In 2024, I will be hosting a Town Hall in EACH community over the course of the year.
Crossroads volunteered to be the first to facilitate.
Check out the schedule below to see when you can join us at yours!

GamePLAN is a public engagement and research initiative to support the development of a long-term vision and strategy for public recreation in Calgary. It will result in a long-term strategic vision that will shape the City's approach to delivering inclusive, equitable and sustainable recreation services over the next 10 to 30 years.
GamePlan will guide future business planning and investment, shape policy and the City's approach to service, and inform strategies for advancing the goals of sustainability, inclusion, accessibility and equity.
Help reimagine public recreation in Calgary. Say what is important to you by January 31 at calgary.ca/gameplan

The City of Calgary is updating plans that will shape the Calgary of the future and make sure our city keeps on being a great place to live. As our city’s population approaches two million, we must prepare to support this growth. The City Building program will align and strengthen our plans and tools to create a place where every Calgarian can thrive.
The Calgary Plan will merge the Municipal Development Plan with the Calgary Transportation Plan to guide the way we move and use land across the city The new Zoning Bylaw (currently the Land Use Bylaw) will simplify the rules that govern the use of land and the form of buildings in the city. The new Street Manual (currently the Complete Streets Policy & Guide) will provide updated direction for the design of Calgary’s streets to support safe travel options for all Calgarians.
All three of these documents will be created based on public feedback, existing policies, Council priorities, partnering with the Indigenous community, and extensive consultation with subject matter experts and interested parties. This effort will impact every Calgarian for the next 30 years.
The second phase of engagement will focus on the initial proposed direction of the Calgary Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and Street Manual. All Calgarians are invited to share their input, either in person or online, from Jan. 29 to March 3. Learn more and participate at calgary.ca/citybuilding

Calgary’s river valleys are essential to our city - they're at the core of our city’s identity and its appeal as a place to live, work and play. As Calgary is vulnerable to flooding, making careful decisions about how we plan, develop and build in the floodplain is fundamental to protecting and enhancing the value of our river valleys while strengthening our overall resilience to the impacts of flooding. With the province’s recent release of draft updated Flood Hazard Area maps reflecting the latest understanding of flood risk across Alberta and a new approach to flood hazard area zones, it’s now up to municipalities to decide how to develop and regulate in these areas. The City is planning for the future of our river valleys, including our flood hazard areas, through the Calgary River Valleys Project, which will shape how we plan, develop and build in our river valleys. Your input on how we make decisions on the use, conservation and development of our river valleys and communities is important. This month, we’re talking to Calgarians about the future of our floodplain policies and regulations. Visit calgary.ca/RiverValleys to join the conversation. |
Categories: Newsletters