Ward 14 - Peter Demong

April 2021 Newlsetter

Hi Ward 14!

In April, I generally start to write about different things. I write about things that concern Spring, and the change to warmer weather. Calgary is beautiful all year but is it ever nice to think about the summer to come. Don’t you agree?

Storm drains in your community

Now is the time when our storm drains are really put to the test. Storm drains (or catchbasins) are a part of Calgary's stormwater system. There are about 60,000 storm drains in Calgary working to drain water and melting snow off sidewalks, streets and roads.

Keep your storm drains free and clear of snow, leaves and debris

If it's safe and possible to do, remove debris or snow blocking the drain. Create a channel if need be, to facilitate water flow. 

Pooled water on your street

In communities built after 1990, The City installs devices in the storm drain to control how fast water flows into the system. During and after a rainfall event, these devices allow water to pool on the road (usually in a depression or low spot, called a Trap Low), until the stormwater system can accept the extra water.

Take a picture

If the storm drain remains submerged for more than 90 minutes or you cannot safely clear ice and snow away, take a photo and submit it via the 311 App or a web request.  This way, our crews can prioritize and respond promptly.

For more information on storm drains and to locate the closest one to you, visit calgary.ca/stormdrains

YYC Tree Workshops: Pests & Disease

The annual City of Calgary tree workshops hosted by Parks is moving from in-person events to free, online live events due to COVID-19 restrictions.

In April an online tree workshop focusing on pest and disease in trees will be held on three dates and is free for citizens to attend. The workshop will cover what the common tree diseases are in Calgary, what they look like, what treatments can be used and where to go for more information. This is a beginner course, with an opportunity to ask questions about your trees and overall tree health.  

The workshops will be approximately 1.5 hours in length and will feature a live Q&A session at the end with a ISA certified City of Calgary Urban Forestry Technician to offer advice and answer any tree related questions or concerns.

Pre-registration is required. If you would like to attend, visit calgary.ca/treeworkshops to register. The link to the workshop will be emailed to participants two days prior to the program date. Workshops will also be recorded and available to view on the website at a later date.

Adopt-a-Park 2021

The City of Calgary, in partnership with TD Friends of the Environment, is reviving the Adopt-a-Park program. This program provides opportunities for Calgarians to volunteer as a steward in local parks or greenspaces. Available opportunities include grooming/maintaining shrub beds or playground areas and park and green space litter cleanups.

No special skills are needed to be an Adopt-A-Park steward, and volunteers will be matched to park projects that suit their interests. Calgary Parks will support volunteers by providing tools, materials and instruction.

The Adopt-A-Park program will start in May 2021 (weather dependent) and will run until September 2021. Volunteers can choose how often they would like to work in the parks and green spaces based on how much time they can spare. For example, some citizens pick up litter or watch for vandalism throughout the year, while others help with special projects that fit their schedule.

Whatever work is done for the Adopt-A-Park program, citizens who volunteer make a big difference to help care for the natural surroundings in and around our city.

Calgary Parks is waiting for the chance to work with volunteers to help ensure our parks continue to thrive for years to come! Sign up now at calgary.ca/volunteer.


Feel free to contact me any time. The best way to contact me is by visiting calgary.ca/contactward14.

-Councillor Peter Demong

Categories: Newsletter
