thoughts

Council declaring a climate emergency was one of our first acts as a Council and a symbolic gesture. Councillor Sharp had concerns about the use of the word “emergency” that she expressed during her debate, and asked if some points of the motion could be called separately – The Mayor would not allow this. There was no immediate new spending, or new programs as a result of the motion.

Councillor Sharp supported the climate emergency declaration only, she did not support adopting Council’s climate strategy. It is important to her that The City’s work on climate initiatives, but not at the expense of Calgarians’ wellbeing, especially given the challenges Calgarian’s are facing with affordability.

While Councillor Sharp believes that it is important to address climate change--both as an issue in its own and to ensure that Calgary remains competitive--the strategy presented to Council amounts to an aspirational document with no specifics on costs, sources of funding, or practicalities. A strategy of this magnitude needed greater detail on costs and implementation. There was not adequate and realistic details presented to Council and the public, therefore Councillor Sharp ultimately opposed the strategy.    


At the November 15, 2021, Combined Meeting of Council, Councillor Sharp introduced a motion to amend the climate declaration by replacing the word 'emergency' with the phrase 'a call to action to accelerate the Climate Resiliency Strategy.' Unfortunately the motion was defeated. Councillors Chu, Sharp, McLean, Chabot, and Wong supported the motion, while Councillors Carra, Demong, Spencer, Walcott, Pootmans, Wyness, Mian, Penner, Dhaliwal, and Mayor Gondek opposed it.

Councillor Sharp's question of Administration for the Climate Strategy

Councillor Sharp's Notice of Motion debate for the declaration of Climate Emergency
