Ward 3 - Jasmine Mian
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New Website - Jasminemian.ca
I have a new website to keep you informed on what is happening in Ward 3 as well as what I'm working on. Please visit jasminemian.ca
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11 articles found.
November 21, 2021
Council will be discussing adjustments to the 2022 budget beginning on November 22.
November 16, 2021
Please read my November Ward 3 update where I discuss the Vivo expansion, Climate Emergency, and water fluoridation.
November 15, 2021
The City is investing in the construction of new interchanges along Stoney Trail. Significant growth in North Calgary has led to increased population and traffic. Learn more about this project that will improve traffic flows.
November 9, 2021
Thank you, residents of Ward 3. I'm honoured and excited to have been elected as your Ward 3 City Councillor.
Council agendas and minutes

View Council and committee meeting agendas and minutes with links to reports and video.
City services: 311

The City's online system makes it easy to request a broad range of City services from fixing a pothole to finding information on garbage pickup 24 hours a day. More about 311 Calgary