December 2021 Newsletter

Hello Ward 6!
I would like to express my gratitude for being able to represent Ward 6 again! It has been a busy month since swearing-in day. There has been a lot to catch up on within Ward 6, in addition to our Councillor Orientation and getting to know some new colleagues.
In this monthly newsletter I have included information on how to contact my office, Ward 6 community maps, read up on Engage updates including: declaration of climate change, Council adjustments to 2022 Service Plans and Budgets, fluoride, how to support local businesses, and much more.

Ward 6 Office Contact Information
I was fortunate to hire experienced and knowledgeable individuals to be part of the Ward 6 team whom all previously worked in the Office of the Councillor’s for 4-8 years. I know that you will be well served with them and they will help me greatly in the office. Here are contacts to my office:
Calendar: Shannon Martel, Executive Assistant,; 403-268-1646
Community Concerns: Ralph Smith, Community Assistant,; 403-268-1035
Communications: Suzy Trottier, Communications Liaison,; 403-268-1380
The Ward 6 Team looks forward to advocating for your issues, helping you collaborate with the various departments within The City of Calgary, and representing you in committee and council meetings as required.

Making Our Roads Safer
The number one concern the Ward 6 office receives from residents is street safety. Our City Roads department has been hard at work to help implement some safety measures. Here are just a few of the projects that will soon be complete:
- Permanent Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) at 9 Ave & 81 Street,
- Temporary Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) at Sirocco Dr & Signal Hill Heights
- ISlow installation on Coach Hill Road (by the soccer fields/softball diamond)
We want to hear from you! The city has a new pilot policy aiming to make neighbourhood streets safer. Please take a few minutes to fill out the Neighbourhood Street Pilot public engagement questions-

Westbrook Communities LAP
The Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning project includes the communities of: Wildwood, Spruce Cliff, Westgate, Rosscarrock, Shaganappi, Glendale, Killarney/ Glengarry, Glenbrook and the portions of Upper Scarboro/Sunalta West and Richmond which are west of Crowchild Trail.
Through the local growth planning process, we’ll work together to create a future vision for how land could be used and redeveloped in the area. To attend engagement sessions and for more information, visit Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning Project | Engage (
Detailed Community Map
Have you ever needed a detailed map of your community but haven’t found an easily downloadable one? We now have them available! Click here to download your community map, Ward 6 map and even a map of the whole city! Ward and community map (

Water Fluoridation Reinstatement
I was happy to advocate for 64% of my Ward 6 constituents, and 62% of Calgarians, who voted in favour of reintroducing fluoride back into our municipal water. Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens tooth structure, prevents decay, and even reverses some decay. At the level of 0.7 parts per million, fluoridation safely reduces dental decay by approximately 25%. Dental decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood.
On December 1, 2020, the Utilities and Environmental Protection department delivered a report to the Priorities and Finance Committee stating that the cost of fluoridation reinstatement would not require an increase in water utility rates. The costs were estimated to be $30.1 million for twenty years, plus up to $4 million dollars for maintenance. That would cost each Calgarian $1.32 per year!
I opposed to remove fluoride in 2011. Calgarians have told us three times that they want fluoridation. I am happy that Council has honored the will of the people by reinstating this important public health measure. Implementation of Fluoride is set to be in the municipal water in 18-24 months. For more information Fluoride in Calgary's water

State of Climate Emergency
Council has declared a state of climate emergency. This commits Calgary to net-zero emissions by 2050 which is in line with the Energy Industry. I am supportive of the initiative because I feel this is our future – staying at the forefront of technology and innovation, and finding new energy supplies, products and services. This initiative, which includes mitigating emission levels, is a trillion dollar opportunity.
The initiative in no way diminishes my support of the oil & gas industry, and I will continue to back this important pillar of our community to the utmost of my ability. New technologies for energy production, e.g. hydrogen, will emerge, and this will help Calgary remain a top 5 international centre for quality of life, which in turn will attract to the City the talent we seek to sustain and grow our energy industry. I was pleased to discuss these ideas with several industry and energy leaders at a recent industry breakfast, and they were very supportive of the initiative. City Administration said it would be a year before the costs on capital and operating budgets will be known. For more information please visit:
Calgary Climate Emergency Declaration:
Climate Program Website:
Climate Strategy Update landing page:
Climate Strategy Update Virtual Information Session Registration: Eventbrite

2022 Adjustments to the One Calgary Service Plans and Budgets
The 2022 Adjustments strike a balance between strategic savings and critical investments, and result in a 2022 tax rate increase of 3.87 per cent. There will also be freezes or decreases to specific user fees in 2022, such as freezes to blue, black, and green cart rates, and reductions to building safety and development approval base fees.
Demand for our services remains high, our population is growing, and inflation is rising. We continue to offer the essential services that all citizens need and expect, especially the most vulnerable groups.
This is one of the reasons I supported the Police budget increase, which will allow CPS to hire 38 additional staff on top of the 60 new positions already approved for 2022. The new hires will include 13 new police officers, while the rest will be civilian positions. An overwhelming number of constituents told me that police presence was a matter of great importance to them. Residents want “boots on the ground”, and protection for their homes and families. I feel this is a perfect fit for what I think the people I represent were looking for.
Specific tax rate impacts will vary by property type depending on the assessed value of a home or business, as well as next year’s provincial tax rate, which will be finalized in the first half of 2022. For more information, please visit

Snow Angel Program
The City and the Ward 6 office encourages you to look out for one another now that snow season is here. Clearing snow on sidewalks can be quite challenging for those with limited mobility.
- To be a Snow Angel, all you have to do is adopt a sidewalk and keep it clear when it snows. Watch for people in your neighbourhood who could use help removing snow and lend them a hand.
- Recognize your Snow Angel: Has someone kept your sidewalk clear for you this winter? Visit to print a certificate of thanks from The City of Calgary or contact 311 to have one mailed to you to give to your angel.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas
The Ward 6 team and I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas. May this holiday season and the new year bring your family health, happiness, and prosperity. 2022 will be a remarkable year as we work together for a better Calgary.
This holiday season, "support local", and find the gift ideas you want. Ward 6 is home to many incredible small businesses. Please send us your favorite businesses that you purchase your gifts from this season. We hope to compile a list to put on our website and share with all of you.
Are you a local business? Click here for #SupportLocalYYC marketing toolkit Support Local (
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