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Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Notice of motion: Employment positions



First brought to Council: March 9, 2015

Outcome: Carried

The price of oil is still low. In an ideal world that wouldn’t have such a negative impact on our economy, but right now it does. Jobs in the private sector continue to be under the microscope. The Federal and Provincial Governments continue to warn that budgets will be tight, and they can have a profound impact on the City of Calgary.

The will of City Council is that there will be no savings through the suspension of public art funding. Nevertheless, City Council, City Administration, the Media, and the Public are now having a serious discussion about what sacrifices can be made at City Hall while the citizens of Calgary make sacrifices of their own. The message that some of us understand the new reality is starting to get across, and it seems like a real search for savings is underway.

But the City of Calgary needs to dig deeper for savings, and that is why Councillor Peter Demong brought a motion asking Administration to do exactly that.

View the Notice of Motion​​


Categories: Motions and Initiatives
