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Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Transparency policies for Members of Council


In 2013, Calgary City Council passed two new policies aimed at mandating increased transparency from Council Members; the Ethical Conduct Policy for Members of Council, and the Gifts and Benefits Policy for Members of Council.

The former established ethical conduct standards for Council members in interactions with the public, all City employees, contractors, council staff and all Members of Council. As part of this policy, Members of Council are expected to disclose a quarterly list of external visitors to The City (excluding Media), with whom they or their assistants have met in their offices. The policy includes all meetings at City Hall other than those with City staff. The Ethical Conduct Policy also mandates that Councillor’s disclose expenses paid out of their ward budgets. It came into effect on July 1st of 2013.

The latter provides Council Members with a clear process to report gifts and benefits that it is common for them to receive in acting out their duties of office. For the sake of accountability and transparency, it is important to show that no individual or organization influence, or perceive to influence, Council activities in exchange for gifts and benefits.

In 2010, I ran on the notion of bringing accountability, cost control, and transparency to City Hall, and that is what I intend to do. These policies are a huge step in the right direction, and I have no issue sharing my activities as a Councillor with the world.

As of today, you will be able to find a link to the list all of my public disclosures on the transparency page​ of this website.​

Categories: Motions and Initiatives
